Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 85 - Avan's Wish

Avan's p.o.v

"Maybe the problem is with you and not them," I dared to say to Ander. It was getting tiring to hear him rant about his problem like he was the only one who felt pain.

He holds on to every negative thing that is said and done to him that he is completely blinded to the good things in his life. He only ever wants to see the negative, he doesn't want to believe that he is loved and it was getting on my nerves.

"If you say so," Ander said causing me to glare at him. He was doing it again I could tell, replaying negative memories in his mind to fuel his anger and hatred towards everyone around him. It is so obvious with him staring at the distance with his hand folded into a fist.

"Wait, what is that?" I asked when I saw him holding something in between his folded fist. I reached out and took hold of his hand and opened his fist to see a knife.

His hand was bleeding so much and the wound was deep. "What did you do to yourself?" I asked.

I let go of his hand and got u to go fetch the things I need to clean his wound. He has gone mad, hurting himself like that is just crazy. And how could he not feel pain or cry?

I rushed into the palace and got some water and a clean cloth to clean his wound. I got some herbs from the physician and returned to the garden. Ander was still seated in the same position as I had left him. He hadn't moved an inch.

Taking a seat next to him I set the water down and held his hand, soaking the piece of cloth in the water I used it to wiped the blood around the would. When his hand was clean I poured some medicine into the wound.

Ander screeched in pain and withdrew his hand from me, he looked like he was only now coming to his senses and feeling the pain from the wound.

"Does it hurt?" I asked despite knowing the answer and waited for a mean remark from him. He didn't even bother looking at me. "Let me take care of your wound."

He gave me his hand without a word. It isn't like him to just stay quiet, at least not around me. He always has a lot to say to me, most of which are allegations of things he blames me for. He laid down on the ground with his eyes opened gazing at the sky.

"I have been thinking about Leafspear," I said trying to get him to talk to me. "Where do you think he went. I can't seem to figure out what he is planning," I went on. I stopped talking when I realized that I wasn't going to get an answer from him. I nursed his hand and wrapped a clean cloth around it to protect it from being infected.

"What happens to you when your eyes become pure black?" he asked curiously recalling their last encounter when Ander overpowered him. Even with the additional powers of Dark Melchior, he still was no match for the dragon prince.

"I stop feeling insignificant emotions," Ander replied. "I stop feeling everything altogether," he added.

'How can that be possible? You seem to feel quite a lot when you were like that, towards me,' Avan thought.

"But you seemed to be..."

"It's like being in a dark room. No light and no company, the whole world seems very far from me. Except for him," Ander said thinking of the voice that always finds him in his darkness. The warmth that always appears when he is all alone.

He closed his eyes and listened to the words that the voice once said to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't know," Avan said also laying down next to him.

Ander opened his eyes in surprise, the voice matched. Avan's voice and the voice he heard in his head were a perfect match. He looked to his side and stared at Avan.

"Why?" he asked not sure why Avan would do that for him. Be there for him when he had been done nothing but cause him pain. He knew he was wrong and a bad person in choosing to act on his selfish desires but he just couldn't stop the way heartfelt felt.

"Why what my prince?" Avan asked.

"Why did you tend to my wounds? You could have fetched a servant to do, so shy go to the trouble?" Ander asked too embarrassed to ask him what he wished to know.

"Knowing you, you would have sent the servant away before he could ever touch your hand. And if it remained like that, you would have gotten sick from an infection," Avan replied truthfully.

"You speak as though you know me."

Avan replied by giving him a weak smile.

Ander moved closer to him and laid his head on Avan's shoulders and closed his eyes. 'I'm sorry Avan. For your kindness, I won't take your father from you,' he thought and smiled before dozing off.

Avan let him sleep, he gazed at the sky and saw a shooting star. He closed his eyes and made a wish upon the star.

'I wish that Ander's hatred and anger would melt so that he can see the beauty of love in the world,' he said in his heart.

He averted his gaze to look at the gentle soul that rested on his shoulder. He saw how peaceful Ander was as he slept. He looked like he had not known anger or evil but was calm.

He wished for a day when he would see the look on Ander's face when he was awake. The only thing he saw on his face was the bitterness that was growing in his heart. If not controlled, he was certain that his anger would consume not just him but everyone around him.

"There are so many fishes in the sea but if you keep holding on to one that won't ever love you back. You will only harm yourself," he said to Ander who was too deep in his sleep to hear him.

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