Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1110: What the hell

Chapter 1110

In half an hour, Lao Dao opened the entrance to the tomb.

He previously said that the opening of the tomb of Venerable Dhyana Chan in two or three hours refers to the entire tomb, but now only the entrance is opened, and there are many institutions inside.

But it was this entrance that also stumped the Helian family, showing that the veteran was indeed very capable.

Opening this entrance, Lao Dao's face was a little pale, he took out the elixir that Wushuang gave him, and quickly recovered his vitality.

"I'll go in and see! You follow me!" Fu Yao said, walking into the entrance first, checking it out to make sure there is no danger, and then let the two of them follow.

After walking about ten meters away, they encountered a dead end, yes, the road ahead was blocked.

The old Dao stepped forward to take a look, and said to Wushuang and Fu Yao: "You can open it, you wait."

After all, I took out the secret compass to study.

The dead end in front of him and the tomb outside use a kind of refining material. This material is extremely hard and difficult to open, even with the strength of Helianfei Immortal Venerable.

Fu Yao said that this may be the material for refining in the hidden realm or other realms. According to legend, the Venerable Dhyana is a refining master. This mausoleum should have been created for himself by himself.

You can't use force to break it, you can only slowly open it one by one through the old calculations.

The old way said he was sure, just as sure, Wushuang believed him very much.

No one has ever come from above, indicating that the emperor's uncle has resisted everyone, and they have to speed up and open the tomb of Venerable Dhyana Zen.

Time flies, and soon the old way opened the first level, and the next organs became much easier. In the tomb, the old way was like a peerless powerhouse. He even knew where the dangerous organ might be. Let them three People avoid many crises.

I have to say that the old way is like a person who was born to robber the tomb, and his talent in this is really like a monster.

But the more you go in, the more gloomy you get.

Wushuang and Fu Yao had set up an enchantment outside the tomb before, so water could not flow in, but the air inside could hardly circulate out. Walking inside, the feeling of decay and gloom became more and more serious.

The old Dao's brows were also tightly furrowed, and he said: "Be careful, if the old Dao guesses well, only the last organ will be in the tomb."

Wushuang nodded and stood on both sides of the old way with Fu Yao, as if there was danger, they could also protect the old way.

"Junior sister, the air here is bitterly cold, we may be able to resist danger better when we return to the state of ghost repair."

Fu Yao said to Wushuang.

"Senior brother is right." Wushuang nodded. The environment here contains a bit of profound yin, but not much. It may be related to the environment of Mie Shentan. She and the brother can be better protected by becoming ghost cultivators. Sophisticated.

After returning to the state of Gui Xiu, Wushuang felt that the cold feeling subsided a lot, and Gui Xiu had adapted to this cold place.

The two of them guarded the old way, so that he was less affected by this cold erosion.

"It's about to open! Quick! Stick to the wall!" The old Tao suddenly shouted.

The three of them all stuck to the wall, and saw the door suddenly opened. Numerous cold arrows were shot from the inside. They were coated with pitch-black venom. They all shot on the ground, and the ground made a sneer of corrosion. , White smoke came out.

You must know that the ground is full of refining materials that cannot be broken in the realm of Immortal Venerable, but now it is corroded by the cold arrow. If this falls on people, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Sure enough, a way out was deliberately left."

Old Tao said to himself.

"Isn't it bad to stay alive? How come you look more ugly than before?" Fu Yao asked curiously.

Wushuang said: "I'm afraid it's not so good, brother, look."

She pointed to the inside of the tomb.

Fu Yao looked into the tomb and shivered suddenly. He was not scared, but shocked.

King Abi can be scared of the dignified mansion, it can be seen that what he saw is terrible.

In the center of this huge tomb, there were densely packed Buddhist disciples standing, all of them clasped their hands together, with a string of Buddhist beads hanging on their hands, and closed their eyes, as if they were reciting scriptures silently.

There are enough Buddhist disciples here for thousands!

But none of these people are angry, they are all corpses!

At first sight, there are so many dead bodies, and they are all the same as living ones. When the wind blows, the eyelashes and hair are trembling. How can you not startle people? And there is the illusion that these monks will open their eyes in the next instant, which makes people feel chills.

Even Fu Yao, who often deals with fierce ghosts, has a hairy heart.

Weird, too weird.

Venerable Dhyana Chan has been dead for thousands of years. How can these monks stand here as if they were alive?

"Blessed Heaven!" The old Dao put his hands together, his eyes showing pity.

"In the news we know, there don't seem to be thousands of monks to bury Venerable Dhyana Zen, right?" Wushuang frowned.

The old Taoist said: "Yes, I only heard that countless Buddhist disciples died suddenly, and I have never heard of the funeral!"

Therefore, it is not clear whether these thousands of monks are buried with them voluntarily, or the Venerable Dhyana forced them to be buried with them!

The problem is that from the look of these monks before death, there is no clue, because they are too peaceful, as if they were in a temple, not in a tomb.

"Go in and have a look!"

Fu Yao said, although he felt weird, as the king of the nose, he was not afraid of ghosts, and ghosts were afraid of him.

But just as he stepped into the tomb, all the monks opened their eyes with a sigh.

Wushuang's heart trembled slightly, and then he cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, my grandma is scared to death!"

"You can't go in!" At this time, the old Tao stopped Fu Yao, and he pointed to the heavenly compass: "Look, the pointer is disordered, the place of great evil, nine deaths and no life!"

Sure enough, the pointer of the celestial compass was spinning around, as if it was about to fail in the next moment.

But the monks in the tomb opened their eyes, but their eyes were not white, only the dark pupils, which were weird.

"Brother, you take the old way out, I'll go in and take a look!" Wushuang stepped in.

"Junior sister, no, come out quickly!" Fu Yao saw that all the monks turned their heads over here, and they were full of lifeless air, but they were neither ghosts nor souls.

"I have Pluto's father's kit, and I can also go out of the nine dead and no life. The contents of this tomb must not be obtained by the Helian family and the evil Buddha, otherwise it is unimaginable."

Wushuang said calmly.

The old Taoist took the celestial compass and said: "If you don't go, we won't go."

Fu Yao also walked in, took out a sword, and slashed it on the head of a nearby monk, but the head was not broken, it was very hard, and half of it hung around his neck.

"What the **** is this!"

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