Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1051: Blast out

Chapter 1051

"The Great Xia Immortal, Master Cang Lei has such a bad character, how are you going to punish?"

Zhang Yeyouyou asked.

"Cang Lei is really cunning, even the emperor has been deceived, come, and blast Cang Lei out of the battlefield, this kind of villain is forbidden to step into the battlefield anymore!"

Daxia Xiandi said.

He must set an example if he wants to block the leisurely crowd. The most important thing is that Master Bailan is here and he wants Master Bailan to see his attitude.

The royal family needs a large amount of fourth-grade elixir every year. Since Cang Lei's refined pill has a problem, then this person has no value, and it is better to get Bailan's favor.

Of course, he was unhappy in his heart, and he felt like being slapped in the face.

Master Cang Lei and his disciple Cang Wei were quickly dragged away and directly driven out of the battlefield.

Everyone sighed that Master Canglei's reputation was completely abolished, and even if the elixir he refined in the future was not problematic, people would think that there was a problem with his elixir.

In fact, none of the other medicines except Yi Rong Pill refined by Master Cang Lei had any problems, but the quality was a little worse than that of Master Bai Lan and others.

But with such a disturbance, who would look for him!

People who can afford the fourth-grade elixir are not ordinary people. These people would rather spend more profound spirit stones. Isn't it much better to ask Master Bailan and others to buy the fourth-grade elixir?

Wushuang snorted lightly in her heart, and she knew the hypocrite Daxia Immortal Emperor.

But she was not in a hurry, and the account was settled slowly.

"I didn't watch the excitement, Master Bai Lan, go, the younger generation invites you to have a drink!"

Zhang Ye waved his big hand and took Emperor Ling Tian to greet Master Bai Lan to go out.

"Drinking? Brother Zhang, Brother Shen, let's go too!" Su Yi said with a grin.

"Ah, Bai Lan, can we also go for a drink and exchange alchemy with little friend Zhang Ye?"

Several friends of Master Bai Lan said that they are cheeky and want to know Zhang Ye. Not long ago, the elixir that Bai Lan took out made them all amazed for a long time, so they also miss Zhang Ye, a powerful junior. Communicate.

Master Bai Lan looked at Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye invited him to drink, of course he wanted to see what Zhang Ye meant.

"Of course!" Zhang Ye said with a smile: "The juniors still have a lot of things that are not clear, just to find the seniors to solve their doubts, and everyone can drink and talk together!"

"Hahaha! Good! Go!"

"Go! Drink!"

"Xu...yun, are you going together?" Zhang Ye looked back at the handsome monk in red.

"The monk can't drink." Long Moshen said blankly.

"Amitabha Buddha, the meat and wine have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha stayed in his heart. Since the donor has invited him, there is no reason for the little monk not to go."

Xu Yun smiled slightly and walked up freely.

Countless people are dumbfounded, can monks drink?

Can the monk also marry?

But this monk has all come to attend the recruitment meeting, he should be considered a break.

Relapses are so powerful, it's really not easy.

The group of people left in a hurry.

Emperor Da Xia was still on the stage, no one greeted him and left, his face sank.

"I've gone, and we've also gone, and I didn't watch it!"

In the audience, veteran Fu Yao and Jinlong also got up one after another.

Mu Yuheng took Hai Lanyue's hand, took Xiao Rou'er with the other hand, and took her out.

Xiao Rou'er laughed so badly. My mother was so powerful today and drove the bad guys away, but everyone didn't know that it was her mother.

"Uncle, when are we leaving?" Xiao Rou'er asked, putting her arm around her uncle's neck.

"Alright, it's just a few days."

Mu Yuheng replied with a smile.

These days Shijuecheng has finished shopping, the little guy thinks it's not fun and wants to leave.

"Yeah! Great! There are too many people here, so many people are smelly." Xiao Rou'er deliberately covered her nose.

Mu Yuheng and Hai Lanyue were amused by her.

On the other side, Wushuang Long Moshen led everyone back to Nandou Building, wrapped the first floor, and asked the back kitchen to prepare good wine and meat. Old Jinlong and others came back and joined them, and everyone had a good time. .

Wushuang discovered that Master Bailan was really obsessed with alchemy and regarded alchemy as the most important thing in his life, so he admired her very much, and he did not hide and teach her many things.

The biggest gain from this trip to Shijue City is getting to know Master Bailan.

After everyone drank it in the middle of the night, Wushuang remembered that he was going to Youluan Palace.

"Go back tomorrow morning."

Long Moshen said to her.

Wushuang nodded, she didn't want to go.

If the emperor did not go, Immortal Emperor Da Xia was definitely afraid to say anything, because he still wanted the emperor to be his son-in-law. She and Wu Su and Song Yiyang did not go, so naturally it didn't matter.

After drinking until midnight, everyone enjoyed themselves, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

Wushuang also wanted Song Yiyang to live in the inn. Anyway, there was still an empty room. Who knew he had come without a trace, and disappeared as soon as he left.

Back to the room, Xiao Rou'er had fallen asleep long ago, Xixi was practicing.

Wushuang entered the space with Xixi, and Long Moshen also entered the space with Xiao Rou'er.

The wine spirit quickly faded, Wushuang and Long Moshen came to the stone wall, Wushuang leaned on his shoulder, and restored to her original face. Her face was still red with a slight red, as delicate as a flower.

"Uncle Emperor, tomorrow is destined to be not an ordinary day. When we arrive in the spiritual world, we may be separated, so I want to stay with you in the space for a while."

She said softly, pressing all the weight of her body on his body.

Long Moshen held her shoulders: "I won't be separated. You are my good friend Bei Mingye. What's the problem with me taking you into the palace."

"Hey..." Wushuang raised his head, "That's what I said, haha, if in the future, the Emperor Jiuyou and the Queen know that I am actually the princess of the underworld, I don't know if I will make my nose mad."

When she thinks of this possibility, she finds it funny.

Then, the two cuddled for a long time, a long time.


Early in the morning of the second day, Emperor Daxia sent someone over to invite Emperor Ling Tian and others to enter the Youluan Palace.

Yesterday evening, Immortal Great Xia hosted a banquet and said to invite ten people. In the end, only two people from Beixuansheng Beixuanjie Helianyu and Longgong were visited, a total of five people, and half of them did not arrive.

At that time, the face of Emperor Da Xia was also very ugly.

As a result, when the banquet was over, the remaining five people did not show up, and Emperor Da Xia couldn't smile anymore.

He is a magnificent immortal emperor, where he has been neglected so much.

But one night passed, and no one showed up, so he had to condescendingly send someone to ask.

After all, his favorite son-in-law is Long Moshen!

If Long Moshen doesn't come, how can he pick Xia Ling's son-in-law?

After his invitation, Long Mo Shen Zhang Ye and others arrived at Youluan Palace in a short time.

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