Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1109: Enter the water

Chapter 1109

"Hahaha! Laughing! A running dog dared to talk to us like this! Overpowering!"

As soon as Wu Xiaosan's voice fell, there was a roar of laughter from the Helian family's boat.

In the eyes of all the Helian family, Wu Xiaosan can be said to be trivial. Whoever can stay here to guard the tomb of Venerable Ding Zen is not the pride of heaven, or the dragon and the phoenix among the people. Who is Wu Xiaosan? shallot?

"You angered my son!"

Wu Xiaosan squinted his eyes, a fierce expression appeared in his eyes, "If that's the case, then the son will send you to the west!"

After he finished speaking, he was violent, and suddenly a jade pestle appeared in his hand, with six skull-shaped bells hung on it, and when he shook his hand, the six skull bells flew out quickly, obviously flashing gold. The Buddha's light gives people an extremely cold feeling.

The sound of the bell was so harsh that many people frowned and covered their ears subconsciously. Several elders immediately laid down the barrier, but to everyone's expectation, the bell penetrated the barrier directly. On the body of six people!


This is a sound that penetrates flesh and blood!

The elder looked back, his scalp was numb, and he saw that the skull-shaped bell went directly into the eyes of the six, and came out of the head with flesh and blood!

Not only that, the bell actually pulled the souls of several people out of the body, and the skull-like bell opened its mouth and swallowed the soul directly!

At this moment, the sound of the bell seemed even more harsh!

Everyone was dumbfounded, what an evil weapon is this! How could it be so scary! Too bad!

Wu Xiaosan's boat was getting closer and closer, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Yuchu paused, and six skull bells that had devoured their souls returned to Yuchu.

"My son doesn't want to kill too many lives today, so spare the rest of the lives and let my son go."

The two Helian family elders glanced at each other, and ordered the ship to drive back, leaving the green hills not afraid of not having firewood. This Wu Xiaosan suddenly became so strong and had terrible Buddhist artifacts in his body, it was really not suitable to fight hard. , Wait for the family members to come, then clean up him.

Although this kind of performance is like being greedy for life and fear of death, it can make the family lose the least.

Watching the Helian family's ship retreating, she showed no signs of mockery, but she quickly fell on Wu Xiaosan's body.

"With Wu Xiaosan's character, it is impossible to let these people leave. These people mocked him. He should have killed them. The old way felt that the evil Buddhist artifact he had in his hand could only kill six people at a time. Time will be able to recover."

Said the old man.

Wushuang nodded: "Yes, it's very likely. But I really didn't expect Wu Xiaosan to turn from the running dog of the Helian family to the running dog of the evil Buddha."

"Evil Buddha is really pervasive." Fu Yao frowned.

"Wu Xiaosan has some ability, the evil Buddha must also want something in the tomb of Venerable Zen Zen, so I asked Wu Xiaosan to help him open the tomb." Wushuang analyzed.

Long Moshen looked at her and nodded, "The evil Buddha should have an immortal tool similar to the old heavenly compass. This time Wu Xiaosan is likely to open the tomb."

"What should we do then? We can't let the evil Buddha succeed!" Old Tao said.

"I will lead away the evil Buddha."

Long Moshen turned his head to look at the cabin of the small boat, and said quietly.

Wushuang pursed her lips, the evil Buddha is very powerful, but she knows that this is the best way, and if she delays, Xiao Mie Shentan will be high tide, and the Helian family will come soon.

I don’t know what exactly is in the tomb of Venerable Dhyana Zen, but even the evil Buddha is interested. It can be seen that it is a very important thing, not to mention that it can not be obtained by the evil Buddha and increase the strength of the evil Buddha.

"Be careful." She grabbed his hand and said softly.

Long Mo curled his lips deeply and calmed her: "I will come to you soon for my husband." He looked at Lao Dao and Fu Yao again, "You have to be aware that evil monks may appear. After entering the water, the inner alchemy of the water monster will also Keep it in your hand at all times."

Lao Dao and Fu Yao both nodded: "We will be more careful."

"Let's get into the water." Long Moshen took her hand and kissed the back of her hand.

Wushuang was reluctant to give up, but when it was not an affair between her children, she did not hesitate to dive into the water with the old Taoist Fu Yao and swim towards the tomb of Venerable Dhyana Chan like a fish.

Long Moshen restored his original appearance and flew towards the small boat.

The elder of the Helian family looked at Emperor Ling Tian and quickly stopped the retreating ship.

Long Mo fell deeply on the mast of the Helian family ship and looked at Wu Xiaosan and said, "Wu Xiaosan, what do you intend to do in collusion with the evil Buddha?"

Evil Buddha!

It turns out that Wu Xiaosan was in collusion with the evil Buddha! No wonder he has become so strong!

The Helian family thought so.

Wu Xiaosan's eyes showed a panic. He was very afraid of Emperor Lingtian, but he was no longer nervous when he thought that he is not what he used to be. He said: "I am the envoy of the evil Buddha, help If you take back the things from Buddhism, the emperor Lingtian shouldn't be nosy!"

"Venerable Dhyana is a Buddhist upright sect, and the evil Buddha is just an evil way. What qualifications does he have to take away Buddhist things?"

Long Mo said in a low voice, his gaze did not fall on Wu Xiaosan, but at the cabin on the boat.

Sure enough, his voice just fell, and the smell of an evil Buddha was faintly revealed outside the seemingly dilapidated cabin.

Immediately afterwards, the cabin was torn apart, and a middle-aged man who couldn't see his face sat on the small boat, surrounded by the golden Buddha light.

"Amitabha, the donor is wrong."

The evil Buddha suddenly raised his head and looked at Long Moshen.


Holding the inner alchemy of the water monster, the Wushuang three people really did not feel the erosion of the ancient aura in the water. They directly condensed their aura and swam towards the tomb of Venerable Dhyana Zen.

Thanks to the existence of the ancient atmosphere in the water, the three of them were underwater, and the people on the water were not aware of it. I am afraid that no one would have thought that someone would take advantage of this to open the tomb of Venerable Dhyana, and no one would think that there would be anyone. It is easy to open this tomb.

The tomb of Venerable Dhyana Chan was buried deep in the ground, and the more it went down, the water became more and more bitterly cold, but they did not need to re-excavate, because the Helian family had long dug a tunnel leading to Venerable Dhyana. At the mausoleum.

Lao Dao had visited the tomb of Venerable Dhyana Zen before, so when he reached the tomb, he directly took out the heavenly compass and began to open the tomb.

Wushuang and Fu Yao stood beside them, defending the old way.

Venerable Dhyana’s tomb is semi-circular and has been dug up a lot by the Helian family. Now what the old Tao has to do is to open the tomb of this tomb and enter it.

The ancient aura in the water is not small, they can't feel the situation on the water, Wushuang is worried, but it doesn't show it on the face, only slightly rubbing the careful command in his hand.

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