Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 344: grandfather

Chapter 344 Grandfather

Inside the Lingxiao Protoss Temple.

Ling Xiaoxian and the eldest Sun Rong looked at their little great-grandson who had restored their appearance, their hearts melted.

The eldest Sun Rong scrambled to hold the soft and cute little Xuanxi in her arms, calling him "Baby" and "Heart". Where did Xiao Xuanxi hear such a cordial call, his face flushed. , Clinging to his great-grandmother's neck, talked to her sweetly.

If Ling Xiaoxian wanted to bring her little great-grandson over for the sake of face, but although he didn't do anything to steal the child, he kept giving Xiao Xuanxi this food and the other, with a kind smile on his face. Never broken.

After living at such an age, it was hard to have a little great-grandson. Naturally, the baby was like eyeballs. He was afraid of falling off in the palm of his hand, and afraid of melting in his mouth.

The most important thing is that Xiao Xuanxi and Long Moshen were very different when they were young. Although their grandson Long Moshen was also raised by them, he was aloof and indifferent since he was a child. He didn't like to talk to people. When he was young, he was a small iceberg. It's a big iceberg.

But Xiao Xuanxi is different. He looks very much like Long Moshen when he was a child, but his personality is different by tens of thousands of miles. He is good and cute, and his speech is sweet. Knowing to make the elderly happy, he He talks a lot, but the old man likes children to talk a lot. Hearing Xiao Xuanxi's soft and glutinous voice uttering a series of words, just listening, I found it interesting.

Compared to his Bingshan father, Xiao Xuanxi is much more lively and cute!

See how happy the little guy is eating, squinting his fox-like eyes, enjoying his face, just looking at him can greatly increase his appetite.

Mu Wushuang looked at his son who had been fed a full stomach, and shook his head helplessly. She felt that if Xiao Xuanxi were to live here for a few days, he might be able to grow him into a fat man by his great-grandparents. Little piglet.

"Let’s eat, Xiaoguai, eat more, Guaixixi is too thin, and he will look better if he gains a little fatter!" Long Sun Rong said.

Ling Xiaoxian replied peacefully: "Yes, it looks good if you are fatter!"

Xiao Xuanxi was already reluctant to think about it. He was so happy. It turned out that his great-grandparents were so good. He liked the great-grandfather and great-grandmother!

too skinny? Grandma, are you serious?

Mu Wushuang was really dumbfounded.

She looked at the emperor uncle with a smile, he pursed his lips, held her hand, and evoked a slight smile.

His grandparents coaxed him to eat like this when he was young, but he didn’t eat anything except three meals a day, so they couldn’t persuade him. Now his son loves to eat, they love to feed, and the enthusiasm burns again. .

In the eyes of the elderly, children can eat as much as they want, and they like them even more if they are raised as fat as piglets.

But he squinted his eyes and said to his son: "Go to Laoyuelou tonight. It seems that you don't need to eat. Then you can sit and watch us eat."

"Qilao Yelou?"

Xiao Xuanxi was still chewing on something, and when he heard the words, he was anxious, and he asked his father before he swallowed the things in his mouth. What he said was vague.

He swallowed the contents of his mouth quickly, wiped off the debris from his mouth, and said anxiously: "Daddy, Xixi can't eat anymore! Xixi is going to Laoyuelou for dinner!"

Although the cakes of his great-grandparents are very delicious, he still misses the meat of Laoyuelou!

Long Sun Rong and Ling Xiaoxian immediately shook their heads.

"That won't work, the ingredients in Laoyuelou are too strong, and the guilty can't eat it now. To eat it, he has to wait until he can practice. If he can't have aura and can't digest it, it will be dangerous if it collides with the whole body."

"Xixi is so small, how can he eat the things from Laoyuelou, Mo Shen, aren't you fooling around?"

The two old men said in disapproval.

Mu Wushuang smiled and said to the two of them, "Xixi has a special physique. He grew up eating high-grade beast milk with ample aura. He was greedy, and he secretly ate a lot of aura-rich foods, which he could excrete the next day. Outside of the body, there won’t be any problems that collide with the veins in the body.”

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Xuanxi said quickly: "Great-grandfather and great-grandmother, Xixi ate the meat in Laoyuelou yesterday, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all! Xixi likes to eat the meat there. !"

"Really?" The two elders were very happy. He didn't expect Xixi's physique to be so special, and he must have a lot to do in the future!

"Then eat more! Good looking likes to eat, we will pack Laoyuelou tonight!"

Anyway, Laoyuelou was opened by his grandson!

"You don't need to pack it." Mu Wushuang said. She also learned last night that Laoyuelou is the property of the emperor. Not only Laoyuelou, but also many famous signs, all before he left Cangming Continent. The property that has already been purchased.

She heard Baili Linlang say that Yun Wan'er's birthday banquet was also in Laoyuelou, and she was waiting for Mu Yuanhong to take Yun Wan'er to apologize to her.

The evening is magnificent and the sky is full of sunset clouds.

Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen were on the top floor of Laoyuelou, sitting by the window, her head resting on his shoulder, watching the magnificent sunset, time was quiet.

Ling Xiaoxian and Grand Sun Rong were on the other side teasing Xiao Xuanxi to talk, telling him a story. The little guy was very supportive, giggling, and the entire top floor reverberated with his crisp laughter like silver bells.

There are a total of three private rooms on the top floor that can only be enjoyed by the VIPs, but the other two private rooms will naturally no longer serve guests at this time. The dragon and the dragon are guarded in the stairwell, so that they will not be disturbed by their warm moments. .

"Today is probably my happiest birthday."

Mu Wushuang looked at the magnificent red cloud on the horizon and said.

In fact, she has never had a birthday. She used to be an agent and danced on the tip of a knife every day, even if she had a birthday.

What's more, even her biological parents have to abandon her. How can she know which day her birthday is? She used to think that a person like her is not eligible for a birthday.

Whenever I see someone blowing candles on a birthday cake and making a wish, no one knows the envy of her heart.

But today is different, she really feels happiness, and feels what is the joy of her birthday.

From seeing the colorful fireworks in the sky in the middle of the night, she knew that she was no longer the cold killing machine before. She now has a lovely son and a beloved man. Everything is different.

"You will be happier in the future."

Long Mo deeply kissed the center of her eyebrows in a very gentle tone.

He is willing to give her all his heart and give her everything, as long as she is by his side.

Mu Wushuang raised her lips, her phoenix eyes curled up, and the flowers faded. She said, "I know."

She knows his mind.


Not long after, Mu Yuheng came with his grandfather Mu Guobang.

When Mu Guobang saw Wushuang, his old eyes turned red. As soon as he grasped her hand, he choked up and said:

"Wushuang, it's all right, it's all right! Grandfather can see you again in his lifetime, grandfather is happy!"

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