Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1124: Routine

Chapter 1124

Wushuang looked at the faint green water in the cup, like poison, it was really not related to the word "tea", the ancient power in it was so strong that it made people palpitating, this cup of tea was more than the ancient power in the previous water.

"Drink tea."

The young man was curious to learn how to talk to the middle-aged man, Wushuang noticed that he looked a little similar to the middle-aged couple, guessing that they should be a family.

Seeing that Wushuang didn't drink, he first picked up the teacup and took a sip, as if he was teaching her, showed her the teacup and took another sip.

He didn't seem to feel anything after drinking it.

Wushuang rolled his throat, thinking that it was okay for him to drink so much of the pool water before, indicating that they had a way to remove the ancient power in the water. If they wanted to harm themselves, they would not have spent much time saving themselves before.

Thinking of this, she picked up the tea cup in front of her and drank it in one fell swoop.

So sweet!

After drinking, there is still a sweet taste on the tip of the tongue, which is a clear sweet taste.

The power she imagined to destroy the body did not appear.

it's wired.

Her surprised eyes betrayed her mind, and the middle-aged woman faintly said:

"You drank my son's blood, the ancient power in this water is naturally harmless to you."


Wushuang's eyes widened in surprise, he looked at the two couples, and then at their son. When did she drink his blood? Does his blood have such a powerful effect? However, the uncle emperor said before that "water monsters" are creatures born in Mie Shentan, and all things grow and restrain each other, which is not without reason.


The middle-aged man snorted again.

Wushuang bit his lip slightly, thinking, he must have a cold snort later.

At this moment, Wushuang suddenly felt that there was a force in her body moving in her body. It was not uncomfortable. This force seemed to broaden her meridians, making her meridians stronger and more resilient.

The poison in her meridians is more difficult to penetrate to other parts.

No wonder she can't feel the pain caused by toxins, the power of the ancients has such a use!

The ancient power can cause fluctuations in the body of the immortal emperor level character, but she did not expect the pros and cons. After drinking the blood of the "water monster", she removed the harmful effects of the wild ancient power, leaving only the benefits.

This feeling is really strange.

She bowed again and said, "Thank you for the help of the old man and Linglang. Wushuang is grateful, and Wushuang will definitely pay back your kindness!"

Sure enough, the middle-aged man snorted again and said, "What kind of kindness can you repay, ignorant and hateful foreigner!"

Wushuang thought of the saying that the "water monsters" had been annihilated, and knew where their hostility to them came from. Now in this huge place, there are only three of them in the family and no other people. It means that they should have escaped by chance. They It is natural to hate those who destroy their ethnic group.

She knew that this kind of hostility was difficult to reverse. She thought to herself that she was in a state of ghost repair, not a human race, and said: "Although I am a foreign race to you, we ghost repair have never done anything to harm your race. I feel very sad for your experience, and I also feel that your existence is not ominous. There must be some other reason that caused the misfortune in the Northern Territory."

"If you weren't for ghost repair, you would have died on it."

The middle-aged woman said blankly.

Wushuang was startled, but didn't think much. She took out a box of tea leaves from her storage ring, "I think you like to drink tea. It just so happens that I have good tea here. Can you try it?"

Her jade chain space was given to Senior Brother Fu Yao. Now there are two storage rings left in her hand, and some commonly used things are also stored inside.

As soon as her tea leaves were taken out, the two couples' eyes lit up, but they quickly concealed their expressions with a light cough.

Wushuang pretended not to see it. She opened the tea, picked up the teapot and said, "Can this water be heated?"

"Naturally!" the middle-aged man quickly answered.

Their son looked at Wushuang's hand curiously, with doubts and novelties in his eyes.

Wushuang smiled and looked at him: This is tea, I will make tea for you now.

"Tea, make tea." He learned quickly.

Wushuang quickly made a pot of tea and poured a cup for them all.

They were also not polite, picking up the teacup and tasting, a look of satisfaction flashed across their faces.

The young man took a sip too, and found it delicious, and drank the cup regardless of the hotness.

Wushuang laughed, thinking he was really innocent, she asked, "Is it delicious?"

"Is it delicious?" He followed.

The middle-aged woman grumbled and talked to him for a while. After he understood Wushuang's words, he turned his head and said to her, "Drink!"

He is very clever and has a high talent for language.

Wushuang smiled and taught him a few words.

After drinking the tea, Wushuang did not hesitate to pick up all the food and drink in the storage ring, which she bought for Xiao Rou'er, and they were still hot after taking them out.

Seeing these things, she thought of Xiao Rou'er and Xi Xi, and she didn't know how they were, and hoped that they would not worry about her.

And the emperor, she must be very worried now, Xiao Mie Shen Tan has already high tide, she and Senior Brother Fu Yao have not gone out yet, he should know that there has been an accident.

I hope that Senior Brother Fu Yao and Song Yiyang will be able to go out. They should guess that there will be nothing wrong with them, and the emperor will feel relieved if they know.

Wushuang "buy" the family of three with what Wushuang took out. Finally, the faces of the two couples became less ugly, and their attitude towards her improved.

Seeing that the time was about to come, she proposed to go back, but was rejected by the middle-aged woman.

"Unless you want to die, then we won't stop you."

Only then did Wushuang know that the situation in her body was not as optimistic as she felt. She had to rely on the water in the eyes of Xiao Mie Shen Tan Tan to strengthen the meridians in order to leave, otherwise the toxins would not be able to suppress.

The water in the pond is the water just drunk.

She thought for a while and decided to stay. Her poison is not easy to solve. The ancient power cannot solve her poison, but it can be suppressed. If she leaves now, the toxin can't be suppressed, she might become The living dead.

She stayed, but fortunately, looking to accompany her at night, the days were not boring.

Ye Xun is the son of the two couples. He is very capable of learning, but in a few days, he has learned a lot of vocabulary from Wushuang. He has now communicated with Jian Wushuang.

After a few more days, he spoke more fluently, and Wushuang also learned a little of their language. Seeing that he was almost done, Wushuang began to ask him some questions.

I repeated what I could do, but although I knew a lot of things, I couldn't know the longer things, because Ye Xun was young and he didn't know what happened tens of thousands of years ago.

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