Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1133: Thousand nights news

Chapter 1133

One hundred immortal emperors and queens of Jiuyou are unwilling, where does his most beloved grandson live in Tiangong?

Where is Long Moshen taking him?

Long Moshen did not hide it from them. He told the truth, he would take Xixi to the hidden world.

Go to the hidden world, and take their baby grandson with you! Of course they are not happy, hoping that Long Moshen will keep Xixi behind.

But Long Mo was deeply determined that he would not leave his son in the Heavenly Palace. Immortal Emperor Jiuyou and the Empress were dissatisfied, but they couldn't be tough in front of their precious grandson, otherwise, what should be done if the grandson hates them.

I couldn't stop it, and I couldn't stop it. In the end, I could only watch their father and son leave the palace.

As soon as they left, Immortal Emperor Jiuyou and the Empress felt very uncomfortable. The Tiangong was used to being quiet before, but the appearance of Xixi and Xiaorouer made Tiangong a little more angry. Now it has become so quiet again. People feel lonely.

But what else can they do? They can only wait for Long Moshen and the precious grandson to come out of the hidden world before letting the grandson live in the palace.

Fortunately, although the grandson left in a hurry, they usually gave them many gifts. Even if you go to the Hidden World, there should be no time when the weapons are not enough.

Hey, Immortal Emperor Jiuyou sighed in his heart, what if Xiao Rou'er could accompany them in the Heavenly Palace.

It's a pity that he can't pull this face down.

Long Moshen kept all his secret guards behind, and only took Long Yi and Long Er with him.

The rest of the dark guards will help Long Moshen complete some explanations.

This time an entrance to the hidden world will be opened in the demon world, and there are still seven or eight days before the opening, but they will pass in advance to avoid changes.

Originally, Long Moshen was not very anxious to take Wushuang to the hidden world, but he knew that after Wushuang had been poisoned in the tomb of Venerable Dhyana, maybe there was a way to detoxify the hidden world, so he accelerated his plan to go to the hidden world. .

Although Wushuang regards detoxification as important, she regards the restoration of memory more importantly. Only when the memory is restored can many questions in her heart be answered.

And she was full of curiosity about the hidden world. From Yexun's father, she knew the wonders of the hidden world. The hidden world is not only the people from the native fairy world, but also attracts people from other fairy regions.

The hidden world seems to be more powerful than the Beidou fairyland on the bright side.

Soon, their family of four and Long Yi Long Er were sent to Xuanbing City.

The whole family changed, and so did the dragon and the dragon.

Xuanbing City is the largest city in the Demon Realm, and it is also the place where the Demon Palace of the Northern Xuanxian Emperor is located.

There are many powerful demons here, and the buildings in the demons are quite different. The houses here are basically black. The demons don't like to wear bright colors. The streets are full of gray and black clothes.

Because of the events in the previous period, the demons were very hostile to the monsters and barbarians, but they were not hostile to spiritual cultivation. Their presence here did not arouse excessive attention.

As soon as he entered the Demon Realm, Bai Ze was eager to try, and he wanted to come out to eat.

Of course Wushuang wouldn't let it come out. This is the territory of Immortal Emperor Beixuan. Wouldn't it mean that letting it come out to send the sheep into the tiger's mouth?

But when he came to the Demon Realm, Wushuang had quietly killed a lot of annoying demons and fed Bai Ze the opponent's Demon Infants.

Xiao Rou'er doesn't like the devilish spirit of the demon world, so she ran to play in the space.

Long Yi and Long Er ran outside for a day, and Long Yi returned to report to the master and the mistress.

"The entrance to the hidden world is in a mountain range outside Xuanbing City. It should open in a few days, with Long Er guarding around."

"Well, let Long Er guard first." Long Mo nodded deeply.

"One more thing..." Long Er said hesitantly.

"What's the matter?" Wushuang looked at him curiously.

Long Er said truthfully: "When his subordinate came back today, he seemed to have heard Qianye's name, so he went to inquire about it. I didn't expect to see Qianye, but... he is now a magic repair..."

Wushuang suddenly stood up and said in surprise: "You mean it? Did you really see Qianye?"

After searching for Qianye for so long, I haven't found him yet. I didn't expect him to be in the Demon Realm!

"Where is he now? Why didn't he bring him over?" Wushuang said again.

She had always felt very sorry for the child Qianye. She looked at him just like her son Xixi. He was the only remaining Protoss. He had risen to the Immortal Realm in order to avenge his tribe, but had never contacted him.

She thought...

So today I heard the news from him suddenly, she was not only excited, but also very happy.

"Going back to the mistress, it's not that his subordinates didn't bring him over, and Qianye was with many demons at the time, and it was not easy for his subordinates to contact him." Long Er said.

"However, his subordinates have already inquired about some things about Qianye. He seems to have come to Xuanbing City not long ago. He originally worked in a shop, but because of his high talent, he went to participate in the selection of guards in the magic palace and stood out. He has become The close guard of Bei Xuanyun."

"North Xuanyun?"

"Bei Xuanyun is the son of the prince who was born out of the house. He was not taken seriously before, but not long ago, after the death of Bei Xuan Sheng and Bei Xuan Jie, he entered the blue eyes of Emperor Bei Xuan and was valued by Emperor Bei Xuan. Train him to be the next immortal emperor." Long Yi said, "It was the same inn as ours when Princess Xia Ling chose her husband and son, but the monk Xuyun used words to let him rot his tongue. "

When he said this, Wushuang remembered it.

It turned out that it was him, he didn't look like a promising person, and he was not very courageous, but he was a vicious person.

Wushuang still remembers him, but his sister is more impressive. In contrast, his sister looks a little more sophisticated.

Speaking of which, he still has to be grateful to himself. If she and the emperor hadn't killed the two brothers of Shengjie Beixuan, how could he have a bright future?

Qianye must have approached Bei Xuanyun for revenge, and Wushuang knew that his target must be Immortal Emperor Bei Xuan.

But Wushuang was worried that he was fighting the fire with moths, Immortal Emperor Beixuan, he was Immortal Emperor.

"Long Yi, go find out where he lives and see if there is any way to meet him." Long Moshen said.

The dragon nodded out.

Long Moshen wrapped Wushuang's waist and said to her, "Qianye is a smart person, so don't worry about him."

"Well, I know. But I always think of the little doll I saw in the underground lake. He has too much burden on him. Even if he grows up, he is just a child in my eyes. He After disappearing for so long, I don’t know how much pain it took to have today. There are enemies everywhere in the Demon Realm. How hard it is for him to fight every step."

Wushuang said, so how could she not worry.

Long Mo smiled deeply, and gently touched her hair.

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