Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 402: plot

Chapter 402

He Lianyuan waved his subordinates to retreat.

"Liu Anhua is another village, Mu Wushuang, you have made me worry about you for so many years, I almost forget you, you have appeared again, this is fate."

He narrowed his eyes, his eyes seemed to be hunting prey, and Mu Wushuang was the prey in his eyes.

After finally reuniting, he had to think about how to turn her into his cage bird, canary this time.

"This time, I won't let you run away."

At the same time, Helianqian came back from the outside and went straight to her father, the head of Helian.

"Father, I need you to help my daughter."

After seeing the Patriarch of Helian, He Lianqian knelt down with a plop, her tone of voice solemn.

Patriarch Helian frowned, but did not support her, but asked with a serious face, "What can I do for you?"

"My daughter is now a decayed flower and a willow. Fortunately, the Saint Empress does not dislike it and is willing to persuade the Saint Emperor to marry his daughter with the Young Emperor. However, now, there is a woman between the daughter and the Young Emperor. Not being able to marry the Azure Dragon Shrine is also a big loss for our family!"

Helianqian said in tears.

She knew that what her father valued most was the family's interests.

No one knows how powerful the Qinglong Shrine is. Although the Helian family is also one of the four super families, it is far from the Qinglong Shrine. If you don’t want to fall into a first-class sect, the best way is to join The Qinglong Shrine is married.

The Patriarch Helian knew that the Queen was willing to continue the marriage with the Helian family. Everyone knew the reasons for this, but this was a good thing for the Helian family, and he would naturally not refuse.

What's more, just like the eldest daughter, her current reputation is bad, but as the eldest lady of the Helian family, it is impossible for her to marry into a low-class family, so it is a beautiful thing to marry a young emperor.

"You keep talking."

Patriarch Helian helped her up from the ground and said.

He Lianqian breathed a sigh of relief knowing that her father would help her.

She went to Liuyue City this time and saw the appearance of Shao Di and Mu Wushuang. Her heart seemed to be dripping blood. She was so wronged that Shao Di wouldn't care, or he didn't care at all.

Only Mu Wushuang was in his eyes!

Now Mu Wushuang's Qingyun Jianzong is about to participate in the competition of the third sect, which made her feel unprecedented pressure.

The promotion of Qingyun Sword Sect was too fast, it was almost unbelievable!

If this continues, one day Qingyun Jianzong will become a behemoth, and she will be afraid of it.

As the future head of the Qingyun Jianzong, Mu Wushuang's identity will also rise and become a match for Young Emperor.

She couldn't allow such a thing to happen and let Mu Wushuang die, so that everyone could be happy!


Patriarch Helian heard Helianqian's account and stood up with a slap on the table, his expression a little angry.

"That Mu Wushuang actually gave birth to Young Emperor's son, and Young Emperor still likes her?"

Patriarch Helian asked in a cool voice.

He Lianqian nodded: "My daughter has absolutely nothing to say! Mu Wushuang's existence is me and a stumbling block to the entire Helian family. Father, she must die!"

Patriarch Helian looked pensive.

He looked at He Lianqian: "Qian'er, since you came here, you must have thought of a foolproof way."

"Father, you are so piercing!"

He Lianqian's eyes narrowed in a dangerous arc: "Their Azure Cloud Sword Sect is going to participate in the third-rate sect competition, and the third-rate sect competition, isn’t it just hosted by our Patriarch Helian today? We can compare the content of the competition. Move your hands and feet and let her die in it without knowing it!"

"When you should be cruel, you should be cruel, Qian'er, your current changes make my father very pleased." Patriarch Helian nodded and said: "Then, Qian'er, how do you think you should do your hands and feet and tell your plan as a father. listen."

He Lianqian smiled: "Father, the place where the third-rate sects are competing is in Jinchan Town next to the Blood Moon Mountain Range. What is the most famous of the Blood Moon Mountain Range? It is the forbidden land of the Monster Race! We just need to do something. Let people introduce her into the forbidden area of ​​the monster race, and condone her to be a **** in the sky, and absolutely can't get out!"

There are many forbidden lands on this continent, and the Yaozu forbidden lands are the most famous.

It's so famous that everyone talks about the forbidden land of the demon clan to the extent that they become discolored.

Just because the Yaozu forbidden land has long become a place of horror that everyone dare not touch.

No one knows how the Forbidden Land of the Monster Race was formed, only that this Forbidden Land has existed since ancient times. The reason why the Forbidden Land of the Monster Race was formed is only because the Forbidden Land is within the territory of the Monster Race.

I heard that this forbidden land may have existed since the opening of this continent. It can be said that it has a long history, but after so many years, no one has been able to lift this mysterious veil.

No one knows what is inside since ancient times.

Even the cultivation base of Patriarch Helian's Spirit Fairyland did not dare to step into the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu.

Patriarch Helian recalled that when he was young and crazy, he and his three or five friends entered the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu.

After only a dozen steps into the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu, the friends around him began to die one after another. He has not even figured out the cause of death until now.

His friends, all the top talents on this continent, died without dignity.

And he, the old servant next to his father pushed him, and he was able to retreat.

The people who went in with him at the time were all dead.

He has been investigating for so long, only knowing that the spiritual cultivation that enters the forbidden area of ​​the monster race will be controlled by a terrible force. Not only is there nothing in it, there is also a mysterious biological species that devours human essence and **** people. The brain survives.

The higher the cultivation base, the more excited this mysterious creature becomes. They come and go without a trace, cannot be captured, and cannot be prevented.

Often only powerful spiritual cultivation enters the periphery of the forbidden area, and the plenum falls into a panic in an instant.

But this is only the periphery, and no one knows what is more terrifying inside the forbidden area.

The mystery and horror of the Yaozu forbidden land cannot be said in a few words.

Tens of thousands of years ago, someone organized countless powerful spiritual alliances to jointly explore several forbidden lands in Cangming Continent. However, at that time, I don’t know how many powerful spiritual cultivators had fallen, but there was still no detailed information about the forbidden lands. It is conceivable that the horror of these forbidden areas will always be unknown to the world.

If Mu Wushuang can be introduced into the forbidden area of ​​the Yao race, then as He Lianqian said, she is a **** and cannot escape the forbidden area of ​​the Yao race.

Patriarch Helian nodded to Helianqian:

"This matter is arranged for the father. You will stay at home these days and don't go out, so that the Young Emperor will not doubt you in the future."

He Lianqian was overjoyed, and she felt happy when she thought that Mu Wushuang would die miserably in the forbidden ground!

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