Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1039: Cut him a thousand times

Chapter 1039

Wushuang didn't know what happened afterwards at the invitation meeting.

Because she and the emperor uncle went back from the square and directly entered the space stone wall to practice.

Cultivation cannot be abandoned, and the two can practice face to face, and they are at ease together.

But what Wushuang didn't know was that after she closed her eyes and started to meditate, the emperor who was sitting across from her did not practice, but looked at her softly.

Below the stone wall, small green dragons and small phoenix nine-headed birds are playing and playing, the huge flat peach trees on the stone wall are blooming again, and a light pink petal rain falls.

The place where you enter the eye is full of green grass and fairy medicine, and the magic medicine also exudes its unique breath. At the spring, the little fat fish spit out water arrows tirelessly, jumping and jumping, so happy.

The whole space is lively, warm, and extraordinary. It has become a small world on its own, not in heaven.

Long Moshen's deep amber eyes looked at his pair for an instant, as if he could not tire of anything.

He didn't tell her that during the time he was apart from her, he had a nightmare while practicing.

The nightmare is not as powerful as the inner demon, and will not block the cultivation base, but it is also a manifestation of mental instability.

During this period of time, there will always be some bad clips in his mind. Sometimes when he opens his eyes, his thoughts are grayed out, as if he was back when he was looking for her hundreds of years ago.

After he recovered, he remembered that he had found her.

A few days ago, the nightmare became more and more lifelike. When he opened his eyes, his eyes were crimson crazily. It was not until he met her a few days ago that the nightmare was suppressed.

It was his idea to come to the space to practice. Because of the nightmare, he had no progress in his cultivation in the first few months. Only when he was with her can he make progress. But looking at her face, he couldn't help but fall into his mind, thinking about it. Started a lot.

Fortunately, the time flow on the stone wall is fast, otherwise the time will be too short.

Wushuang was obsessed with cultivation, and was unaware of foreign affairs, mainly because the emperor's uncle was by his side. She was 10,000 at ease and dared to devote herself to cultivation.

It's just that in the realm of the immortal king, it is not easy to take a small step forward. She retreats for many days, and apart from a deeper internal interest, there is no change in her cultivation base.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the emperor's uncle still cultivating, she put her chin in her hands, and seriously admired his handsome face.

The emperor's uncle really looks so good. There is no dead angle at 360 degrees. No matter from which angle, he looks good. He has a tall nose, thin lips, and a thin and **** chin.

Because the cultivation time is not short, the stubble of blue color grows on the chin, this kind of stubble is the most piercing when kissing.

Ah, what is she thinking about!

Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her eyes fell on his thin lips again. It is said in the world that men with thin lips are the thinnest, but the emperor is not such a person.

So, many things in the world are untrustworthy.

She stared at his **** lips, not noticing that the man in front of him had opened his eyes, with a slight smile in his eyes.

Seeing his lips bend a bit, she noticed that he also woke up from the state of cultivation, and hurriedly jumped on him.

"Come on, Uncle Emperor, I will help you shave!"

She hasn't shaved the emperor's uncle yet!

Long Mo smiled deeply, holding her willow-like waist, and taking out a small shaving knife from the storage ring with the other hand, and handing it to her: "I can't ask for it for my husband."

Wushuang smiled more brilliantly.

They gather less and divorce more. Sometimes, such small things are also their source of happiness.


Mu Yuheng was unable to meet Song Yiyang alone, because after the invitation to the family was over, Song Yiyang disappeared. He was obviously dressed in red and was very public, but when he disappeared, he did not arouse anyone's idea.

After that, Mu Yuheng and her sister mentioned this matter.

Wushuang groaned for a while before he said: "Next time you meet, you don't have to ask the reason. He has already seen through Hongchen. For him, the past is past. Even if you ask, he might not say it."

"Looking through the red dust" are easy to say, but only Song Yiyang himself knows the struggle.

So why bother to mention the past.

Mu Yuheng couldn't understand it at the time, but only knew that he wanted to listen to her sister, and then slowly understood the meaning of it.


On the first day of the invitational meeting, everyone in the limelight was overshadowed by a young man named "Zhang Ye".

This Zhang Ye, at a young age, was a Fourth-Rank Immortal Alchemist, and even Master Cang Lei was not his opponent.

At the invitation meeting, it only took a stick of incense to refine a furnace and a grade of elixir, which blinded people's eyes and caused Master Cang Lei's disciple Cang Wei to blow up two alchemy furnaces with jealousy.

Moreover, his sense of mystery is too strong. He is obviously just an ordinary "Zhang" surname, but his appearance is not ordinary, his cultivation base is not ordinary, and his alchemy ability is not ordinary!

Such a person, appearing out of thin air, will always make more people fantasize about him.

Some people say that he is the son of the Patriarch of the **** Zhang family in the spirit world, and the proud son of the heavens cultivated by the family exhausting all resources. He appeared at Princess Xia Ling's invitation meeting just to make a blockbuster.

When Wushuang heard this speculation, he had to admire people's brains.

Others said that he did not have a surname at all, he should be from another big family. He used a false name to make people think he was an ordinary person.

Wushuang nodded his head, this guess was slightly touched.

What she wants is this kind of effect. The harder they guess, the more credible people will be when she announces her "identity".

At the recruitment meeting, in addition to this matter after the discussion, there was another thing that was also talked about as a joke after dinner.

When Helianyu from the Helian family summoned the fairy beast over there, the fairy beast pulled a **** of **** on his face.

If this happened to someone else, I’m afraid everyone would forget it with a smile, but it happened to the people of the Helian family. The status of the Helian family is high, and Helianyu’s identity is even more noble. Pulled a face, naturally thought it was very funny.

But one of the biggest reasons that everyone can hardly forget is that I don’t know who it is. I found a painter to paint a portrait of Helianyu with bird droppings on his face. I also printed many copies of the portrait and distributed it to Shijuecheng Street People in the alley, whenever they look at the portrait, they think of He Lianyu's face cast by bird droppings.

By the time He Lianyu knew about this and wanted to stop those behind the scenes from discrediting him, it was too late. Not only did the people in Shijiecheng have his portraits, but he even appeared in the surrounding towns.

"Let this young man know who did it, this young man must cut him a thousand times!!"

He Lianyu gritted his teeth and roared.

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