Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1298: Perfect summoning

Chapter 1298 Perfect Summoning Technique

The ancestors of the beasts did not expect their husband and wife to be so enchanting that they planted an enchantment in the space crack.

How could this be done by ordinary immortal emperors, but Long Moshen quietly planted the enchantment quietly! Let him escape!

He was too unwilling, because he had never expected this result!

His dignified ancestor of beasts has fallen to the flesh of a chopping board?

Do not!

He will never admit defeat!

The ancestor of the beasts gave a sharp look and suddenly roared savagely, "Then we shall die together!"

As he said, his aura rose instantly, and his whole body swelled like an inflatable ball. Before everyone could react, he exploded rapidly with lightning speed!


The huge energy exploded suddenly!

"Ah!!!" Someone couldn't help shouting, covering their heads. They came to watch. They didn't expect that the ancestors of the beasts would explode. They wanted to escape, but it was too late. It was a strong person in the realm of Xianzun who exploded. .

With the huge energy fluctuation, countless screams one after another, it is called a tragic!

However, the horrible impact that people imagined did not fall on them, and the screams from their ears seemed to be a little apart.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked dumbfounded. They saw that the Helian family was **** and **** everywhere, and almost all of them were affected. Only those with higher cultivation bases were lingering on the ground, but they also had their limbs and arms severed. It's miserable.

But the onlookers were unscathed!

"It was Princess Wushuang and Immortal Emperor Ling Tian who saved us!"

Someone said excitedly.

Everyone looked at the two of them, only to see the two couples standing calmly, their faces flatly closing the golden barrier in front of everyone.

It is this barrier that protects all innocent people.

Such a powerful barrier must have been predicted by the immortal emperor Lingtian and the princess Wushuang. They were laid down when the ancestors of the beasts had just begun to show signs. Otherwise, today I don’t know how many people would die unluckily because the ancestors of the beasts exploded !

Unexpectedly, they are so powerful, and the life and death of innocent people are still hanging in their hearts. This makes everyone very moved and grateful.


The phoenix flew down suddenly, exhaling fire from his mouth, and immediately surrounded a person who was about to escape in the flame.

Wushuang raised his hand, the green light fan blasted out, the blue light was mastered, the power of the divine tool suddenly rose, and the bone spurs formed a round shape, and with a few clicks, they inserted into the man's neck, and fell into the air.

That was Helianfei, the son of Emperor Helian. At this time, he was embarrassed and was exposed by the ancestors of the beasts. He was recently injured and was not lightly injured. He wanted to take this opportunity to escape. He revealed his figure.

Being suspended in the air, Helianfei didn’t even have the power to counterattack, and people truly felt the power of the Wushuang Princess. Once he shot, the power of the Immortal Venerable level would have no power to resist. I’m afraid this whole In the fairy world, no one really competes with their couple!

The Helian family wailed continuously. The Patriarch Helian and several elders lay in a pool of blood. They were seriously injured. Many of the younger members of the family were blew into blood by the ancestors of the beasts. There were stumps everywhere, except that they were not in the scope of the self-destruction. The people inside were less injured, but most of their family members had already died tragically, and those family elites were the first to bear the brunt.

Patriarch Helian looked at the flesh and blood on the ground and Helianfei, who was hanging in the air, with a face like a dish.

He remembered Helianqin's prediction. She said that the Helian family would be bloody, but he never expected that such a result was caused by the ancestor's self-destruction!

He hates that if so many outstanding young people in the family survive, they might be able to avenge the family, but once the ancestor blew himself up, nothing was left! It's all gone!

"Princess Wushuang, please forgive us, the ancestor of the ten thousand beasts has fallen, and the only person who harmed the Kunlun Jade Pool is the ancestor. It has nothing to do with us!"

Patriarch Helian spit out blood, kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

Wushuang glanced at all the living members of the Helian family, and not surprisingly saw the turbulent hatred hidden in their eyes, she smiled coldly:

"Who doesn't know that your Helian family will repay you. If you let you go, didn't you add to this princess? You have always killed other families. Today, let you experience what despair is."

The words of Princess Wushuang reminded many onlookers of the methods used by the Helian family. They are indeed rushing to exterminate the families that have enemies with them, without leaving a word!

They did it so terribly, they deserved it!

No one felt that Princess Wushuang did something wrong.

Without a wave of his hands, the phoenix flew over and burned the entire Helian family into a sea of ​​fire, and then other fairy beasts rushed up, stomping the Helian family’s live mouth into mud or swallowing it alive. , In short, it will never leave a living.

This is the fate of the Helian family.

Watching all the family die tragically, it was finally the turn of the elders, Patriarch Helian and Helianfei.

Long Moshen personally took the initiative to make Helian Patriarch Elder Helian annihilate all his souls, dealing with them, for Long Moshen, is tantamount to trampling a few ants to death, that is the crush of strength.

On Wushuang's side, the bone spurs of Qingmang Fan suddenly tightened, and Helianfei's bruised head fell to the ground.

The green mans fan did not take it back, only a sigh, the bone spurs fell on the spirit that Helianfei wanted to escape, the spirit screamed loudly, with a hideous face, struggling hard, but all of this was useless. This is a nine-headed bird flying out, swallowing his soul!

A generation of emperors fell.

Seeing the entire army of the Helian family was annihilated, people were full of emotions. Such a big family would be wiped out, and only Immortal Emperor Ling Tian and Princess Wushuang could do it.

However, they also took the blame.

Who let the ancestors of the beasts steal people from the celestial skill Pan Peach sacred tree and kill the former disciples of Yaochi!

As the saying goes, it's not that you don't report, the time has not come, and those who should come will always come.

Long Moshen ordered to go down and let the people of the heavenly palace chase and kill the Helian family members outside without leaving a living.

"Master, found the sacred flat peach tree in Helianfei's storage ring!"

Long Yilai reported.

Wushuang thought that the flat peach tree was at the place of the ancestor of the beast, and as he blew himself up, the flat peach tree was still there. It is no wonder that the ancestor of the beast was pulling Helianfei when he fled. Things are in Hellenfeld.

This is a surprise.

Wushuang planted it on the stone wall of Space, but compared with her original flat peach tree, this one was really much smaller.

There is room for nourishment, and it may be able to reach the height of that flat peach tree, but it is worth mentioning that this flat peach tree is almost mature. Just planted the flat peach tree in, doubled the time, and all the flat peaches are mature.

But the quality of the flat peaches in the space was not comparable, so Wushuang decided to take out all the flat peaches and give it away to the people present.

"Today, this princess is in a good mood and decided to give everyone a flat peach, and those who are predestined can get a flat peach from this princess!"

Hearing such good news, everyone was very excited.

There are still many people who don't believe it, who knows that they will see a lot of flat peaches on Wushuang Princess's hand immediately, and all these flat peaches fly out, and people are chasing after them with emotion!

For a time, dozens of people got flat peaches!

They all came back to thank Princess Wushuang.

"Go back."

Long Moshen took Wushuang's hand, and then took her back to Tiangong.

After a while, Long Yi returned with the Summoning Magic of the Helian Family.

"Let me see!"

Wushuang is still very curious about this summoning fairy.

She took it over and looked at it. As she expected, the Summoning Immortal Art was indeed incomplete, with only five floors, and there should be a few more behind it, but the Helian family could not perfect it.

"Interesting, it turns out that this summoning fairy technique is based on this principle."

Wushuang looked at it and was very interested, "Uncle Emperor, I am going to retreat for a few days to perfect this Summoning Fairy Art. I have some thoughts in my heart now."

Long Moshen had to reluctantly let Shuang'er go into retreat.

However, Shuang'er did not only retreat for a few days, but also retreated for ten days before coming out.

"Uncle Emperor! I have all perfected! The Summoning Immortal Technique has been perfected to the tenth level! If you can read the tenth level, even the beasts can be summoned for a short time!"

When Wushuang left the customs, he happily said to the emperor, sharing her joy with the emperor.

Long Moshen, who was about to become Wang's wife and stone, saw Shuang'er's smile, as if a glacier melted, and the ice and snow melted. With a gentle smile on his face, he said:

"The twins are really amazing, take a look for your husband."

Long Mo looked at it for a long time, and finally nodded:

"You deserve to be a twin, it's really amazing. If you perfect the Summoning Immortal Art, even ordinary people can practice it, but after you want to cultivate to the sixth level, it is very difficult. If you want to cultivate to the tenth level, unless it is a double Such a genius."

"Naturally it is a bit difficult, otherwise everyone can summon fairy beasts as fairy pets."

Wushuang squinted and smiled. She was satisfied with the results of his own retreat.

"Shuang'er is going to teach this summoning fairy art to everyone?"

Long Moshen asked.

"Not for the time being. Didn't I release the news that I will recruit Yaochi disciples? I am going to teach them the Summoning Immortal Art. But in the future, the Summoning Immortal Art will definitely be spread. Maybe the entire Immortal Realm will be Summoning Art, but this is normal. , I am not going to hide it."

Wushuang said with a smile.

In fact, practicing Summoning Fairy Art also requires talent, but as long as it is spread out, there will be many people in the fairy world who can learn it.

When Wushuang perfected this exercise, he thought of letting Yaochi disciples learn first, and after they were ahead, they could spread the summoning technique, so that the strength of the entire fairy world would rise.

She is not a selfish person like the Helian family. Of course, she is not a Virgin, but if the summoning technique is spread out, she can get a lot of power of merit and belief, right?

The best of both worlds, why not do it?

If you gather the eternal life jade seals early, you may be able to open the door of eternal life and enter the realm of immortality.

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