Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 345: Who are you

Chapter 345

Mu Wushuang looked at the old man with red eyes and choked voice, and feelings of sadness and guilt suddenly rose in his heart.

The old man gave her a very familiar feeling, stronger than the feeling of seeing the beautiful brother yesterday.

She felt that it might be that her missing memories were about to be restored, as if the memories of the past were about to break out of the ground.

Although the emperor didn't care that she was missing the past between them, the more she liked him, the more eager she wanted to know the story between them. She always felt that her memory was incomplete, just like her life was incomplete.

Looking at the old man whose eyes were full of joy and weeping with joy, Mu Wushuang was moved. She squeezed his hand and said to him: "Wushuang is unfilial, which makes grandfather worry."

"It's fine if you are alive. Grandfather is too happy. When Yuheng told me, I couldn't believe how much hardship you had suffered outside." Mu Guobang burst into tears and felt sorry for his granddaughter.

Seeing that grandfather remembered the past, Mu Yuheng quickly picked up Xiao Xuanxi and said to grandfather:

"Grandfather, this is the little Xuanxi I told you, the child of my sister and brother-in-law, two and a half years old this year."

He said to Xiao Xuanxi again:

"This is your great-grandfather. Your great-grandfather likes you."

Xiao Xuanxi looked at Mu Guobang with bright eyes, wiped the corners of Mu Guobang's eyes with a small hand, and said to him in a crisp voice:

"Great-grandfather, I am Xixi, and I like great-grandfather too!"

Mu Guobang looked at the little Xuanxi who was like a dumpling, and his heart felt soft. He didn't want to. In his lifetime, he could not only see the granddaughter, but also the granddaughter's children.

He was really distracted, and said to Xiao Xuanxi rare and kindly: "How well-behaved and handsome Xiaoxixi, can you let your great-grandfather hug you?"


Xiao Xuanxi stretched out his hands and hung it on his great-grandfather.

Seeing that Mu Guobang’s emotions eased a lot, Long Moshen came over to greet him, and Ling Xiaoxian and his wife also came over. They are now in-laws. Although Wushuang and Mo Shen’s parents are not present, it is better not to be there. They They are really good elders for the two of them, and they don't have any pretensions, and they are happy together.

Everyone talked and laughed together, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

But at this time, Yuan Wan'er downstairs was in a bad mood.

"We clearly booked a deluxe room, which was booked one month in advance. Why are we telling us that there are people on the top floor? We have also arranged for us to be in the same room with these ordinary people in the lobby on the first floor. Business!"

Yun Wan'er questioned the shopkeeper angrily.

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai were next to her, and the two were also very angry. It's okay to say that the time is beside her, but today is Wan'er's birthday. Naturally, they booked Wan'er the best room. I could think of it, but told me that not only the top floor was covered, but all the floors above the first floor were covered. Only the table in the lobby was not reserved.

"Everything must come first, shopkeeper Huang, you must give me an explanation today."

Mu Yuanhong said solemnly.

Shopkeeper Huang said with a smile: "I'm really sorry, King Dan, today it is our Young Master from Laoyuelou who is back. He doesn't like to be disturbed by others, so he had to clear the upper floors."

"Young Master? I remember that the Young Master in Laoyue Tower is His Royal Highness. The young emperor's whereabouts is uncertain. I didn't expect to be back today." Mu Yuanhong frowned.

Young Emperor? Long Moshen!

Yun Wan'er's pupils instantly widened and her eyes brightened. This man is a legend of the holy capital. Few people have seen the young emperor appear. Today, the young emperor has appeared, and he is still in this building!

Suddenly, she remembered that Wushuang had previously said that she would entertain Ling Xiaoxian and his wife at Laoyuelou. Ling Xiaoxian and his wife were the grandparents of the young emperor. It happened that the young emperor was here again today. Could it be that Wushuang was on the top floor!

Thinking of this, the jealousy in Yun Wan'er's heart was burning.

If there is no Wushuang, in today's alchemy competition, the person who has made the limelight is himself! Ling Xiaoxian and his wife who just happened to pass by will definitely look at themselves differently, where is her unparalleled share!

She Wushuang obviously grabbed her chance!

Today she was supposed to be on the top floor, having a meal with Shao Di at a dinner table!

Wushuang is not as good-looking as she is. She believes that Young Emperor will never have any thoughts about Wushuang. She is dressed up today, and she is more beautiful than Huajiao. I believe that Wushuang is much more amazing than the ordinary Wushuang. Thinking about this, she There is care in mind.

Yun Qiubai said at this time:

"Since the young emperor clears the field, let's look elsewhere."

"No!" Yun Wan'er shouted subconsciously.

At the probing eyes of her parents, she quickly said gently:

"Wan'er meant to say that there is no need for parents to bother, just eat here. Wan'er doesn't want to bother her parents to run again, and won't brother Wenhao come over later? Just eat in the lobby."

"Wan'er is really considerate. Whoever married us Wan'er is really a blessing." Yun Qiubai said with a smile.

How did she know that Yun Wan'er had other thoughts, eating here, but the drunkard's intention was not to drink.

As soon as she took her seat, Yun Wan'er felt disgusted in her heart. The people who ate around were all nouveau riche-like spiritual practitioners, and they looked ugly when they ate, as if they were just released from the starvation prison, everywhere. Soup and water.

Although Laoyuelou's food is indeed delicious, and the real thing is full of aura, it can't be guilty of such a disgusting way of eating, right?

The price of Laoyuelou is very expensive, and those who can afford it are either the rich or the people who have just made a fortune. Yun Wan'er looked at the tables around and found it annoying. What a shame!

Yun Wan'er endured it. When Ma Wenhao came over, Yun Wan'er stood up and said, "Brother Wenhao is here! Before serving the food, let's go up together and make a plea with Wushuang!"

It turned out that it was this idea that she had fought, and through the effort of apologizing, she got to know that very noble man.

It just so happens that Wushuang's ordinary face can bring out her beauty.

At that time, if the young emperor had moved her mind, then she would be the future queen! Is the most noble woman in the world!

Even if she doesn't have the favor of her parents, she won't be afraid!

As for Ma Wenhao, although she is very grateful to him, if she can climb the young emperor, what is Ma Wenhao, she wants to kick Ma Wenhao far!

"Going right now?"

Ma Wenhao frowned, Yun Wan'er was so anxious, absolutely weird.

"Yeah, otherwise the dishes will be cold when the dishes are served later, and the dishes are not tasty when they are cold, isn't it a waste?" Yun Waner said with a smile.

"Wan'er makes sense, I will go with you." Mu Yuanhong said.

Yun Qiubai also stood up: "I will go too."

She wants to see this Wushuang, who is it.

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