Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1218: Dig bone

Chapter 1218

Helianqin was stunned. She was badly injured and immediately broke all the temporary contracts and no longer had any contact with the fairy beasts and birds.

But they didn't seem to have changed, they were still attacking Zhou's family.

Only then did she understand that these fairy beasts and birds were not under her command at all, someone else was controlling them!

But this discovery made her creepy.

Their Helian family is the only family in the world with the ability of a summoner, but among these people, there is a mysterious person with a stronger summoning ability!

This person uses himself to destroy the entire Zhou family!

The self-satisfaction that I was just now was just a joke.

Who is it, who is using himself?

However, only she was aware of this, and the Zhou family did not know. They only thought that her summoner was amazing, and even if she was seriously injured, she could not cut off the control of the fairy beast, and then attacked her more severely.

He not only attacked her, but also attacked He Lianyu. He Lianyu was not as strong as her. At this moment, only a bang was heard. He Lianyu was smashed to the ground. The flame was about to swallow him, and he screamed a few times. There was no movement, and finally turned into ashes!

Helianqin's eyes were about to split, since Yuer died like this! How would she go back to explain to her father and brother?

It turns out that she thinks too much. After He Lianyu died, it was her turn. After all, in the eyes of Zhou's family, she was immortal, and these thousands of fairy beasts would not leave!

Under the fierce attack, Helianqin kept vomiting blood and begged her for mercy. She said that this was not her control at all. Of course, the Zhou family would not believe this. Although Zhou Yi did not want her to die, but now The future of the Zhou family is the most important. If she does not die, the Zhou family's loss will be even greater.


Suddenly Wan Jian penetrated the heart, and a Zhou family elder successfully killed Helianqin.

Helenqin's body fell to the ground and was swallowed up by the fire.

The Zhou family members were all relieved.

But before they were relieved, they realized that what Helenqin said just now was true!

Because none of these fairy beasts and birds left, they were still launching their strongest attacks, and countless Zhou family members died under their attacks.

"Damn it! Helenqin still has accomplices!"

Patriarch Zhou shouted angrily.

"Who is it? Stand up for Zhou! Please forgive others and forgive others. Our Zhou family will definitely be grateful!"

The only response to him was a stronger attack and a steady stream of fairy beasts.

"She escaped from the underground!"

Long Moshen suddenly narrowed his eyes and said to Wushuang.

"Chasing!" Wushuangdao.

"I'll leave it to you here. Be sure to let the Zhou family die tragically." Long Moshen said to Nangong Jin.

Before coming, he had already talked to the Zhou family with Nangong Jin.

Nangong Jin nodded: "Brother Shen, don't worry, I can do this little brother well."

After all, he sent people from the Nangong family to join the battle.

The Nangong family is close to Zhou's house, and Nangong Jin has arranged for someone to stay around, waiting for the crucial moment to take action.

For a time the scene became more chaotic.

Long Moshen and Wushuang slid away from where they were.

Soon, Wushuang found Su Zhu's figure. She was hiding in the ground. No matter whether it was a creature in the sky or on the ground, she could communicate with her. It was not difficult to find Su Zhu's whereabouts.

With a finger at her, the emperor slammed his sword over, and a huge gully burst into the ground. Su Zhu's figure was lying on the ground embarrassedly, his body stabbed with blood by the fierce sword intent.

She exposed her figure, and the other's cultivation level enveloped her, making her unable to continue to escape. Her eyes turned coldly, her eyes fell on Wushuang's face, and said viciously: "That's you?"

You are the original owner of the Divine Phoenix Bone?

"Oh, that's all!"

Wushuang smiled: "Is that right? I can't think it's you like this. It's only after hundreds of years of my Divine Phoenix bones that I have only such a small cultivation base, I'm panicking for you."

Su Zhu clenched her fists, her hands were full of sand and clods. Her cultivation base, which was able to go from ordinary cultivation to the realm of Immortal Venerable for hundreds of years, was already progressing very rapidly. This woman actually satirized her!

"Do you want to take back the Divine Phoenix bone?" Su Zhu suddenly sneered, "It's a pity, even if you can kill me, the Divine Phoenix bone won't return to you. If I die, the Divine Phoenix bone will be destroyed. Because of mine. My mother let it belong to me alone, and without me, it loses its divinity."

Wushuang sneered: "Your mother is really a poisonous woman. I am proud of her when I look at you. If I have such a mother, I will only feel ashamed. Only a woman like you will feel complacent."

Wushuang hated Su Zhu's mother very much. She dug away the Divine Phoenix bones from her body and took away her heart and blood. She actually moved her hands and feet on the Divine Phoenix bones, making them useless for others.

If there is no new Divine Phoenix bone growing out of my heart, I am afraid that I will die at this moment, and find Su Zhu with great pains, but the Divine Phoenix bone cannot be used as a result, I am afraid that my mentality will collapse.

But now it's different. Thanks to her Xiao Rou'er, a new Divine Phoenix bone grew out of her heart. Even without Su Zhu's Divine Phoenix bone, she would not be afraid.

"I don't allow you to insult my mother!" Su Zhu said angrily: "A person like you is not qualified to talk about my mother! You are nothing more than an ant, you don't deserve to have a Divine Phoenix bone at all. My mother can only think of you. Take your Divine Phoenix bone!"

"I am an ant? Then what are you? You are not as good as an ant, because without my Divine Phoenix bone, you are not even qualified to carry shoes for me. Are you right? Without my Divine Phoenix bone, you too Without your current cultivation base, you would be a thief if you acted like this. As a thief, you still have the courage to give you the courage!"

Wushuang smiled, this woman is simply unreasonable, using other people's things, she is still so confident, how can there be such a disgusting woman in this world?

"You!" Su Zhu was extremely angry, with a distorted expression on her face. Wushuang's words hit her weakness. She is not ashamed of taking away her Divine Phoenix bone, she just thinks that if her talent is good, she There was no need for the Divine Phoenix bones at all. It was precisely because of her poor talent that her mother would find ways to make her stronger.

Her mother is so good, she can't tolerate Wushuang calling her a thief!

"You will pay the price for today's words. Even if you kill me, you will not get the Divine Phoenix bone. My mother will come. How did you kill you in the first place? How else will you kill you!"

Su Zhu coldly snorted.

"Death? I won't let you die so easily, there is still value in you." Wushuang's mouth evoked an indifferent smile.

"Now, let me dig out your bones alive and let you experience my pain at the beginning."

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