Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1134: meet

Chapter 1134

Qianye's current identity is Bei Xuanyun's close guard, and the place where he lives is naturally arranged in the county palace.

However, the guards all have a rotation. In order not to attract attention, Long Er specially waited for Qianye's rotation before contacting him to meet with his master, son and mother.

After Qianye knew about it, the surprise on his face was almost revealed.

He has never liked to laugh, and the demons around him have rarely seen him laugh, which is almost suspicious.

He put the surprise to the bottom of his heart, his face still looked plain and calm.

He usually doesn't like to go out during his shifts, so when he left the county palace, Qianye first went to the weapon shop and then went around other shops. This way, people who saw him would not feel abrupt. It's human nature to buy things and go out.

After that, Qianye went to the place agreed by Long Er and made sure that no one was following him before entering a box.

When he saw three familiar people, his heart was stubborn, and he felt a sense of trance after years.

"Brother Qianye!"

Long Xuanxi cried out in surprise, ran forward and gave him a hug.

"I finally saw you, Brother Qianye!"

"Xixi!" Qianye patted him on the back with some excitement. He thought it would be difficult to see them, but now he finally met!

"Uncle Long, Aunt Wushuang!" He also shouted to Long Moshen and Wushuang.

Wushuang stood up and walked towards him. Originally, he wanted to touch his head as before, but found that he was already taller than himself, and finally patted him on the shoulder.

"You must have had a hard time these days."

"There is no bitterness, everything I do is for revenge. No matter how hard I am, I will be willing." Qianye said.

What bitterness he feels, he is now one step away from his enemies, revenge is expected.

"Come and sit down, what happened this year and a half? Tell us about it."

Long Moshen waved at them.

"Hello, brother~" Xiao Rouer stretched out Chubby's hand to greet him.

Qianye had already noticed that there was a little girl who was carved with jade and looked at him with big and dark eyes.

Wushuang smiled and said, "This is Xiao Rou'er, Xixi's sister."

Qianye was soaring early, but she didn't see Xiao Rou'er being born, and she didn't know that something bad had happened. Everything is over, Wushuang and the others will definitely not mention it again, so Qianye didn't know the thrills of Xiao Rou'er when she was born.

When I saw Xiao Rou'er, Qianye felt very close and liked it, but he hadn’t dealt with people for a long time. I didn’t know how to make people happy, so he looked in the storage room for a while and took out some The shiny things that beautiful little girls would like came out and gave them to Xiao Rou'er.

Xiao Rou'er really liked it, holding these shiny things without letting go, and with her crescent-like eyes, she smiled and said thank you, Brother Qianye.

Qianye used to treat Xixi as her own brother, but now she also treats Xiao Rou'er as her own sister. Seeing that she likes these shiny things, she took out all the shiny things from the storage ring and gave them to her.

"Haha, that's enough, don't get used to her, Qianye, sit down quickly and ignore this little girl movie."

Wushuang said with a smile.

Xiao Rou'er pouted, "Xiao Rou'er is not a little girl! Thank you Brother Qianye!"

"No thanks, Xiao Rouer likes it."

Xixi took him to sit down together.

Qianye is now completely a teenager. The young boy with red lips and white teeth is only a little deeper than Long Mo. Although Xixi is taller than his peers, he looks only eleven or twelve years old and a bit shorter than Qianye.

Xi Xi was quite envious, he also wanted to grow taller, but his mother refused to let him grow up step by step.

"How long has Brother Qianye been in the Demon Realm? Father and mother sent someone to look for you, but there has been no news from you." Xixi said.

"I came directly to the Demon World after I ascended, and stayed in the Demon World..."

Qianye said plainly about his experience over the past year.

But in fact, it was not plain at all. He actually spent a whole year in the Demon Realm Mine, which was unexpected to everyone.

In the demon world mining area, living like a slave for a year is not something ordinary people can tolerate, not to mention the intrigue in the mining area.

Qianye was not a magic repair, he spent a year in the mining area before turning himself into a complete magic repair.

Then he came to the small town around Xuanbing City, worked as an apprentice in a shop, and worked as a cow and a horse all day.

However, it didn't take long before he met Wenrenli, the younger brother of Emperor Qianxing.

Wen Renli offended Immortal Emperor Beixuan and escaped from the magic palace, but he was seriously injured. He originally wanted to seize Qianye, and then used Qianye's identity as a "magic cultivator" to escape.

But he didn't want to be a cocoon, thinking it was a little sheep, but unexpectedly encountered a wolf disguised as a sheep, and made Qianye a wedding dress.

Qianye obtained a lot of treasures because of this. He used these things to improve his cultivation, and he was originally talented. Finally, through the selection of guards, he became Bei Xuanyun's close guard.

His ultimate goal is to get close to the Immortal Emperor Beixuan.

But he knew that it would take a long, long time to win the trust of the demons.

"You're too risky." Wushuang frowned.

"I know, but if I don't do this, I will never get revenge." Qianye said, he had no other choice.

"No, you can't stay here anymore, what if you are discovered by Immortal Emperor Beixuan?"


Qianye is a **** clan, and Beixuan Immortal Emperor is a figure of the immortal emperor level. If he were to discover the identity of the Thousand Nights Protoss, there would be no room for maneuver.

With the character of Emperor Xuanxian in the north, he would not leave an enemy alive.

"Emperor Beixuan has already seen me, he has not discovered my identity, Aunt Wushuang, don't worry."

"He can't find it now, but it doesn't mean that he won't find it in the future. As long as he finds it, you are a dead end. Qianye, if you listen to my advice, don't do such dangerous things, we will all worry about you. And I want to say. Yes, Immortal Emperor Beixuan is also my enemy, and we can join hands to kill him."

Wushuang said to him.

"Is Emperor Beixuan also the enemy of Aunt Wushuang?" Qianye was a little surprised, he felt that Emperor Beixuan should have nothing to do with Aunt Wushuang.

Long Mo said faintly: "The hatred between Immortal Emperor Qianxing and Immortal Beixuan was provoked by your Wushuang Auntie."

Qianye's eyes widened.

Is this still related to Aunt Wushuang? Then the benefits that I get from Wenrenli are also indirectly related to Wushuang Auntie?

Wushuang simply said about it, she didn't hide it about the Abyss Tower Ship, because Qianye was a trustworthy person.

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