Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 87 - Ander's Rage

Alex was enraged at the rude way that Ander had behaved. He couldn't stand how he seemed to get worse every single day. He strolled to the bathroom and pushed open the door, he took hold of Ander's wrist and pulled him out of the room.

"You are going to sit down and listen to us. We are tired of your stubborn behavior," he told strictly and forced Ander to sit on the bed.

"I have listened and I have told you how I feel about the matter," Ander said. He was doing his best to contain the anger and pain that was brewing in his heart at the unreasonable decision his family had made.

"Listen, you are going to get ready and return to the party with us. You will get engaged tonight," the king ordered.

Ander heart fell hearing the order from the king, no one was willing to listen to him. He didn't want to marry that girl, he wasn't even sure that he liked girls or whether he could ever try to be with one but no one seemed to care.

He got up from the bed and ran over to Francis's side. "Please, don't let them do this to me," he pleaded to hold on to his hand.

"Enough of your acting Ander. We only want what is best for you," his grandmother said getting irritated.

"I don't want to marry that girl," he cried out in a pained voice. "Francis, please stop this," he begged.

"I'm sorry Ander, I can't help you. You will have to listen to your elders. This will be good for you," he said sadly.

Ander's hands that held on to him dropped, he stared at Francis with shock. His heart shattered to pieces, he felt betrayed and abandoned. He backed away from Francis and looked at the king.

"Okay," he said in a calm voice. His answer surprised everyone but they were happy that he agreed to marry Natalia.

Natalia jumped up with glee when she heard his answer. She was elated that she would become the princess of Arimelari and would marry the prince. All her dreams were within her reach.

"Great," Alex said relieved.

"Now get out of my room," Ander said his voice ice cold and his aura becoming dangerous.

"Ander dear," Sofia called out surprised by his sudden change. She walked over to him to hold him but he evaded her touch.

Ander grabbed hold of Alexander's hand and pulled him towards the door and threw him out of his room. Everyone went pale at the sight of the scene before their eyes.

"You," Alexander said his anger flaring up.

"Lower your voice," Ander said unmoved by his anger. "Raising it higher won't make me want to listen to you. You have said what you came here to say, now get out," Ander added.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to check who dared to touch him and felt his cheeks burning and a ring in his ear. He looked up to realize that Francis had hit him.

"Is this the way you talk to your elders? He is your father," Francis scolded.

"I don't have a father," Ander said. "My father died long before I was born," he added earning another slap from Francis.

"Saying that won't make it true. It is just an illusion that you can try to believe in but it won't ever become a reality.."

"Just like your love for me," Ander said interrupting him. "It was just an illusion that lasted only a day. Am I right?" he added.

"Th..that. I meant every word I said to you but you. You lied to me, you only pretended to be a good person to fool me. You proved me wrong about you and everyone right, you are a bad person.."

"Finally," Ander cut him off. "You have accepted the truth about me. You have come to understand me for who I am and I have now seen your true colors too," he stated.

"Ander baby, please calm down," Sofia pleaded. She didn't like how tense the whole situation was becoming. Her heart was fearful of how everyone was handling the matter. She feared that what they were trying to avoid is the future they were headed to with the way things were escalating out of control.

"Don't call me that," he said turning his attention to the queen. "When you call me your baby or your dear, it hurts because I know you don't mean it. I am not your son."


"What did I just say?" Ander yelled startling the queen. "If I was your son, you would have talked to me before making such a big decision in life. If you treated me like a son then you would listen to me when I say that I don't want to marry and you would have told me the truth about my father and mother but you didn't do that. Instead, you lied to me all my life."

"I was just trying..."

"You are not a good person and you are the worst mother in the whole world. I am glad that you don't have children or else they would have suffered all their lives with you as their mother," he said angrily.

Before he realized he had received another slap. The slap was so hard that he felt dizzy for a moment. He raised his head to meet his father's angry gaze.

"What an ungrateful brat you are. After everything she had done for you is this how you talk to her?"

"I have waited sixteen years for your love and affection and even after the long wait I still didn't get that from you. I have watched shower, everyone, in this room with love the whole day, and not once did you even glance in my direction," Ander said. The tears that he had been suppressing found their way down his cheeks.

"Love and respect go both ways. Don't expect me to give you something that you never gave me," he stated.

Alexander raised his hand to slap him but he caught it. His eyes became pure black as he watched him. "Have you forgotten so quickly how our last fight ended," he asked with a wicked smile on his face. "You are very lucky that you hadn't slapped me again because what I am about to tell you will hurt far worse than a slap and that I can promise you," he said not letting go of his hand.

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