Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1037: Shameful shame

Chapter 1037

When people were talking about it, He Lianyu suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked straight at Zhang Ye and sneered: "My son is about to summon a Tier 8 fairy beast, let you open your eyes!"

If it weren't for Emperor Ling Tian here, he wouldn't speak so politely.

He didn't know why Zhang Ye was so disgusting. He felt this way when he was at Xuanyue Auction House that night.

Hearing Zhang Ye making fun of him in every possible way today, he believed a word, there are people who are born to be deadly enemies!

He originally planned to talk to Zhang Ye today and let him become the exclusive elixir of the Helian family. Now it seems that there is no need to talk about it!

This Zhang Ye, speaking so annoyingly, and didn't see himself, the young son of the Helian family, in his eyes, this kind of person is simply difficult to subdue.

Instead of looking for qi, it is better to have a good relationship with Master Canglei, and you can also refine the fourth-grade elixir!

Today, he wants to let Zhang Ye see what the powerful ability of a summoner is!

"Hi! Eighth-order fairy beast?"

"Oh my god! Can He Lianyu summon a Tier 8 fairy beast?"

"The eighth-order fairy beast is almost the same as the immortal king's cultivation base, if he can summon the eighth-order fairy beast, He Lianyu can be said to be invincible of the same order!"

"Yeah! Summon a Tier 8 fairy beast for help, how can others fight him!"

Everyone was shocked. Seeing Helianyu's determination to win, someone said:

"Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs! As expected, he is the son of Emperor Helian!"

"Yes! The Summoner of the Helian family is too powerful, and only the Helian family has such an ability!"

Hearing the compliment, He Lianyu smiled and glanced at Zhang Ye with provocative eyes.

However, Zhang Ye shook his folding fan with a smile, and said loudly: "I didn't expect to be able to open my eyes today. I hope He Lianyu won't make any jokes this time, otherwise it won't end well."

Long Mo faintly curled his lips: "It's probably a joke."

Does he still understand Shuang'er? She raised her brows, just to make trouble.

He Lianyu frowned and clenched his fists.

What is the matter with Emperor Ling Tian, ​​this is not like the character of Emperor Ling Tian, ​​how can he agree with Zhang Ye's words? Zhang Ye didn't know, how could Emperor Ling Tian not know?

At this moment, a huge black figure whizzed in from a distance, a pair of black wings covering the sky and blocking the sun, and the entire square was dimmed.

"Black Flame Big Eagle!"

Someone shouted.

"It's really a Tier 8 fairy beast Black Flame Big Buzzard!"

"Mother! He Lianyu really summoned a Tier 8 fairy beast!"

Incredible sounds from the crowd.

Unexpectedly, He Lianyu actually summoned the Black Flame Great Eagle! We must know that Helianyu himself is only the cultivation base of the Immortal King, and the cultivation base of the Black Flame Big Eagle is similar to that of the Immortal King!

It stands to reason that even if He Lianyu is a genius, he can only summon a fairy beast with a lower cultivation base than him!

"He Lianyu is really a genius!"

"It's incredible!"

"The Summoner ability of the Helian family is simply too bad!"

People looked at the black flame big eagle in the sky and praised Helianyu, and many people apologized for what they had previously questioned.

Helianyu laughed and looked at Zhang Ye subconsciously. He wanted to see his shocked and regretful look, but when he glanced at it, there was no change in the expression on that Ye's face, and the corners of his mouth were still filled with a smile. Look.

He hummed coldly in his heart, this Zhang Ye is really disgusting, he has summoned the eighth-order fairy beast, Zhang Ye has no shame at all, and his face is too thick!

"Zhang Ye, have you learned a lot today!" Yan Yu sneered at Zhang Ye.

I dare to say that Brother Helian is incapable, his face is crackling!

He felt very relieved.

Wu Xiaosan felt the same way, He Lianyu summoned a Tier 8 fairy beast, and he also felt light on his face.

"Brother Helian, quickly control this Tier 8 fairy beast to do something to open everyone's eyes!" Wu Xiaosan said with a smile.

This was what He Lianyu meant, and he wanted to show it.

He looked around for a week, suddenly pointed to a ribbon in the center of the square, and said loudly to the black flame big eagle: "Black flame big eagle, this son has asked you to take off the ribbon and give it to Emperor Xiawen on the stage!"

After speaking, he also pointed to Emperor Xia Wen who had been sitting quietly on the stage.

The colored ribbon symbolizes friendship in the fairy world. He wants Emperor Xiawen to know the friendship of their Helian family to the Great Xia Dynasty!

Wushuang chuckled and shook his head, and said in a low voice, "Hey, some people just like to hurry up and hit their faces."

He Lianyu gave an order, and the **** flame eagle hovering in the sky suddenly swooped down.

Everyone's eyes widened, wanting to witness this magical scene.

The smile on He Lianyu's face grew brighter and brighter.


Just when the black flame big eagle was about to fly to the ribbon, everyone saw that a tuft of black paint fell from the black flame big eagle's body and hit it straight on Helianyu, who was looking up and smiling. Face!

The audience was silent!

The black flame big eagle unfolded its wings, and suddenly flew away... away...

This...what is this situation!

People looked at He Lianyu, who was full of bird dung, and was stunned by the sudden change.

"Hahahahaha! I got confused with bird feces!"

Zhang Ye suddenly laughed out loud.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yi beside him also laughed, clutching his stomach, almost laughing out of anger.

A lot of laughter broke out on the court.

At this time, only the emperor Ling Tian said blankly: "Helian family summoners seem to have nothing more than that."

"Isn't it? The fairy beast Helianyu summoned **** on his face. It really makes people wonder if the fairy beast listens to his command!" Zhang Ye said gleefully.

"Hahaha! A face of bird droppings! This is definitely the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life!" Su Yi was still smiling while clutching his stomach.

Xiao Rou'er and they couldn't laugh either.

He Lianyu was trembling with anger. Yan Yu and Wu Xiaosan quickly wiped bird droppings on him. The black flame big eagle didn't know what he was eating. The bird droppings were smelly and sticky, and he wiped it with a hand towel. A lot of it, how disgusting how to look.

He Lianyu pushed the two away fiercely, and applied a dust-cleaning technique to himself before washing away the bird feces on his face.

But the bird feces are clean, but the shame on him will never be washed away!

In the presence of so many people, he was so humiliated! !

Looking at the smiles of the people around him, he only felt angry, and he wanted to kill everyone and let them bring it all into the grave!

But he can't do it! He couldn't really kill so many people!

His heart was filled with anger and hatred, and at the same time he was puzzled, how could the eighth-order fairy beast escape his control!

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