Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 86 - Good News

Ander walked in the corridor of the palace to return to his bedroom. He felt exhausted and the thought of his soft bed and pillow were the only thing that kept him on his feet.

He took a left turn at the corner and bumped into someone, he stumbled back and held the wall to prevent him from falling.

"Watch where you are going," he said tiredly to even threaten or warn the being. He walked around and thought nothing of it again. He kept walking until he saw the door to his room, he smiled with joy but only for a second when his smile turned into a frown.

He tried not to think of it but he was sure someone was following him. The scent in the air was none other than of the person he had run into.

"What do you want?" he asked not bothering to turn around. "Why do you follow me?" he asked again when he received no answer.

"Does the king know that his son coverts his beloved?" a female voice inquired of him. Ander froze when he heard what she said. His shock only lasted a second before he calmed his racing heart and relaxed.

"Whatever do you mean?" he asked her and twisted his body to get a better view of whoever thought it best to confront him.

"You naughty little prince. I'm sure you know too well what I mean, it is so obvious that you are in love with the king's lover," the female came again. She stood leaning on the wall away from the light of the moon and the torches that lit the corridor. He couldn't see who it was that was talking to him.

"I have no time for you," Ander said knowing the female was playing with him. He was not interested in whatever games she had planned and walked to his room.

Before he could lock the door the girl slid past him and entered his room. His anger flared up at the persistence of the girl, if only he had stayed longer in the garden. He wouldn't have to deal with her.

"You have one second to leave my room before I turn you to ashes," he said to her.

"Your obsession with fire never ceases to amaze me," she said sweetly. She wrapped her hands around his neck and gave him a sweet smile. This only made him angrier, he hated being touched without his consent by anyone. And her hands disgusted the part of his skin she touched.

Ander grabbed hold of her waist and forcefully threw her to the ground. The girl fell to the ground with a thud and screamed in pain.

"What was that for?" she asked in a pained voice. She stared at him like a victim who has been unjustly treated.

"Get out," the prince demanded and strolled over to the bed. He removed his jacket and dropped it on the ground. He went to unbutton his shirt when he felt her finger crawl up his chest.

"Are you trying to tell me that my body doesn't please your eyes, my prince? I have often been told that my beauty was out of this world," she whispered in his ear and kissed him on the neck.

"Whoever told you that was blind and a fool," Ander said and placed his hand on top of hers.

"Owch," she screeched in pain and removed her hands from him to see them burnt. He had burnt her hands.

"I wonder what Francis will do or say to you when he realizes you have feelings for him," the girl said walking away from him.

"It will be your word against mine. No one will believe you," Ander said confident that he was safe, he heard the door close right after. He turned on the candles in the room and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

The water in the pool was warm, he added some herbs that he uses to help him relax into the water and got in. He sat down in the pool and let the warm water wash away all his worries and stress.

"I love you Francis and I would wish to be with you more than anything but I have to let you go," he said sadly. "Avan has done so much for me, this is how I will repay his kindness," he added.

He took a bowl and used it to pour the water on his body. He felt at peace with himself that he wouldn't have to feel guilty for anything now. He would just try to pick up the pieces of his life and try to find the silver lining to his nights.

Unaware of the commotion that was going on in the family room he enjoyed his bath. He could feel his heart being light when he let go of all his troubles, he got out of the bathroom and wrapped a towel around his waist.

He used another towel to dry his hair when he heard the door to his room being forcefully opened. He was startled and got out of the bathroom to check what was going on.

He found everyone in his room and they all had weird expressions on their faces. "What is going on here?" he asked getting the attention of all of them.

"Nothing much," Sofia said taking a robe and covering him with it. "We were so happy and came to share some good news with you," she said nervously with her hands shaking.

"Good news?" Ander asked having a bad feeling about what they all came to tell him.

"Yes dear," his grandmother chipped in."We have a girl that would be a perfect bride for you," his grandmother said happily.

"What?" Ander asked with disbelief. He was not sure why they were talking about his marriage so suddenly. He didn't even know that they were looking for a girl for him. It enraged him how they could take such a big step for him without even talking to him about it.

"Come on in," his aunt said. He turned his attention to the door and waited. A girl dressed in a blue ball gown walked into the room and took a stand next to the queen.

"She is Natalia, the girl that we have chosen for you," she introduced the girl and Ander froze. He recognized her scent, she was the same girl that had troubled him before he went for his bath.

"I refuse this alliance. I am not going to marry this girl," he said seriously.

"But she is so nice and would be good company for you. Won't you give her a chance?" Francis asked him.

He averted his gaze from the girl to Francis. He looked into Francis's eyes. "No, I won't marry her and that is final," he said and stormed off back into the bathroom.

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