Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 59 - Hope (the End)

Ander floated in the air confused about what he should do. He tried to kill the chosen one again but he couldn't. He felt frustrated and averted his eyes from him and directed his gaze to Francis.

He kept his hand on the ice that covered Francis's body. He closed his eyes and muttered a spell under his breath. Francis's body shattered into pieces and floated in the air, he picked up one of the ice pieces and gave it to the chosen one.

"Until we meet again," he said and gathered all the other pieces of Francis and kept them safe with him. He disappeared from there and woke up in his baby crib. His eyes turned to normal and he fell asleep from the tiring day he had.


The other dragons dug Alexander out of the ground and flew him back to the palace. The triplets were released when Ander returned to normal and they went in search of Silvia and her baby.

Alexander was tended by the physician and all his wounds were looked after. He was burning with anger from what had happened, he felt guilty that he couldn't save Francis. He could no longer feel Francis's dragon mark so he was sure that Francis was dead.

He laid in bed as he received treatment with only one thought in mind. He had to kill Ander at all cost, he had to end the life of the one who killed his beloved. He cursed his son in his mind.

"What happened? Where is Francis?" the queen's mother asked him taking a seat next to him.

His mother sat on the bed looking after him, she was unfrozen by the king's right-hand man on Mordecai command. She rubbed on Alexander's hand gently to bring him warmth.

The King had not said a word since his return, he silently watched the world around him. His eyes displaying the feeling in his heart.

They would display sorrow, love, anger, and hatred depending on what he was thinking about. He took that chance to think back on the things that had happened in his life. He questioned destiny as to why he was given such a terrible life when he had never done anything wrong. All he had ever done was want to be happy but all he received was pain.

"We don't know but we suspect that he is dead," the king's right-hand dragon informed them.

"How did that happen. Surely the king would have protected him," Sofia said not believing that Francis was dead. They might not have been close while the male was alive but she didn't hate him. She felt pity for all the bad things that had happened to him since she walked into the palace. It worried that the king would take his anger out on the prince and kill him for what has happened. She wanted to hope that Francis was still alive somehow so that his darling Ander would be spared from the king's wrath.

"We found the king trapped under the ground and Francis was nowhere to be seen. Ander was also missing," he added.

Alexander laid in bed and cursed his fate. He thought about all the unfair things that took place in his life since his birth with regret in his eyes. He regretted ever being born to live such a terrible life.

First, he got cursed to be a dragon and his childhood was filled with sad memories because of it. Then he met Olivia who he grew to love and trust and it turned out that she was a wolf in sheep's clothing and he didn't know her as much as he would like to admit that he did. Then Francis walked into his life and he began to weave dreams for the first time in his life that too was not to last as he soon lost him to his other dream.

He had always wanted to have a child, a successor who would take after him. An heir that would bear his name and take his lineage forward. And when life gave him one dream it took the other dream. He got the heir that he had always wanted but Francis was the price of that dream. He tried his best to stop it all from happening but he lost in the end.

Everything in his life lost meaning the minute he lost his beloved. The worst part was that he wasn't lucky enough to bid him farewell and perform his last rites. He didn't even get the chance to hold Francis in his arms one more time before he was taken away from him.

Mordecai and the rest of the royal family were sad for him and tried their best to look after him. The doctor had informed them of how serious his condition was and the fact that Alexander himself had given up the will to live. He wasn't even trying to get better, he wouldn't eat or take his medication.

He just laid in bed with his wounds and started in the room recalling the times that he had spent with his beloved in that very room. The room was just as Francis had left it. No changes were done to it as per Alexander's orders.

His brother pleaded with him to take care of his health but he ignored him, he tuned out all the sounds around him except for the voices in his memories of his time with Francis. It was the only way that he could hear his voice again and get to see him.

Sofia, Malia, and the queen also tried to talk to him but just like Mordecai their words went from one ear and left through the other. His wife was the one to rule the kingdom with the help of her sister and brother-in-law. She took care of her husband, son, and the kingdom together. Making sure that she was strong enough for those who depended on her.

Alexander avoided everyone in the palace like a plague. The only thing that he did was to stay in his palace lost in the thoughts of Francis. Not even his hatred for his son was not strong enough to get him out of his palace.

He only gave orders from the comfort of his palace. He got his dragons to look for Francis's body so that he could at least give him a befitting burial but they all returned with empty hands. No one was able to find his body even after he had put out a reward to anyone who found him. He eventually stopped looking for him.

Annak tried her best to help him, she created an illusion in his palace that recreated Francis's memories and made them real. He would walk around the palace to see him and listen to him talk. It felt like he was with Francis every single day.

Sofia with the help of the queen's mother removed most of the laws that suppressed the people of Arimelari. She got the school project going with Mordecai looking after it. She listened to her people and brought back the Arimelari that everyone knew and loved. Not just that but she made it better than it was before.

Years and years passed by with the kingdom of Arimelari being ruled by a queen. As the king never sat back on his throne. He spent his days and nights in the palace thinking about Francis. The dragons stood side by side with the Queen and helped her enforce the laws that she wanted to be passed. They made sure that there were was no rebellion in the kingdom.

The queen mother lived every day of her life with guilt in her heart, she was responsible for ruining her son's life completely. The worst part was that she was responsible for Francis's death, even if no one said anything to her she knew in her heart that it was her fault. Had she not been stubborn to see Francis despite all the warning that she received then he would still be alive and well right by her son's side.

She tried her best to be useful to her children, she took great care of her grandson and helped around where she was needed. She filled her family with love all the while asking around and searching for Silvia and her child to make it up to them for what she had done. But no matter how much she searched she never got a clue of where they were. They had disappeared never to be seen by those who knew them.

Life in the kingdom became joyous and lively. With Mordecai and his wife taking care of Sage Academy; a school for both human, supernatural and mythical creatures. The school was a haven for all these children who were born different just like Ander.

Ander had grown up to be a strong young man with a cold and indifferent personality. He had taken after his father when it came to looks and talent.. He was a very handsome young man that got the girls looking back every time he walked past.

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