Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1125: Not an opponent

Chapter 1125

Although Wushuang didn't ask many things, he still knew some basic things.

For example, Yexun's race is called the Illusion Flood Clan, they existed very early, and they were not born in the Deshen Lake, which surprised her very much.

After all, according to the legend, the water monster is a bizarre race born in the Great Destruction Lake. In the year of its birth, there was an abnormality in the entire northern region of the fairy world. No new life was born that year, so people think that the "water monster" is ominous. , It will bring bad luck to people, so people joined forces and wiped out the "water monsters" in the Great Destruction Shentan completely.

But Ye Xun told her that the Huanjiao tribe has a very long history, dating back hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. Their ancestors once lived in a place called the "Glazed Light Realm", but I don’t know why. Came here.

Ye Xun didn't know the destruction of his people tens of thousands of years ago. He was born thousands of years ago and has always lived in this area. He has never gone out. His parents only told him about his ancestors.

His mind is very simple, Wushuang can arbitrarily tell what she wants to know, but after knowing his situation, a kind of sympathy arises in his heart. He has lived in this Xiaofangtiandi for thousands of years, and he has no friends, so he takes Wushuang's appearance very importantly, treats her as a true friend, and has no defense against her.

He also rescued her from above that day, and fed her his painstaking efforts.

The reason for saving her is very simple, he said that she sang a very good song.

Wushuang was even more surprised. In his first kit, Pluto's father had only three words "little song". How would he know what would happen to him?

How did he know that a nice little song can attract the people of the Illusion Flood Clan?

Or, the note in the kit was originally blank, and only when she was in a crisis to open the kit, would the handwriting appear on the kit?

Wushuang naturally couldn't understand it, but no matter what the reason, she admired Pluto's daddy's abilities even more. She had to keep the remaining two tips, and she would not use it as a last resort.

"Wushuang, this is delicious, can you teach me?"

Ye Xun came over with a piece of cake, which he had eaten with only the last few mouthfuls.

Now he can speak very fluently. He can speak everyday. Except for those words that he doesn't use in the ordinary time, no one can tell that he is a "novice" who has only learned a few days.

"Okay, I teach you." Wushuang responded with a smile.

The phantom dragon family is not actually a dragon family or a dragon family. They do not have the blood of a dragon, but because they look like a dragon body and have a half-human shape, they are called the phantom dragon family. Ye Xun said that his ancestors used to feed on the essence of the sun and moon, the heaven and earth profound energy, after arriving at Deshentan, they evolved the ability to offset the power of the ancients, and then gradually fed on the power of the ancients.

Among them, I don't know how many people died, but Ye Xun doesn't know anything. Wushuang guessed it. The power of the ancients in the Deshen Lake is so powerful that the Illusion Flood Clan would definitely not adapt to it at first.

Then why did they come to Mie Shentan? What is the reason for this?

Ye Xun definitely didn't know.

He likes to eat this snack. Wushuang's ring has some flour and other ingredients. She tried to make it once or twice through the recipes she had seen before. The taste was okay, and Ye Xunbian wanted to learn from her.

So Wushuang taught him to learn for a few days.

As soon as he learned, he took it to his parents to eat, and the smiles on his parents' faces were a lot more.

That day, Wushuang asked him: "Can your tail become a leg? Like me."

If he could change his legs, he would naturally be able to go outside, without being trapped at the bottom of this god-destroying lake every day.

"I don't know." Ye Xun said blankly.

Wushuang thought for a while. She had learned the exercises of the Yaozu before, and among them was the transforming exercises. She said, "How about I teach you a few exercises, can you try?"


"No way!"

As soon as Ye Xun responded, his parents suddenly appeared.

Ye Xun's father gave Wushuang a cold look and asked his mother to take Ye Xun away.

Wushuang frowned and watched Yexun's mother drag him away. He kept asking questions: "What's the matter? Why can't I learn?"

When the people disappeared from sight, Yexun's father snorted coldly, and said, "Don't think we don't know what your idea is! Starting today, you are not allowed to meet Yexun. You can leave here in three days. Up!"

Wushuang frowned and said, "Ye Xun is longing for everything outside. You trap him deep in the bottom of the pool, which is very unfair to him. If he can transform into a human form, he can be integrated into the immortal world, and his blood can be hidden. I just think he is a monster race. What's more, his cultivation is sufficiently advanced, why do you want to prevent him from exploring the new world?

Also, uncle, I have no purpose, I treat you as life-savers, and never thought of harming you! "

Ye Xun's father's face didn't get better because of her words, and he said with an expression of confidence:

"You deliberately used a small song to attract him to save you. Do you dare to say that you are kind? I don't care why I came here, but you can't think about Yexun!"

"I sang a little song because this was a reminder from my father. I was in danger at the time and I had to save myself, but I never had any bad thoughts about Ye Xun." Wushuang said seriously, and she knew Yexun’s father misunderstood her deeply, no wonder he always looked at him with dislike.

"Who is your father!" he asked unhappy, obviously he didn't believe her.

Wushuang thought a thousand times in his heart, considering whether to tell the truth, her identity should not be revealed, but if she told a lie, he would definitely be able to tell.

What I have to say is that the strength of their family of three is very strong, and if they appear in the fairy world, they can definitely win a place.

"My father is from the underworld, and you may not know him if he says it. He has passed away for hundreds of years." She said, they have been in the Desperate Lake, even if she said, he didn't know him.

"Don't lie, your bone age is only a few decades."

Wushuang sighed, she almost forgot, she had to tell the truth: "I was reincarnated and reborn. The father I said was the father of my previous life, and he is the lord of the underworld."


Ye Xun's father's face changed a little, and his eyes were fixed on her face with a look of inquiry.

"Your father is... Pluto?" He asked again, as if confirming the truth.

"Yes, but it's a secret. I hope you can help me keep this secret." Wushuang nodded. She was betting. After a few days of getting along, she chose to believe in the character of their family of three.

"Sit down."

Suddenly, his tone changed a lot, and there was no doubt or dislike on his face. Wushuang was stunned by this change.

Do you know my father?

He nodded, "If it weren't for Pluto, the old man and his wife would not live today. He really fell? Why did he fall?"

"Dead under the hands of the three emperors and emperors." Wushuang said calmly.

"Impossible, Immortal Emperor will not be his opponent." He suddenly denied.

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