Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 403: Hardship

Chapter 403

"Daddy and mother, let Wan'er accompany you. For so long, Wan'er also wants to see her sister. This time the test is so important. My sister must be very happy that we can go and cheer for her."

Yun Wan'er entangled Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai left and right, said coquettishly.

She knew that they were going to see Mu Wushuang to compete, and she felt full of crisis in her heart. She was afraid that after this time, Mu Wushuang would admit her relatives, and then she would have nowhere to cry!

She must stop them in the middle.

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai are still very guilty of Mu Wushuang, and often Wu Wushuang does not leave their mouths, but Mu Wushuang does not recognize them, so she Yun Wan'er is still a lady of the gods of light, even if she is only an adopted daughter, others do not care In any case, she will not neglect her on the bright side.

But if Mu Wushuang recognizes her relatives and her parents don't care about herself, then even if her good days are over, she won't be the only lady again. She doesn't want to see this happen.

She was even more afraid that Mu Wushuang would instigate her parents to send her back. When she thought of her blood-sucking mothers, fathers, mothers, and younger brothers, she was terrified in her heart, so she didn't want to live that kind of life!

So she wanted to occupy the magpie's nest, just to enjoy things that originally belonged to Mu Wushuang!

Yun Qiubai was embarrassed. Wushuang didn't like adopted daughters very much. If she took Wan'er, would Wushuang not even look at them straight up?

Upon seeing this, Yun Wan'er said quickly:

"Mother, last time my sister might have misunderstood me. I want to explain to her personally. If my sister says she wants me to leave, I will leave my parents."

Her eyes were a little red, which made Yun Qiubai feel unbearable and couldn't tell her not to let her go.

"Let's go, don't go, the competition will begin."

Mu Yuanhong said.

Since he didn't say not to let Yun Wan'er go, he meant to agree.

The corner of Yun Wan'er's mouth rose, and a touch of success flashed across her eyes.

She held their arms affectionately, talking and laughing to them.

She has been very filial and knows the overall situation in the past six months. Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai couldn't bear to let her leave, and they loved her even more.

The three walked together, as close as a real family of three.


Jin Chan Town.

The town of Jinchan, which is rarely uninhabited on weekdays, has welcomed countless big shots.

This is the place where the three-liu sects compete. In the entire continent, the three-liu sects are also counted as the upper-liu sects. For those small sects, the third-liu sects are like giants.

The heads of these sects are naturally considered big figures.

When these heads were young, they were the Tianjiao figures on the mainland.

Mu Wushuang and others have been living in Jin Chan Town for two days, and this afternoon is the time to start the competition.

As for why we choose to start the competition in the afternoon instead of in the morning like the previous competitions, who knows why?

Mu Wushuang didn't care.

On the contrary, Long Moshen's face was a little dull.

"Uncle Huang, don’t worry, I know every sect that comes to the competition very clearly. We only need to surpass a third-rate sect to successfully become one of the third-rate sects. Even if it’s a bit difficult, you don’t As for keeping your face straight for several days!"

Mu Wushuang said jokingly with the emperor.

Long Moshen squeezed her hand and solemnly said to her:

"My heart can't calm down these two days, Shuang'er, you are careful in everything."

Rarely saw him look so serious, Mu Wushuang also took it seriously, she nodded vigorously, and said, "Well, I listen to you."

All agreed to marry him, and of course she will come back peacefully.

The test time is almost up, and everyone will go to the largest square in Jinchan Town.

When he was approaching the place, Mu Wushuang saw Mu Yuanhongyun Qiubai, and Yun Wan'er who was unwilling to let go of their arms.

"Wushuang! Yuheng!"

As soon as Yun Qiubai saw them, he walked up quickly, his eyes flushed.

Her sons and daughters were right in front of them. They hadn't seen each other for half a year. They were more energetic. On the contrary, she and Mu Yuanhong were a lot older during this time.

Mu Wushuang's footsteps stopped, and he glanced at the three of Yun Qiubai's body, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yun Wan'er is really lingering.

Oh, what a loving family.

As soon as Mu Yuheng saw Yun Wan'er, he was annoyed and said directly: "Next time you want to come over, please don't bring Yun Wan'er. I will feel sick when I see her."

He has never hated a person so much, but Yun Wan'er's hypocrisy and nausea refreshed his lower limit.

What he hates most is that Yun Wan'er came over with a caring attitude. In fact, no one knows the little Jiujiu in her heart, but Yuan Hongyun Qiubai eats her the most, and thinks how empathetic their adopted daughter is. Of people.

Mu Yuanhong frowned: "Yuheng, she is your sister, how do you speak!"

Mu Wushuang said, "Yuheng has only one sister, and that's me. Please let me get in the way."

After speaking, he walked past them blankly.

Yun Qiubai chased after him, took Mu Wushuang's hand, and choked with sobs: "Wushuang, after so long, why are you still angry with your parents? What do you want them to do, you will forgive us. ?"

"Some things can't be smoothed by time. You may think that I am cruel and the six relatives don't recognize me, but I just follow my heart. I can't do things that go against my heart, and I can't call my parents who I don't recognize. Two words, so don’t bother with it, just go and spoil your adopted daughter. Don’t bother us."

Mu Wushuang stopped, looked at Yun Qiubai and said.

It doesn't matter whether she is cruel or cruel, it is impossible for her to recognize her.

The siblings walked forward without looking back.

Xiao Xuanxi was held by his father, looked back at his grandfather and grandmother, and sighed.

Grandpa and grandma, as long as you turn your head, you can see the unconcealed smile of the bad woman Yun Wan'er, but you haven't looked back.

I've been blinded by bad women, and I'm not willing to drive her away, how can my mother recognize you!

Uncle obviously reminded grandpa and grandma, why can't you see it?

When all the people walked away, Mu Yuanhong's back buckled, as if he was ten years old.

He took Yun Qiubai in his arms and said, "Qiu Niang, that's all, let's assume that we didn't have these children."

Yun Qiubai suddenly pushed him away, and said hysterically, "I blame you! If it weren't for you, we would have picked up Wushuang and Yuheng!"

Yun Wan'er's complexion changed and her ears were pricked up. Could it be possible that her parents didn't deliberately not connect Mu Wushuang and Mu Yuheng, but had other difficulties?

Mu Wushuang didn't like them so much, wasn't it because they didn't take her and Mu Yuheng by his side?

If you let them know, there is a reason for this, maybe Mu Wushuang will forgive his parents!


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