Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 64 - Just A Prank

Ander toured the school with Francis by his side constantly nagging him about the statement that he had made. He enjoyed making the ghost uneasy and restless and for the first time since he was young, he won against him.

"It's dinner time, let's go eat," he said to Francis. "Oh, I forgot. Ghosts can't eat," he taunted and walked ahead with a victorious smile on his face.

He got to the dining hall and went straight to the line and served his food. He took his plate of food and looked to the crowd for a place to sit. All the tables seemed to be occupied and the students were all busy having their meal and conversing with each other.

He saw a table far back and moved there to have his food peacefully. He sat at his table and dug into his food, the food was lacking compared to the food he was used to in the palace.

"Hey, how can you eat in peace after saying something like that?" Francis inquired.

"Like this, I take a spoon and dig into the rice and bring it to my mouth. Chew and swallow," Ander replied him.

"That is not what I meant. How can you be calm after confessing something like that? Don't you feel awkward about it?"

"No, but I welcome any feelings that you gave for me. After all, since I love you so much, I should learn to accept all your feelings," he replied startling Francis. He sat opposite Ander and stared at him with a stunned look on his face.

"If that is the case then I hate you," Francis said to him.

"No problem, there is a very thin line between love and hate. And hate can always turn into love so I'm glad you hate me," Ander said in a low husky voice with a sweet smile on his face.

"Shameless," he said and stopped talking out of fear that the boy will just use his words to flirt with him.

Ander smiled in victory but then some liquid began to drip from his hair down his face. He frowned and reached his hand to his head and found that it was wet. He got up from his seat and turned around.

A blonde-haired boy towered over him with a cup of milk in his hands. Behind the boy were other boys who stood there laughing and pointing at him.

"Wha..." he was to ask but had a plate of pie dumped on his head.

"Look, the boy who speaks to his imaginary friend also wears food on his head," the boy mocked and the students in the hall laughed.

Ander looked around in the room and watched everyone's face. He had been in a bad mood the whole day but the day just seem to keep getting worse. He wiped the food on his head and glared at the boy.

"Oh, I'm scared. Look at how he is glaring at me. He will probably ju..jus..just report me to his imaginary friend," the boy said and the crowd continued to laugh.

Ander folded his hands into fists, the ground began to shake underneath their feet. The floor started cracking at the corners that connected to the walls. The students stopped laughing and looked around when they realized what was going on they all began to panic.

They made a run for the exit but before they could reach the door the floor lifted off the ground and started moving up with all of them. The laughter in the room turned into tears and wailing of fear. The bullies started at Ander whose eyes were golden now, his eyes were filled with pure anger.

"Wh..what..what are you d..doing?" he asked Ander afraid.

The floor lifted them, the roof busted open and they all floated off from the school grounds. The school principal and the other teachers all tried to bring the students back but they all floated away despite their efforts.

"I thought you all would look good dropping from the sky, so let's try it," he said to them. His statement sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"What are you going, Ander?" Francis asked getting worried for the students. He knew quite well how dangerous Ander could become and how strong his magic was, in all the years of being around the male he had seen him become even stronger with all the secret training that he does when no one is watching. To top it all, Olivia had somehow injected magic into the boy while he was still in her womb. Like it wasn't bad enough that he was a powerful dragon, she had to make him a witch too.

"Teaching this insect how to behave so in their next lives they won't repeat the same mistake," he replied to Francis.

"Wait, just hold on. You seriously can't mean to kill all these students right?" he questioned and the look in Ander's face told him that he could care less whether they died or lived.

"Look if you kill all these people then the school will be closed and your mother's dream will die, is that what you want?" he asked trying to emotionally blackmail him into not killing the students.

"I am my mother's dream, so she will be fine with or without the school," Ander said and smiled as they had reached the top. He could touch the clouds if he stretched his hand. "Say your last wishes," he announced.

"If you kill them, your mother will be angry," Francis said but Ander didn't care. "If you kill them then your aunt and uncle will never speak to you again," he tried again.

Ander raised his hand getting ready to turn the floor upside down. "If you kill them then I will go away from you forever," he said drawing his last card. He was out of options and getting desperate, he couldn't watch so many innocent children die and for some reason, he could a connection to that weird boy who shares a room with Ander and watching him in the distance with his friends waiting to die for such a silly reason made him restless.

Ander halted, his anger vanished replaced with a feeling that he didn't quite understand. His eyes returned to normal and his bitterness disappeared and in its place can't fear, fear of Francis's threat coming true.

"Fine," he said giving in. He snapped his finger and they were back in school with everything back in place. He pushed the bully out of the way and rushed out of the hall.

"Prince Ander of Arimelari," his uncle called to him angrily with all the students listening. They gasped in shock on hearing Ander's identity while the prince ran away without looking back. He ran to his dorm room and spelled the room to keep Francis out of the room. He dropped on his bed and clutched the pillows strongly in his hands.

He thought back to the moment in the sky, even the thought of his mother wasn't able to calm him but when he thought he would never be able to see Francis again. His heart raced in his heart and he panicked.

"No, this was just a prank. I was only joking with him when I said I was in love with him. So why did I react like that?" he asked himself panicking even more.

"I don't love him right?" he questioned. He received no answer to his question and just kept beating himself up not willing to believe that he could be in love with a ghost.

"He is a ghost and annoying. I have just had a long day and that is why I reacted like that. So much has happened since I woke up so it's nothing. No need to overreact, I can't be in love with a ghost especially a man," he said to reassure himself but even he couldn't believe his words.

He turned in his bed confused about what to do or say to stop his mind and heart from thinking such nonsense.

"Ander, what is the meaning of what you just did?" Mordecai asked budging into the room.

"I don't know," he said. 'I don't know why I reacted like that to Francis's words,' he thought.

"How could you react like that?"

"I don't know, even I can't figure it out," he said.

"What would have happened had you hurt someone?" Mordecai asked angrily. He felt very disappointed at the way Ander behaved. It was the first day of school and he almost killed half the school's population in a fit of rage.

"I would have lost him but I don't know to understand why it would make a difference to me if he went away or stayed by my side. He is just an annoying person," he told subconsciously.

"Yes, you would.." Mordecai started to say but his wife stopped him."Why are you interfering? He should.."

"I know but what is the point of yelling at someone who isn't listening. Look at him, he looked dazed and deep in thought. He seems to have some inner conflict or something because the Ander I know would never stand being dirty for even a second and he is laying there forgetting that he is covered in food," she said to him. "We should leave him for now, we can talk to him in the morning," she added and pulled him out of the room.

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