Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 63 - The Roommate

The chariot arrived at the school grounds, Ander was still fuming over his father's bracelet. He would have still gone after the thief but he didn't have time on his side and hence he had to let go for now. The good thing was that he had that thief's scent so he would be able to catch him when next their paths crossed.

He got off the chariot and was greeted by his loving aunt and uncle who were very happy to see him. They exchanged greetings and went into the school.

"I have arranged for you to have the best roommate ever. He is the perfect student and I think the two of you are going to be great together," Malia said as they walked past the students in the hallway.

The students were moving up and down trying to settle in, some were socializing while others just took tours around the school to get to know their way around so as not to get lost.

The prince stared at his surrounding indifferently. The place was no different than the palace in terms of decorations, the only difference was that there was the sound of chattering and laughter in the background as he walked. His aunt led him to his room and left Annak to help him settle in.

"This place looks nice," he heard by the door. He turned away from the window and watched the person who spoke, his nose got a whiff of the familiar scent of the thief that stole his bracelet and his mood dropped. He stayed quiet and waited for Annak to arrange his things in his wardrobe.

"You must be my new roommate, I heard that your background wasn't ordinary. I'm Avan," the boy said introducing himself to Ander.

Ander watched his hand that was adorned with his bracelet earlier to notice that it was empty. The bracelet that he wore before was gone. His blood boiled even more at the possibility that the boy could have sold his bracelet.

"He is Ander. He is not too good with interacting with new people but the two of you can be friends," Annak said on his behalf and shook Avan's hand.

"He doesn't have to be shy with me," Avan added and placed his bag down on the bed opposite Ander's bed.

"What are the odds that the thief would come right to you. It's destiny, maybe the two of you are destined," Francis teased.

"Shut up," he shouted, startling both Avan and Annak. "What are the two of you looking at?" he asked them.

"All done. All your things are arranged in the wardrobe, your books on the study table and everything where should be. I am gonna go to the teacher's quarters and get my things moved in. If you need anything come find me," she said to him and left the room.

Ander picked up one of his books, one of the books that he wasn't allowed to read in the palace, and began to read. It is one of the books of the year of his birth, he had gone through so much trouble to get the book and wanted to know the contents of the book.

"Your mother is sweet, I can't believe that I am going to share a room with a teacher's pet. I hope you won't snitch on the students to her," Avan said.

Ander put down his book and turned his attention to the boy. "I can't believe that I share my room with a thief. I hope you don't steal my things when I'm out," he fired back. Avan glared at him from his bed. "What? The truth hurt?"

"I am not a thief and I would watch my tongue if I were you. Bad things happen to liars," he told in a low threatening voice.

"You are right bad things do happen to liars so I hope you get comfortable because you are going to pay for stealing my bracelet," he threatened.

"Oh, it's you. The weird kid who speaks to his imaginary friend. I hope you didn't forget him back in the alley. School tends to be very lonely without a friend," he said mockingly and walked into the bathroom. He didn't look back to see the golden glow in Ander's eyes.

Ander went back to reading his book but he couldn't get himself to concentrate after talking to Avan. He felt the urge to ask him what he did to his bracelet. He set his book down angrily and decided to take a look around the school. He wanted to see what his mother had done for him, since she built the school for him it was only fair that he knew every inch of it.

He walked down the hallways careful not to hit the students rushing in and out of the rooms. He saw no familiar faces in the rooms not as he could ever find someone he knew with the friendless life he lived in the palace with the ghost Francis as his friend and companion.

He felt weird thinking of Francis in that way but he couldn't help it. The truth was that when the ghost wasn't teasing him or taunting him, he was a great company to keep.

"Well, thank you for the compliment. I would say the same but you aren't that good," Francis said appearing beside him.

"You know I have never seen my father, I won't what he is like or why we've never met but if I could choose a father for myself. You would be a perfect choice," he said to Francis from the bottom of his heart.

"Why me?" he asked him confused.

"You always look for reasons to taunt me or tease me and that makes my day interesting and less lonely. You congratulate me when I do something good and scold me when I make a mistake. You advise me when you think I could use it and you annoy me to the fullest. Which is what I assume a father should do to a child," he explained with teary eyes.

'If everything hadn't happened the way they did, I would have been your dad,' Francis thought with a sad smile on his face.

"Who would have that you would fall in love with me," Francis teased him. Ander stopped in his tracks and looked back at Francis. His face was emotionless so Francis could not tell what was going on in his mind.

"Why do you say that?" he asked him.

"I don't know, you praise just sound like someone in love," Francis said.

"Well, mother did say that children always look for love in a person who resembles either one of the parents in character. So maybe that's true, maybe I am in love with you," Ander said in a serious tone and continued walking.

Francis was left frozen in place not sure if what Ander said was a joke or reality. He was only joking with the boy but he couldn't tell if Ander was joking or not. The possibility of him being in love was very high, I mean the boy hadn't had that many choices growing up since he was the only child in the palace and he wasn't allowed to interact with the servant's children.

"Wait you are joking right?" he asked as he chased after the boy but Ander didn't reply. He just kept walking. "Ander, I asked you a question. Are you joking?" he asked again and Ander stopped.

He turned to the side and stared deep into Francis's eyes and smiled. "I love you Francis and I intend to make you fall in love with me too," he confessed to him. Francis's jaw dropped upon listening to Ander's words and he froze.

"W..what?" he asked in disbelief. How he wished Alexander was there to see his son confess love to him. He wondered what the outcome of that would have been and shook his head seeing them fighting for him.

"I said, I.love. you," he said stressing the last three words.

"Why thank you but I should probably warn you that I am straight," he heard behind him and looked up. His eyes met Avan's causing his smile to drop and turn into a frown.

"Why are you here and where is my bracelet?"

"I was taking a walk and saw you here talking to yourself and I thought why not come and give you company and as for your bracelet. I lost it," he said innocently getting close to Ander.

"Y..you l..lost it?"

"Yes, but what's the big deal. You seem rich so why not buy a new one, why to bother with that old thing?" he asked him.

Ander turned away from his and walked away. He could already the long life that school was going to be. He had a feeling that his roommate was going to make life unbearable with his presence and there was nothing he could do about it. Francis followed him lost in thought, his mind couldn't stop thinking about Ander's confession.

Avan watched him leave and retrieved the bracelet from his pocket and held it in his hand. 'Why did you have a splinter of my father in your bracelet Ander?' he asked.

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