Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1040: Discuss the Tao with the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1040

The portrait of He Lianyu was passed to Youluan Palace.

Princess Xia Ling picked up the portrait with orchid finger disgust, took a look, and threw the portrait on the ground, letting people take it out and burn it.

"The descendants of the dignified Helian family made such a joke."

She said somewhat indifferently.

The maidservant heard Yu said: "Princess, in fact, Young Master Helian is quite powerful. He has just entered the realm of the Immortal King, and he can summon a Tier 8 fairy beast. This is because his brother He Lianyuan didn't have such ability back then."

"He Lianyuan is indeed a genius, this princess heard from the emperor's brother. The two sons of Emperor Helian, it seems that Helianyuan is much better than this Helianyu."

Princess Xia Ling recalled:

"It's just that Helianyuan is also short-lived. Brother Huang said that he was about to comprehend the law of reincarnation and returned to the immortal world and was killed by someone, and even the soul lamp was extinguished. It is impossible to reincarnate."

When the emperor brother mentioned it, he said that it’s a pity that Helianyuan is a genius, but it’s fine if he is dead. If he can understand the law of reincarnation, he might be the next king of Hades. In terms of balance, it is not a good thing.

"It seems that Helianyuan's luck is not good." Ting Yu echoed the princess.

"Fortune is very important. Without luck, no matter how talented, what's the use?" Princess Xia Ling said.

What she didn't know was that He Lianyuan's luck was actually very good, but since he followed his family against Long Moshen and Wushuang, his luck has plummeted. If his mind is not so paranoid and jealous, maybe At this time, he has returned to his position, becoming the strongest member of the young generation in the Helian family in the fairy world, and may even surpass his father Helianfei.

"This princess feels that Zhang Ye's luck is good, and she must have a lot to do in the future!"

Princess Xia Ling suddenly curled her lips and said.

Qi luck is contagious. Emperor Ling Tian's luck has always been very good. This time he can return from the lower realm to the immortal world, which shows that his luck is very strong, otherwise it is impossible to return to the realm of immortality so quickly!

Zhang Yeneng and Emperor Ling Tian are brothers, indicating that Zhang Ye should also be a person with strong luck.

Besides, if the luck is not strong, how can it be possible to have the ability of the fourth-grade elixir master and the cultivation base of the immortal king at a young age!

Princess Xia Ling even felt that Zhang Ye didn't necessarily have better luck than Emperor Ling Tian.

She said that she had a good vision, especially after seeing He Lianyu's portrait of bird feces, she felt that no one could be better than Zhang Ye.

Hearing Yu didn't follow the princess out, naturally she didn't know what that Zhang Ye looked like, but the princess had mentioned Zhang Ye many times in the past few days, and she knew no matter how stupid she was, this Zhang Ye must be the princess who treats her with blue eyes.

But for this kind of thing, she couldn't speak out, so she could only watch the toe of the shoe without speaking.

Princess Xia Ling didn't even think about making a heart-to-heart with a maidservant, she just felt it.

Thinking of Zhang Ye, her mood improved, and she said: "Zhang Ye's performance is so good, she will definitely be able to enter the next round, and I will be able to see him in the next round."

Zhang Ye did enter the next round, but Emperor Xia Wen himself ticked off his name.

He hesitated for a long time before writing, because the origin of this Zhang Ye was unknown, he was too enchanting, and his purpose was very strong, obviously he came for Xia Ling.

He and his father would not marry Xia Ling to someone who doesn't know the roots.

But Zhang Ye's performance was so good that he couldn't brush him down in the first round.


"The result is out!"

"Come and see! The list of people who can enter the next match of Princess Xia Ling's invitation is coming out!"

People from the Great Xia Dynasty posted a few pieces of paper on the city wall, and as soon as they were pasted, a large number of people came to watch the excitement.

"Emperor Lingtian, Zhang Ye, Su Yi, Wu Luo, Yan Yu, Wu Xiaosan, He Lianyu, Cang Wei...Huh? Didn't Cang Wei fry the stove twice? Why is his name on it! "

Someone was thinking, making a weird sound.

"Yes, how can Cang Wei be on the list! He exploded the alchemy furnace twice during the day, and his performance was terrible!"

"What's wrong with the fryer? Didn't he finally refine a tenth-grade pill? Cangwei, as the apprentice of Master Cang Lei, is already very powerful! He is already a tenth-grade alchemist at this age. He will soon become an elixir of immortality!" Someone helped Cang Wei speak.

Many people curled their lips. With Zhang Ye in front of the jade, Cang Wei looked too mediocre. Zhang Ye's bone age was much younger than Cang Wei!

And it's still a fourth-grade elixir!

This Cangwei exploded the furnace twice before refining a ten-grade pill. What's so amazing!

"Look, that little monk with the title of Xuyun is actually on the list!" Someone said, pointing to the name on the paper.

"It's really weird these days, the monk wants to get a wife too!"

"Hahaha! It shows that our Princess Xia Ling is so charming, even the monk wants to be vulgar!"

"But the little monk Xuyun is very powerful. It seems that he didn't do anything yesterday, but he asked Emperor Xia Wen to say good things."

Everyone talked a lot.

Some people also mentioned He Lianyu, saying that he was too embarrassing in the daytime, and he was painted, and it was spread to everyone, and they didn't know if he had offended someone and deliberately punished him.

"What are you talking about!"

At this moment, Yan Yu, Wu Xiaosan and He Lianyu and his party appeared here, and He Lianyu's face was extremely ugly.

But when people see He Lianyu, they think of the portrait, and then think of his face smeared with black bird droppings, and they can't help but want to laugh.

Fortunately, I held back, otherwise, with Helianyu's face, I'm afraid anyone who dares to laugh will send him to the west to laugh enough.

"Brother Helian, our names are all on the list!" Yan Yu said to Helianyu after reading the list.

He Lianyu's gaze fell on the paper posted next to him, and the content written on it made him squint.

"The second match is the cultivation base!"

"Those who pass the second test will be able to live in the Youluan Palace and discuss the truth with the Great Xia Immortal Emperor!"


In the second match, he could find a way to eliminate Zhang Ye!

After that, I can live in Youluan Palace, see Princess Xia Ling, and discuss the truth with the Great Xia Immortal Emperor! Discussing the Tao with the Immortal Emperor, with a little guidance from the Great Xia Immortal Emperor, he might be able to make rapid progress!

"Go, go back to the inn!"

He Lianyu gave a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He must plan well and eliminate all his opponents by then!

It was a troublesome matter for Emperor Ling Tian, ​​but he didn't think that Emperor Ling Tian really wanted to marry Princess Xia Ling. If you really want to marry, you won’t show up at all.

The biggest opponent is Zhang Ye.

As far as he knows, Princess Xia Ling has a great affection for Zhang Ye.

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