Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 52 - Reuniting Francis And Alexander (part One)

Everyone remained frozen in their spot, they weren't quick enough to react to Silvia jumping off the building like that. Francis blinked a few times to get back to his senses. He quickly jumped after her.

On seeing this Alexander jumped after Francis and caught him before he could hit the ground. In his dragon form, he was able to save Francis before he fell to his end. Francis looked around but his wife was nowhere to be seen. He asked Alexander to set him down and he proceeded to search around for Silvia.

"Where did she go?" he asked when he wasn't able to catch a trace of her.

Alexander transformed back into his human form and he too tried to look for Silvia. The girl was nowhere to be seen and they had no idea where she could have gone to.

"Annak," Alexander called out and a young girl appeared next to him. "Where is Silvia?" he asked her.

Annak got to work and used his magic to find Silvia, she could trace very powerful magic in the air that had the same signature as Francis's magic. So since Francis was not the one who cast the spell it was evident that his unborn child did. She found that she was teleported safely back to her room.

"She is in her room, the child in her womb used its magic to save her," she informed them and left.

The queen's mother heard this and immediately left to go see her. She had a few things to discuss with Silvia that required some privacy.

She was sure that there was a way to convince her to agree and help him unite the two lovers who can't stop yearning for each other's love.

She wore a bright smile on her face when she thought of the perfect way to convince Silvia to agree to her request. She rushed in her steps to reach faster, she didn't waste time knocking and walked right into the room.

Silvia was lying on the bed facing the ceiling, tears flowed down from the sides of her eyes. She was thinking about everything that was going on in her life and what she meant to those she considered her friends and family.

"Silvi my dear," the queen's mother called to her in a very sweet manner. I am glad that you are resting. You need all the rest you can get in your condition," she said taking a seat next to the girl. She placed her hands on Silvia's hair and massaged her.

"I have been thinking about your complaint on my way here and I think I have a solution," she continued but Silvia remained silent and didn't say anything to her. Just then the door opened with Francis and Alexander walking into the room. They stood by the bed and watched the girl who didn't even bother to look at them.

The Queen mother looked happy that the two of them were there, she didn't want to have to repeat all that she was about to say to Silvia to them later on so it was good that they had come and could hear it directly.

"I think that you can become Francis's surrogate. After all, the two of you share no intimate relationship and the child is just a symbol of his magic. There is no need to fret about the issue. Francis and Alexander can both just raise the child as their own once it is born and he can be the younger prince of Arimelari," The queen's mother said.

Alex and Francis stared at Silvia's face to see her reaction to what the Queen's mother was saying. She remained still and didn't say anything. The words that were being said to her wounded her soul and tore her heart to pieces but she was helpless to do anything. After all, she was just a random girl whose womb they rented.

"What do you say Alex? How do you find the idea?" the Queen's mother asked him. The kind looked over at the love of his life and could not wish of accepting his mother's proposal. What he wouldn't give to be with Francis again.

"If Francis and Silvia agree then I won't refuse," he said honestly.

"What about you Francis?" the queen's mother inquired with a lot of hope in her eyes that he should say yes to her. Francis didn't know what to say. On one hand, was his wife whom he had greatly wronged, and on the other a woman he respected as a mother.

"My answer will be that which Silvia decides," he said in reply.

"Dear, what do you think of my idea. This will guarantee the future of the baby and after birth, we can find you a man who will love and cherish you for the rest of his life," she told to her and tried to convince her to agree. Silvia remained quiet, she was screaming in her head at how unfair life was.

"Say something Silvi," Alexander urged.

"What is there to say when you all have already decided. The only thing that I can say is that I am tired of all of you bothering me. Since this is what you decide then fine. I will agree to it on one condition," she said sitting up on the bed.

"Name it," the queen's mother said not even wasting a second.

"I want Olivia to be reinstated as queen and I want Alex to marry her and give her all the rights that she previously had," she said in a serious tone.

The queen's mother was speechless at the condition that Silvia made. Giving Olivia everything that she had worked so hard to take from her was something that she would never let happen. Olivia was the one person she wanted dead so having sit on the throne was a big no.

"That is not possible Silvia. How could you even ask us of that when you know all that Olivia has done to us?" Alexander asked.

"Francis, I ask you for permission to divorce me," she asked from Francis. "I don't want you to give me anything at all. After the child is born I will hand him over to you and leave," she added and laid back down.

"Their. She has decided to give the two of you a chance to be happy together so divorce her Francis," the queen mother said happily.

"I will do no such thing," Francis said firmly. "I will never leave my wife for you. And I don't care what you or anyone else says. I won't let you anywhere near my child so you can forget or ever being a father to him because I won't even let you see a shadow of him," he added bitterly.

"But Fran.."

"No queen-mother, my decision is final, and that cant change. You say that Silvia is like a daughter to you but you only show concern for Alex. A true mother will always be able to see the tears behind their child's smile but you can't even see Silvia's pain when it is written all over her face. She hasn't stopped crying since you brought up this topic of taking her family from her and yet you don't even care to wipe her tears," Francis scolded while wiping Silvia's tears away.

"That is not true my dear. I am thinking about her happiness while doing this. Because it's true and even you can't deny that you can never give her the love she craves as a woman."

"Maybe, but I will try my best to live a life that she deserves. And before you say anything further let me remind you that it was Alex who ended our relationship. It was him who got the two of us married, no one forced him to make such a move, and this proposal you are making, he could have considered it before but he didn't. So why should our lives be ruined because he now regrets what he did?" he questioned.

"I had no choice back then Francis," Alexander confessed. "I did what I thought was right at the moment, I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to live without you."

"It's too late for regret now. And before you cause any harm to my wife and child by stressing Silvia out I will beg you to leave this room right now. As for us, we will leave your palace and your kingdom first thing in the morning," he said and folded his hands to ask them to leave.

The queen's mother was rendered speechless. Saying that he never expected such treatment from Francis would be an understatement.

She left the room disappointed that she was able to convince Silvia to let Francis and Alexander reunite but she was yet to accept defeat. She still had one trick up the sleeve that is sure to get her exactly what she wants.

She had the rest of the evening and the night to achieve her goal before Francis left the palace in the morning.

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