Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1217: Destroy the Zhou Family

Chapter 1217: Destroying Zhou Family

The number of fairy beasts and birds continued to increase, and the Zhou family was able to cope with it at the beginning. Later, more and more people were dispatched. They became a ball, sword light was everywhere, and the palace collapsed.

The remaining few elders were dispatched. Just as the situation was about to turn over, there was a sudden violent shaking under the feet, and the ground began to crack inch by inch. Everyone immediately flew into the sky and saw the entire Zhou family. The ground is cracking, as if something is about to break through the ground.

Not only that, people also felt the hot air, and there seemed to be magma flowing underground to Zhou's house.

The Nangong family didn't let it go. Most of the families sat on the wall and watched in mid-air. However, someone helped out, and the help was from the close family of the Zhou family.


Red lava burst out of the ground suddenly, igniting the Zhou family's grass-wood house. For a time, the entire Zhou family was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and countless people flew out of the house.

At the same time, in the magma, a huge centipede revealed its domineering figure. Its mouth was spitting fire, the flames turned black, and it even contained poisonous gas.

"Oh my god, the fire centipede of Tier 10 actually appeared!"

"This Miss Helian is simply too powerful! The fire centipede dormant deep in the heart of the earth can be summoned by her, it is incredible!"

Many people cried out in surprise.

When the fire centipede spit out fire, many children of the Zhou family were directly stunned and buried in the fire.

At this time, Wushuang and Long Moshen were looking at a woman who had just flew to the sky. She was wearing a blue drapery and there were a dozen people around to protect her.

Wushuang winked at the emperor, meaning that this was not the woman whose surname was Su.

Wushuang was able to feel the woman surnamed Su through the Divine Phoenix bone in her heart. A woman surnamed Su would feel pain in her heart. Although the pain has become weaker and weaker, she can be sure that the woman wearing the blue hat is definitely not. Surnamed Su.

The woman surnamed Su is also clever, she will make a fake one first. If she and the emperor uncle were to make a move now, they might fall into each other's trap.

Long Mo looked down at the sea of ​​fire below. The woman surnamed Su came from the immortal world, and she had many magic weapons on her body. It is normal for her to hide in the sea of ​​fire. He looked at Shuang'er and spoke to her: "Shuang'er, you Nether Red Lotus throws it down."

Wushuang's eyes lit up, yes, she can take this opportunity to throw the Netherworld Red Lotus down and see if she can force the woman named Su out, and her Netherworld Red Lotus is so powerful that she can completely destroy the Zhou family building by the way. Now, the Zhou family are not innocent, and they deserve it if they die.

So Wushuang threw her Nether Red Lotus into the size of Mars, Boom! The fire suddenly increased, but the Nether Red Lotus was divided into many parts and blended into the flame. Others could not see that there was a lot of strange fire in it, but the ability of the fire centipede was suddenly super powerful.

Nether Red Lotus changed according to Wushuang's mind, it could hurt the fire centipede, but Wushuang did not let it touch the fire centipede. This also reflects Wushuang's powerful fire control ability. Nether Honglian seems to be one with her, and can change at will.

After a while, people realized that something was wrong. The flame was so fierce that everything it passed was turned into ashes. The fire centipede could not have such a strong ability.

But other people can’t see it. No one knows what happened, but if this continues, the foundation of the Zhou family will be ruined, and the entire Zhou family’s old house will be turned into ashes. Treasures, maybe all will be burned, it is a pity.

The Patriarch Zhou and several elders were furious. They didn't expect it would evolve into the current form, so they were ruthless in their hearts. Regardless of Zhou Yi's thoughts, they went up and besieged Helianqin together. Only she died, and the various things she summoned. The fairy beast will leave her command.

Helianqin is protected by fairy beasts. How could it be so easy to be killed by them? Seeing Zhou's family fall into this fate, she couldn't help being a little proud of her. This is the fate of deceiving her Helianqin, she is dignified by the Helian family The eldest lady, how can these people play between the palms of her hands and deceive her, she must have the consciousness of being revenge!

She wants to destroy the entire Zhou family!

"Young Master Nangong, are we really not helping the Zhou family? The current situation of the Zhou family may not be optimistic!"

A family head came to Nangong Jin's side and asked.

Nangongjin smiled and said: "The Zhou family has been dominating the Central Territory for many years, and it's time for a new family to rise. When the time comes, the resources of the Zhou family will be available to everyone."

These words made the expressions of everyone around him change, and then they showed ecstasy.

The Zhou family's family style is not good, many families are not used to it, and the Zhou family also likes to **** resources, now if the Zhou family can be destroyed because of this, it would be great. And Young Master Nangong also said that when the time comes, the Zhou family's resources, everyone can take advantage of it. In other words, the Nangong family will not monopolize the benefits of the Zhou family, and everyone will get a share of the pie.

Nowadays, which big family is not the most important, they are eager for which big family to decline, so that they can compete for resources and grow their own family.

The Zhou family is like this, so why not let him be completely shattered.

The Patriarch of the Zhou family probably did not expect that an engagement banquet was originally intended to attract fish to the bait and catch turtles in the urn, but it became the beginning of family destruction.

When Young Master Nangong said so, everyone's minds became active, and some people even secretly attacked the Zhou family.

"Qin'er! Stop it! I really love you, why don't you want to believe me! This is basically someone else's provocation!"

Seeing other families attacking Zhou's family, Zhou Yi realized what was wrong and began to play a warm card, and said in a low voice to Helianqin.

"The person I really like is you. I have never liked other women. There is no substitute, Qin'er, hurry up and let us be happy together forever. I swear I will be good to you! "

Helianqin frowned and said, "Don't lie to me. I'm not a fool. Your father said it. He just used me as a tool for your Zhou family to pass on. You still want to lie to me because you think I'm really Stupid? My Helianqin thinks very highly of myself, I think you are your blessing, but you deceive me, so you **** it!

As soon as she finished speaking, she commanded many fairy beasts to fly towards Zhou Yi, launching a dazzling attack.

If it weren't for the elders to save him, Zhou Yi would have been seriously injured if he hadn't died just now.

"You bastard, go to death!"

Several Taishang elders jointly launched an attack and attacked Helianqin. The fairy beasts around Helianqin just decreased, and this directly caused her to be seriously injured.


A mouthful of blood came out.

However, the fairy beasts and birds have not changed at all, they are still attacking Zhou's family non-stop.

Helianqin was stunned, she was not the one who controlled these fairy beasts and birds! Her temporary contract is only on the surface!

How is this possible!

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