Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1038: what happened

Chapter 1038

"Isn't the Helian family good at Yu Beast? How come that eighth-order fairy beast not only ran away, but also pulled a **** on your face?"

Zhang Ye said loudly.

Such a good opportunity can make fun of He Lianyu, how can she not let her down!

Those audiences admired Zhang Ye's courage very much. Didn't you see He Lianyu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot? Everyone dared not laugh anymore, he even dared to mention it! Which pot is really not open and which pot is raised!

He Lianyu looked at Zhang Ye coldly, with endless hatred in his eyes.

He hates Zhang Ye to death, he has been ashamed to the extreme, Zhang Ye dare to laugh at himself!

Although Yan Yu felt ashamed, their Yan family was attached to the Helian family. At this time, he naturally wanted to help Helianyu.

He frowned and said, "Perhaps the black flame eagle had eaten his stomach, so he suddenly stopped listening to control!"

"Hahaha! The eighth-order fairy beast has eaten its stomach? Mother grin! You are ridiculous to me!" Zhang Ye didn't say a word, Su Yi beside him was smiling like something, as if someone was hitting a laughing hole , Has been laughing non-stop.

Many people also laughed, but did not dare to laugh too exaggerated.

Because it's really funny, the eighth-order fairy beast, Kenby the fairy king, can still eat a bad stomach? Isn't this funny?

This Yan family's Yan Yu, I am afraid he is a fool!

He Lianyu clenched his fist fiercely, and then released it. He pushed Yan Yu away and said loudly to everyone:

"Although this young man has summoned a Tier 8 fairy beast, the ability of the Tier 8 fairy beast is too strong, and it is normal to not be within the control of this young man. You laugh whenever you want. It is indeed the young man who made a mistake today and made a joke."

Grandfather once said that if you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. The more this is the time, the more he must stabilize his heart.

The person has been lost, and he can no longer continue to make people laugh.

Therefore, he has to be generous, so that people feel that he is generous and not afraid of people making jokes.

Sure enough, when he said this, everyone felt that he had a very good personality and had the style of a big family.

"It's a member of the Helian family. If it were me, I would like to find a hole in it."

"The Helian family has a good family style, and Helianyu is extraordinary at first sight!"

"It has long been heard that He Lianyu can only summon Tier 6 and Tier 7 fairy beasts. This time it is beyond expectation to be able to summon Tier 8 fairy beasts. A small problem is normal."

"Yes! It is already very powerful to be able to summon a Tier 8 fairy beast?"

Zhang Ye shook the fan and said with a faint smile:

"It turns out that Tier 8 fairy beasts can't be controlled, um, that's right, isn't it just bird droppings, it's really not a big deal, I hope that next time we can see the real beast control ability of the Helian family."

He Lianyu gritted his teeth, this Zhang Ye, he did it on purpose! He deliberately mentioned the bird **** that he was splashed on again!

What he didn't know was that Zhang Ye not only made fun of him, but afterwards he was painted with a portrait of him smashed by bird feces and sent to pedestrians on the road to let people know about the scandal.

"Brother Zhang is right, He Lianyu, I hope you will be more stable next time, don't fall into the reputation of the He Lian family."

On the stage, Emperor Xia Wen, who had not spoken, suddenly said.

He spoke out, indicating that the incident had been revealed.

He Lianyu made a fist, and even Emperor Xia Wen felt that he was behaving too badly, otherwise he would not say such things.

He was angry.


There was a loud noise.

Everyone looked over here.

"Fryer again!"

"Master Cang Lei's disciple actually failed the refining again!"

"It seems that Cang Wei has no abilities!"

Everyone shook their heads as they looked at Cang Wei who was scorched by the explosion.

It can be said that the furnace is not well controlled for one frying, but it is not that it is not well controlled for the second frying, but a problem of ability.

The nose of Master Cang Lei in the crowd was getting crooked. He has been paying attention to Cang Wei. It will not be long before Cang Wei will succeed in refining, and he actually fry the furnace!

Are you angry?

Cang Wei's expression was also very gloomy. Don't blame him for the fryer this time. At the critical moment, He Lianyu suddenly showed anger, which affected his alchemy!

But he couldn't blame He Lianyu, because He Lianyu's status was higher than him, so he could only swallow the bitterness himself.

Gritting his teeth, he took out the alchemist again, ready to refine the pill again.

"It's boring, it's all spicy chicken! Brother Long, let's go!"

Zhang Ye shook his fan and said lightly, with disdain in his tone.

When He Lianyu and Cang Wei heard it, their eyes were full of sullen expressions.

Although they don't understand what "spicy chicken" means, but listening to Zhang Ye's tone, they know that it is not a good word!

He Lianyu was about to speak, only when Emperor Ling Tian echoed quietly:

"It's really nothing good, just a waste of time."

He Lianyu:...

So angry!

The emperor Ling Tian and Zhang Ye are gone, which means that the best two faces are no longer visible. The women in the audience can't stand up to anything. Fortunately, the new Demon King of the Demon Race is pretty pretty.

However, not long after the emperor Ling Tian and the others left, a handsome red monk appeared in front of people.

"Song Yiyang!"

After seeing the red monk, Mu Yuheng almost stood up from the audience.

His voice was not loud, and it did not arouse people's ideas.

But the young monk who had just entered the venue looked over here.

When his gaze fell on Mu Yuheng's face, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it quickly became a calm expression.

Mu Yuheng didn't miss this look. He thought with certainty in his heart: It is really Song Yiyang, Prince Song, how could he become a monk?

Although he didn't carry the sledgehammer that his sister gave him anymore, but this red shirt hadn't changed at all, it was still so flamboyant and casual.

"Yuheng, do you know him?" Old Jinlong asked.

"Previous old friend." Mu Yuheng sighed.

"He is a bit extraordinary, the Buddha's will on his body has been condensed into an enchantment, and even those masters do not have his ability."

Old Jinlong said in a slightly indifferent voice.

"Handsome Shu is very powerful!" Xiao Rou'er said happily.

A group of them all sat together, including the veteran Fu Yao Long Er and the others. They didn't follow the departure of Long Moshen and Wushuang. In that case, it was too conspicuous, so they stayed and watched the fun. Only Long Yi, the "maid", followed.

"Unexpectedly, he would become a monk." Mu Yuheng was still surprised.

Hai Lanyue on the side said to him: "Everyone has their own way, maybe his way is to cut off the root of emotion and become a Buddha right away."

Mu Yuheng nodded: "Maybe."

However, he wanted to see Song Yiyang after the competition was over. He actually wanted to know what had happened to Song Yiyang over the years.

At the beginning, they were also friends.

He wanted to know if Song Yiyang became a monk and was related to his sister.

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