Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1050: Break the eye

Chapter 1050

Oh, the immortal emperor is so powerful.

This sentence resounded in the ears of everyone in the audience.

Is Zhang Ye crazy? How dare to speak to the emperor like this!

He Lianyu sneered, Zhang Ye finally became angry and was about to break the jar, and even the emperor had to deal with him to see who could save him!

Emperor Da Xia squinted his eyes. Zhang Ye was very annoying for no reason. He took this opportunity to kill him, but he choked to death a seedling that was about to grow into a towering tree. He still didn’t. Put Zhang Ye under his eyes.

"Zhang Ye, at a young age, he is defiant. If this emperor doesn't teach you a lesson, you will never know how high the sky is."

Emperor Daxia said flatly, as if he was talking about a very common thing.

"My son has a father and a mother, so it's not your turn to teach him how to be a man, but what he didn't expect is that the immortal emperor in the dignified battlefield is also indiscriminate like a stupid woman."

Zhang Ye said in a hurry.

"Bold! How did you speak to the Immortal Emperor! This is what I said, Zhang Ye is vicious and stubborn, it's not a pity to die!" Master Cang Lei coldly snorted, and a successful cold light flashed in his muddy eyes.


Emperor Daxia flashed his killing intent, and Zhang Ye was indeed dead.

"Come on!"

"Hold on." Long Mo said faintly.

"My nephew, Zhang Ye is all bad, and it is good for you to recognize his true face. You don't have to speak for him anymore." Daxia Immortal said, stopping Long Moshen's plea to Zhang Ye.

No one intercedes today.

The corner of Long Mo's deep mouth evoked a sneer, and he said in a low voice: "The Emperor is wrong. The deity is not pleading for Zhang Ye, but wants the world to recognize the true face of Cang Lei."

After all, in the eyes of everyone's doubts, he lightly slapped, and a person walked in from outside.

"Master Bailan!"

Seeing the people coming, countless people were shocked. Master Bailan actually came to the battlefield. He was also a fourth-rank immortal alchemist, he was more famous than Master Canglei, and more difficult to invite.

Master Bailan was about the same age as Master Canglei, even a few dozen years younger, wearing a hidden blue robe, giving a scholarly elegance.

But don’t look at Master Bailan who looks like a weak scholar. In fact, Master Bailan is very powerful. Not only is he extremely talented in alchemy, but his cultivation has not fallen. Master Lan is already the late fairy king.

Moreover, Grand Master Bailan has an almost pious love for alchemy. He often makes alchemy prescriptions by himself, and his contribution to the alchemy world is not small.

Therefore, seeing Master Bailan appeared, people were more surprised than seeing Master Canglei.

Immortal Emperor Daxia frowned slightly and smiled casually and kindly: "Why is Master Bailan here?"

Master Bai Lan was supposed to refine the elixir in the Great Xia Dynasty. Why did he come to Shijuecheng?

"I am a good friend with Emperor Ling Tian. When I learned that Emperor Ling Tian came to the princess's invitation meeting, I naturally wanted to watch the excitement."

Master Bai Lan said with a smile.

In fact, he had already visited Shijuecheng yesterday, and had already seen Long Moshen and Zhang Ye. He came to Shijuecheng for Zhang Ye's elixir.

Emperor Xia Wen once took Master Cang Lei's Yi Rong Dan to find him, and also gave him an elixir that Zhang Ye personally refined for him to see.

At this look, he was shocked, and finally felt that he would come to Shijuecheng.

Seeing Master Bailan appearing, Emperor Xia Wen let out a sigh of relief.

"Cang Lei, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still the same, the same greed, not enterprising." Master Bai Lan looked at Master Cang Lei, his tone mocking.

Anyone can hear the sarcasm in the tone of Master Bai Lan.

Everyone’s ears stood up sharply, what was going on as if things were going to turn around?

Looking at Emperor Zhang Ye and Emperor Ling Tian, ​​the expressions of the two of them have not changed so much. Even when the Great Xian Emperor said to deal with Zhang Ye, he did not see the slightest nervousness or panic. It seems that the two of them are well-intentioned. what.

Things suddenly become interesting.

An anger flashed across Master Canglei's face: "Bai Lan, what do you mean by this!"

"Meaning you are a scum, don't you understand?" Zhang Ye said with a smile.

Master Cang Lei almost vomited blood.

Master Bai Lan smiled, "Little friend Zhang Ye said right, you are a scum, and the refined elixir is a poisonous pill. People like you are not qualified to be an alchemist at all."

"Master Bailan, what do you mean by this?" Immortal Emperor Daxia frowned.

"Xiandi, the Yi Rong Pill refined by Cang Lei contains a large amount of the poison of the shadowless lotus heart. It is the poison in the Yi Rong Pill that makes the young lady of the heavenly palace rotten, and he did not expect Cang Lei to marry. It's really disgusting that the misfortune has been given to little friend Zhang Ye." Grand Master Bai Lan said, shaking his head.

The audience was shocked when he said this.

Damn it!

Master Cang Lei is such a person? He even blamed Zhang Ye on the problem of his pill!

"Nonsense!" Master Cang Lei was furious: "There is absolutely no problem with the Yi Rong Dan refined by this seat! Bai Lan, you unexpectedly united the shameless junior Zhang Ye and framed me!"

"Fraised? What do you think this is!" Grand Master Bai Lan took out a pill with a cold face.

"If you don’t see the Yellow River, your heart will not die. When things come, the duck’s mouth is hard, Cang Lei, you are so disappointing! This pill is the Yi Rong Pill you refined. It is here now. The poison of the shadowless lotus lotus heart that is more than a hundred times greater is that something went wrong during your refining. Not only did you not reflect on it, but you also blamed others for your fault!"

"No! This is not made by this seat!" Master Cang Lei suddenly dilated his pupils, shook his head and backed away, unwilling to admit it.

Zhang Ye sneered and said, "It's useless if you don't admit it. The pill you refine can be distinguished by someone who knows a little bit. Such a bad elixir can be refined, which is really eye-opening."

Master Bailan had long known that Master Canglei would definitely not admit it, so he directly called a few friends who were also the elixir of elixir to come up for identification.

In the end, everyone believed that this Yi Rong Pill was indeed made by Master Cang Lei, and the proof was as strong as a mountain, and Master Cang Lei could not deny it.

The reversal of things surprised everyone, and at the same time felt hatred and disgusting towards Master Cang Lei.

No one thought that Master Cang Lei was such a person. There was a problem with the elixir he refined himself, and he gave it to others without verifying its efficacy. Moreover, he viciously blamed his fault on Zhang Ye. Master Bai Lan appeared, otherwise Zhang Ye would have a hard time arguing!

The dignified fourth-ranked elixir, the character is so bad, it really fell through everyone's eyes!

After such a disturbance, Immortal Emperor Daxia's face sank.

He convicted Zhang Ye guilty, and now he slapped him in the face.

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