Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1299: Shenyu Snow Mountain

Chapter 1299

Wushuang must have a place to collect disciples from Yaochi. She collects disciples in the spiritual world, and it is impossible to bring all people to the underworld.

It happened that the Helian family was destroyed, leaving a large space open, and there were dragon veins underground.

Therefore, Long Moshen arranged for people to rebuild on the original site of the Helian family.

The drawing was painted by Wushuang himself. She had seen the real Kunlun Yaochi. Although it was dilapidated, it still had a rudimentary form. Combined with the murals she had seen before, she had the outline and style of the Yaochi in her heart.

Since it is to be built, it is natural to build the best.

The disciples in the Yaochi are not in a hurry. After the construction of the new Yaochi, it will not be too late to accept disciples.

During the construction of the new Jade Pond, Xixi Qianye and the others had already beaten all the Demon Realm army to the bottom.

All the demonic cultivators with a higher cultivation base did not leave alive, most of them were buried in the belly of Bai Ze, Bai Ze's strength greatly increased.

After this battle, the Demon Realm would probably have to recover for tens of thousands of years.

The demons do a lot of evil. People are very happy to hear that the demons have become a mess of sand, especially some people on the borders of the demons. They hate the demons the most.

In the past, there were three great immortal emperors restraining the Demon Realm, so the Demon Clan did not invade other clan, but in private, the Demon Clan was very restless, often provoking troubles around, and cannibalism often happened.

Now that all the demons fled to the depths of the demon world, they would never do harm to the people around them.

This is all the credit of Immortal Emperor Ling Tian and Princess Wushuang.

At the same time, the evil Buddha was also suppressed. He was already injured. After that, Song Yiyang's monk Xuyun was born, freeing the followers of the evil Buddha.

Those believers are compulsory believers, who can provide the evil Buddha with a steady stream of faith and strengthen his cultivation.

Song Yiyang is tantamount to drawing a salary from the bottom of the pot, cutting off a large number of the evil Buddha's power of faith, not only leaving the evil Buddha without the power of faith to heal his wounds, but also reducing his strength!

Then the Buddha of Heaven broke into the snow-capped mountains of the gods and defeated the evil Buddha, who hid in the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

Since then, the evil Buddha's rule over Buddhism has completely ended, and the time when people talk about the evil Buddha's discoloration has completely passed away.

Under the suppression of the heavenly Buddha and other orthodox Buddhist schools, all of the evil Buddha's men fell, and the Buddhist sacred place of the Shenyu Snow Mountain was finally quiet.

It is a pity that too many young children died that year and were sacrificed by the evil Buddha. This has become a scar that the local people can hardly uncover.

But the days are going to go on, the orthodox Buddhism returns, the symbolic evil has passed, and the light has arrived.

People will continue to recuperate and raise their children.

Song Yiyang became a Buddhist son of Buddhism, and constantly liberated the believers who taught the evil Buddha in the fairy world. He possessed the supreme faith and became a representative of Buddhism.

Moreover, he has superb Buddha nature and was rated as a Buddhist genius who is rare in ten thousand years by the Buddha. Once the real Buddha appeared, he dotted a little cinnabar on his eyebrows, saying that he would have the opportunity to attain the position of God in the future and become a generation of gods.


Wushuang didn't know much about these news. She only knew that the Snow Mountain of God's Domain had calmed down now, and she could look for the fragments of the Samsara Mirror.

"Uncle Emperor, you help me build the work. I will take Rou'er to the Snow Mountain of God's Domain. Just take her out for fun. You have to supervise Xixi's practice!"

Wushuang said to the emperor that day.

The day before yesterday, the daughter said that she wanted to go out with her mother alone, without her father or her brother.

Wushuang is just going to find the Reincarnation Mirror Fragment, but he can take Rouer to the Snow Mountain of God's Domain.

Long Moshen didn't answer at the time. He went to find Long Yi to inquire about Song Yiyang's current whereabouts. After learning that he was not in the Snow Mountain of God's Domain, he nodded and let his wife and daughter go.

Rou'er was extremely happy. These days, her father was always with her mother, and she couldn't get in. Only then did she understand what the previous brother's reminder meant.

Sure enough, in the eyes of daddy, only the mother is the most important, and he and his brother are redundant.

So she wants to abduct her mother and cultivate a relationship with her mother. Who makes her like her the most.

So the mother and son set off towards the Snow Mountain of God's Domain. They were not in a hurry along the way, so they did not teleport, nor did they tear through the space. Instead, they slowly took the teleportation array past.

There are many cities and towns along the way, and each place has different customs. Rou'er has a cheerful personality and likes to go to different places.

But in the past, father and mother were in retreat. Three immortal emperors threatened the safety of her and her brother, and grandfather and grandmother would not let them out.

Now she can finally go to various places with her mother, she is so happy.

Along the way, their mother and daughter both wore veils. I didn't know, they thought they were sisters because they were very graceful.

Hearing Rou'er shouting "Mother," many people felt that the tiger's body was shocked and couldn't believe it.

However, the Wushuang and Rou'er routes are sightseeing in nature. Stay in interesting places for a day or two, and settle down in uninteresting places.

Although some people feel bad about their mother and daughter, they are often disabled by Wushuang before they have time to do anything. As for where they are disabled, do you have to ask?

But most of the time, when encountering bad guys or rogues, Wushuang would ask Rou'er to take action, and she would point him aside.

Rou'er is talented and smart, and can draw inferences about others, but her personality is a little impetuous, and she doesn't like to practice peacefully.

Compared with Xixi, my daughter is more worrying.

Fortunately, some time ago, the emperor uncle forced Rou'er to practice for a few hours a day, which made her change a little laziness.

So along the way, Wushuang has been teaching Rou'er to enrich her actual combat experience.

"Mother, with you and daddy, my daughter won't have to practice so hard, right."

Once the daughter acted like a baby and said that she wanted to escape the practice and go out to play.

This made Wushuang rare and serious and told her:

Parents cannot stay with their children for the rest of their lives. The young eagle has a day when she grows up and spreads her wings. If she does not have the ability to protect herself, one day she will become a cannon fodder in this era of cannibalism without spitting out bones.

Rou'er realized the importance of things, and then she began to practice more diligently. The progress was not small, but she had been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, and did not pay attention.

The mother and daughter moved slowly towards the snow-capped mountains of God's Domain, and only entered the scope of the snow-capped mountains of God's Domain after a month.

"Wow! What a high snow mountain! Mother, I thought it was just an ordinary snow mountain, I didn't expect to see it at a glance!"

Rou'er looked a little excited when she saw the Snow Mountain of Shenyu.

"Your mother, I'm also the first time to come to the Snow Mountain of God's Domain. We have just arrived here, so we should keep a low profile.

Wushuang said to his daughter.

She didn't use her identity as the immortal emperor to press people, she was going to take her daughter to have a good time here, and by the way, look for the whereabouts of the reincarnation mirror fragments.

If you can't find it, go to see the Buddha and ask him if he knows the fragments of the Samsara mirror.

After all, when the three great immortal emperors joined forces to attack Hades Daddy, the evil Buddha still didn't know where he was. At that time, the God's Domain Snow Mountain was under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Buddha.

"I know, mother, low-key, I'm the best!"

Rou'er said happily, pointing to the small stall beside:

"Mother, that rock candied haws looks different, and I don't know what fairy fruit is used to make it, it looks so delicious! Let's buy one and try it!"

Wushuang smiled and shook his head. They are all so big, and they are still foodies, but she has a smile in her eyes, and she bought a few for her daughter, just like when she was a child.

"Mother, it's really delicious, it's sour and sweet, it's wrapped in sugar, and it bursts in your mouth after one bite. It's so delicious!!"

Rou'er ate one, commenting happily, and leaned toward her mother, "Mother, you can try it too!"

Looking at her daughter's happy face because of the delicious food, Wushuang couldn't help but think that if Rou'er lives in the modern world, she might be a foodie anchor who can eat and make money.

Wushuang was amused by his own thoughts, and took a bite of the ice-candied haws unique to the snow-capped mountains, and found that the taste was really good. The fruity aroma in his mouth and the fragrant mouth were delicious, no wonder his daughter liked it.

This should be made from the unique fairy fruit of Snow Mountain, which is not tasted in other places.

Rou'er ate two skewers in a row, then bought some and put them in the storage ring, saying that she wanted to bring her brother and Yan Siying to eat.

After that, I ate the delicacies of the Snow Mountain in God's Domain. In short, no matter where I go, the first thing is to eat. There is Rouer. As long as it doesn't matter, this habit will never change.

"It's getting dark, let's find a place to stay first, mother will take you to the top of the snow-capped mountain tomorrow."

When Rouer was full, it was dark, Wushuang said to her daughter.

Of course, Rouer would not be allowed to rest well at night, and Wushuang would supervise her cultivation at night.

Early the next morning, Wushuang took his daughter to the Snow Mountain.

There is one side of the snow-capped mountain, which allows people to climb the mountain, and the others are the sites of Buddhism. Some places must be allowed by Buddhism to enter.

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