Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 51 - What You All Want

Francis ran after Silvia, he was feeling restless about what had happened. He was worried that something bad might happened to Silvia and the baby from stressing over what had happened.

He looked everywhere for her but could not find her anywhere. He checked the room but she was no there. He ran to the garden and checked there too but she was not there. Everywhere he checked he couldn't find her and that made him even angrier. He took deep breaths to calm down but his fear of losing both Silvia and his child.

"Are you okay Francis?" Alexander asked him noticing his worried expression. He had come to find them and to apologize for the mistake and problem that he had caused earlier.

"Didn't I ask you to stay far away from me?" Francis asked him angrily.

"I just.."

"Just nothing Alex. There is nothing that you can say that I would want to hear. And let me tell you something that you had told me before. I don't want to listen to you so leave," he said and left to look for his wife.

"Where are you going? At least tell me what had happened that you look so worried?" he asked him.

"Why do you care?"

"I can help," he said to him but Francis just smirked. "Like you help me three months ago by throwing me out of your life or when you ordered me to marry someone else?" he asked him recalling the bitter memories.

He left Alexander and went away, his tears were flowing from his eyes nonstop and however much he tried to wipe them they wouldn't stop falling. He felt so broken after meeting Alexander again after these past few months.


Silvia ran away from there, she went in the direction she felt suffocated in the palace and wanted to get some fresh air. She rushed to make a corner with tears blocking her visage making her ran into someone. She fell back to the floor.

She wiped her tears and took the hand that offered to help her back up. She got up and thanked the person and started walking away.

"Wait," she heard the queen's mother say and stopped. She turned around and waited to hear what she had to say. The queen's mother went to her side and took her hands and held them in hers. She gave Silvia a warm smile that acted as a comfort to the pain in her heart.

"My dear, I'm glad that I ran into you. I was about to come to see you myself," she said.

Silvia hugged her and took comfort in her arms. She wished that she could tell her about all her problems and lift the weight on her shoulders. She wrapped her hands around the queen's mother.

"It's okay my love. I am always here for you," the queen's mother said and rubbed her back gently to comfort her.

"Thank you," she told to her.

"I need a favor from you. Come let's talk in my room," she said and helped her walk to the room. The servants walked behind them and followed them to the room. The queen's mother helped her to a seat in her room. She gave her a glass of water and sat by her.

"What did you want to ask me for? What is the favor that you want?" she inquired.

"You know that I have always considered you my daughter. I love you very much and I want to see you happy," the Queen's mother said bringing a smile to Silvia's heart. She was an orphan and it felt nice to have her say that to her. She couldn't help but feel happy.

"I love you too and you are like a mother to me too," she confessed.

"If that is the case then I was thinking about something. As you well know Alexander and Francis love each other so much. I know that differences might occur between lovers and it might push them far away from each other. But that doesn't mean that they should stay like that forever," she told.

Silvia's mood went from better to worse once again. She didn't understand why everyone won't just leave her alone and why they sort to remind her that her husband was in love with someone else. Can't they just pity her heart, she was only human and her heart could only take so much in a day.

"That is why I think that you should help me unite Francis and Alexander," she said causing Silvia to look at her with disbelief in her eyes. "The two of them love each other so much. And this will be good for you too. We can find you a good man that will love and respect you a lot," she added.

"I don't think that I can do that," Silvia uttered and got up to leave. She had enough of listening to the queen mother talk of Francis's and Alexander's great love story that remains incomplete.

"I understand that you think that you can't but dear we can at least try. I can't seem to see Alexander so sad and you are my daughter and I know that you care about Francis and Alexander and you would also like them to live happily ever after," she said to her. "Then help me. Or at least think about it."

Silvia left the queens room. Her heart was in a much worse condition than seeing Francis kiss Alexander. The queen mother's words kept ringing in her ears as she walked down the hall. More and more tears flowed from her eyes.

"She says that I am like a daughter to her but my happiness doesn't even matter to her. All she cares about is Alex. What kind of mother would ever ask their daughter to leave their husband for someone else? What kind of mother doesn't even ask her daughter's opinion before deciding what is she wants in life?" she asked herself filled with anger.

She walked the distance filled with anger from everything that had happened since morning. First, she got lectures by a shameless woman like Olivia, and then she witnessed her husband who she loved so much in the arms of another man. To top it all up the Queen's mother just spoke to her about her plans to bring her marriage to an end.

She knew too well that it didn't matter if she helped her or not. Now that she had put her mind to it that she wants to reunite Francis and Alexander then she will go ahead with the plans with or without her help.

It broke her heart to see the people she once considered family tries to take the family, from her. Her hopes and dreams laid with her family, they meant the world to her. She couldn't imagine what her life would be like if she lost Francis.

She felt betrayed and cheated by Francis, the queen-mother, and Alexander. They all were responsible for everything that was happening and the pain she was feeling. She has always been good to them and faithful to all her relationships but the ones she treated so well were the same people stabbing her in the back and destroying her life.

She dropped to the ground when her knees could no longer support her. She gripped her dress tightly and screamed at the top of her voice. Alexander and Francis heard her scream and ran in her direction.

Olivia, Mordecai, and the queen's mother also heard it and left what they were doing to go and check what was wrong. Malia and her aunt Celeste were not around as they were taking a tour of the kingdom.

They all arrived at the same time to where Silvia sat. Francis rushed to her side to help her but she pushed him away.

"Silvia, you should relax, please. It isn't good for the baby if you are this worried," he said helping her stand up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't take into consideration the fact that I was carrying a child before breaking down. After all, I am just the woman whose womb you have taken on rent to carry the symbol of your revenge at Alex," she let out angrily.

"Silvia I.."

"You what? Am I wrong? I bear no value in your life other than the fact that my womb is on rent to house your child. Why would you care for me otherwise?"

"It isn't his fault Silvi. I am to blame, I was the one.."

"The one who decided to get the two of us married. The one who decided to separate with him and the one who said that you wanted to do justice by me. Well, is this your idea of justice?" She questioned angrily.

"Silvia, what is this all about?" the Queen Mother asked confused.

"What is this all about? How about the fact that you say that I am like a daughter to you and yet you aren't even ashamed to ask me to give my husband to another man. Tell me is this what a mother does? Break one family just to see the other happy. You didn't even consider that I am pregnant for him before you asked me that, tell me how am I supposed to live after you get what you want?"


"Every single one of you has only thought about yourselves. No one has thought about me and how your decisions affect me and I am tired.. Let me give you all that you want" she said and jumped from through the window of the third floor of the palace.

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