Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 58 - Hope (part Three)

"Francis," Nayla and Alexander yelled in unison and ran to the edge of the volcano. Francis's body was already in the lava.

Alexander's felt the last piece of himself that remained intact after the incident in the past break into pieces. All of him was dependent on Francis coming back but now he would never have to see Francis again.

Nayla had all her choices flash right before her eyes and she regretted all of it. She regretted not having been strong enough to save Francis from Ander. She regretted her decision to mess with destiny to try to bring Francis and Alexander together. There was no greater pain in the world than pushing the one you love to their end and she felt that pain.

It felt like had she not sent Francis to Alexander and tried to fix their relationship. Had she not given up on her love for him then he wouldn't be in this situation. He would be safe, it was her mistake for trying to unite two people who are not destined to have a happy ending together.

They cried at the edge of the volcano while looking down to the volcanic. The love of their life was inside that volcanic, probably dead and they were helpless to help him.

"It's okay Nayla. He will be reborn again and we will keep safe then," Miyale said to her.

"That is not possible. Francis passed on his duties to someone else, if he dies then he is not coming back. He will die forever," she said in a pained voice.

"But he is the chosen one, surely there is something that we can do to help him. Francis can't die," she stated staring at the boiling lava down below.

She felt guilty, she had forced Nayla to leave Francis's side back then to go with her to find and bring back their sister. If she had not to dive that then perhaps so much would not have happened in their absence. She would have stayed by Francis's side and protected him from all the things that would mean him harm.

She held her sister in her hands and let her cry on her shoulder. Alexander just sat there, his eyes too dry to shed any tears. He was in shock and unwilling to accept that his beloved was gone forever. He could accept that he would never have to live the life that he had dreamt of living with Francis.

Ander fired a spell into the volcano again and again. Explosions happened but he just kept going.

"He has already killed Francis so what is he doing?" Zorra asked and looked deeper into the lava. She couldn't see what the child was attacking. She used a spell to allow her to see what can't be seen, she tried again and looked into the volcano.

"Francis," she named when she saw his body inside the lava wrapped in a protective shield. The shield was keeping him from burning but Ander's constant attacks were making it weaker.

"Miyale, Nayla help me," she shouted and started chanting a spell to keep the shield in place.

"It's over Zorra. We failed and Francis is dead so what is the point of fighting anymore?" she asked feeling like just throwing herself into the lava and joining her love.

"He will die if you don't help me," she said making both her and Alexander conscious again. "Francis is alive. He is covered in some kind of shield which won't protect him much if Ander breaks it," she added.

Miyale and Nayla joined her and together they used the power of three to shield Francis from their attacks. Their effort was strong and they put in their all but the shield was still getting weaker. Ander was just way too powerful for them to hold off his spells.

Alexander jumped into action and attacked Ander to keep him distracted from attacking Francis. He released his dragon fire at him, Ander raised his little hand and the fire stopped midway. He redirected the fire back to the sender but Alexander dodged.

Alexander flew up to the sky and tried to grab him but Ander disappeared when his claws were close to catching him. He reappeared above Alexander and aimed his next attack at Alexander's wings. He sent a lightning bolt to Alexander's wing and broke his wing.

"Grrrrrr," Alexander growled in pain as his wing broke. He tried to flap it in the air but that just made it rip, even more, he dropped from the sky as he couldn't keep himself in the air.

Ander chanted something under his breath and a hole formed on the ground which he fell into. Before he could get up and jump out of the hole Ander closed in locking him inside. He turned his attention back to the witches I'm that we're lifting Francis out of the volcano.

He pointed his finger in their direction and sent them all flying in different directions. Nayla was the first to get up, she couldn't watch Francis get hurt and hence she decided to use the most dangerous spell she knew to end Ander's life.

She gathered her sisters and together they were to use the power of three to vanquish Ander and end him for good. Together they chanted the spell and aimed at Ander. Baby under was just floating in the sky watching them like they were interesting artwork.

When they cast the spell Nayla could have sworn she saw those baby lips smirk at her. A few minutes passed and Ander was still fine. Their spell didn't work, they tried over and over again but nothing worked.

"The best way to win a fight is to attack first. The spell I used to attack you has stripped the three most powerful witches of their powers. Now, what will you do," Ander asked then telepathically?

Nayla was rendered speechless, they were without powers. Alexander was trapped under the ground without the capability to help them and Francis was left in the hands of Ander. She stared in disbelief at the child, it was true that some powerful creatures were born already aware of the magical powers and how to use them but Ander was just too good to even for her.

She had a bad feeling about the child. She has only one question in her mind,' what in the world did Olivia do ?'

"What are you?" she asked the question that troubled her mind since the beginning of the fight.

"A Delamare and a dragon," he replied to her.

"A Delamare, that means that you are born to destroy all supernatural creatures. You are the boy," she stared in disbelief.

"Yes my darling witch, I am the child born of the sun and the moon. The one with the blood of the lion and the wolf. And I am here to destroy everything that is magic," he said and let off an evil laugh in her head that she felt a shiver ran down her spine.

"Why do want to kill Francis, he is helpless and can't fight back?" she asked him.

Baby Ander ignored her question and flew over to the frozen body and broke the shield. He threw the body back into the lava and waited to see it burn to ashes.

"Francis," Nayla screamed helplessly and ran towards the volcano. Ander turned his head to her and she stopped, her feet got stuck to the ground and kept her from moving. "Let me go you, evil baby," she screamed at Ander.

Just then when she gave up hope of saving Francis. A light shined from inside the volcano temporarily blinding everyone. They all covered their eyes from the light while Ander frown from having his plans foiled.

The lighted dimmed down and Francis's body came out floating. Nayla and her sisters waited to see what was happening when they came face to face with another baby carrying Francis up.

"Is it just me or are powerful babies taking over the world?" Zorra asked.

Ander threw lightning in Francis's direction bit the other child easily blocked it. "Who are you?" he asked the boy.

"The chosen one," the other child responded getting Ander to be surprised. He flew back a little, he had not anticipated meeting his bane here. He could feel the killing intent from the other but he refused to back down. No matter what he was going to kill Francis and the newly chosen one. He will rid the world of witches.

The child took Francis and flew away from them. Ander flew after them and was right behind them. He threw all the elements that he could summon at them but the chosen one blocked them all. He seemed very at ease with blocking Ander's attack.

Ander stopped flying and remained in the air. He drew a rune on the air and sent it flying towards the chosen one. The rune stopped the time, everything became still expect for him. He flew to the chosen one with ease. He started the chosen one in the eye he dug his hand into the chosen one's chest and got hold of his heart.

'Will just a spell you will be dead?'he thought

He felt victorious. He would get to kill both his enemies in one day. He had the spell on his lips and knew what to do but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He couldn't kill him because he could feel the connection they shared. 'My better half.. Intresting,' he thought as his lips drew into a small smirk.

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