Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 404: Abnormal

Chapter 404

Yun Wan'er raised her ears, wanting to hear more.

However, Mu Yuanhong was silent and did not respond.

And Yun Qiubai only said one sentence, she didn't say it any more, she just cried, and Mu Yuanhong hugged her and let her cry and scold.

Yun Wan'er had to test it out herself: "Daddy and mother, do you have any difficulties? Maybe tell Wushuang sister, her sister will not be so unkind."

"Wan'er, this is not what you should ask." Mu Yuanhong said blankly.

Yun Wan'er's face became stiff, and she lowered her head and said, "Yes, daddy, Wan'er won't ask, Wan'er just cares about you."

Sure enough, something had been concealed. I don't know what the secret was. Yun Wan'er felt like something was scratching in her heart, and she wanted to know what they couldn't say.

Yun Qiubai wiped away his tears and walked in the direction of the crowd. She was going to see her daughter and son's contest. He didn't want this pair of children, she wanted it herself.

"Qiu Niang, don't be angry, what I just said was angry." Mu Yuanhong followed.

How could he really deny his children? They are the lifeblood of him and Qiuniang. Even if they don't forgive themselves, they can't treat them as nonexistent.

Yun Wan'er tightened her veil, and reluctantly followed.

"Hey, isn't that the fox prince Wu Yan? He actually appeared!"

"Why did the fox prince who came and went without a trace appear here?"

Someone commented ahead.

Yun Wan'er looked up and saw only a man with a strange appearance. His charming peachy eyes are particularly eye-catching, and he has a pair of ice-blue eyes, which makes people think that he is like everyone in the world. Not the same.

This is the Fox Crown Prince?

It really deserves its reputation!

What makes Yun Wan'er puzzled is why the Fox Crown Prince would be with Mu Wushuang and the others?

Why are some powerful characters related to Mu Wushuang!

At this time, many disciples of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect were extremely surprised. In the past, Wu Gu's eyes were black. They only regarded this outer sect as a very enchanting and strict discipline. They never thought that he turned out to be the famous fox prince!

But now looking at Wu Su's eyes, in this world, only the fox prince's eyes are ice blue!

The prince of the fox tribe actually taught his disciples at the outer door of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect. I am afraid that no one would believe it!

But this is true, each of them has been taught by Wu Yan!

This is too shocking!

"Why are you here?" Mu Wushuang asked curiously.

Usually Wu Yan doesn't go out, let alone watching the Zongmen competition, this time I don't know what wind is blowing him, and it is so high-profile.

"This is within the territory of the Monster Race, my Highness personally came to cheer you up." Wu Liao Taohua's eyes were full of smiles, like a hundred flowers blooming.

Long Moshen stood blankly between the two.

Xiao Xuanxi asked anxiously, "Uncle Fox, where's Ali?"

When they went out, they entrusted A Li to Uncle Fox, but Uncle Fox did not bring him.

"Yao Qing is waiting," Wu Yan said.

This is the Yaozu, he can't bring the little fox here, so as not to sprawl.

Mu Wushuang pursed his lips and chuckled. The little fox likes to mess around with Yaoqing, jumping around bottles and jars, Yaoqing has a headache.

Xiao Xuanxi was relieved, and started chatting with his uncle fox again.

Before long, all the sect disciples who came to participate in the competition were almost there. Mu Wushuang kissed his son and his uncle, and then took the beautiful younger brother Cang Yang and the others.

Suddenly, Long Moshen's heart was beating fiercely, and his expression became even more stern.

When the hour came, it was the elder of the Helian family named Helianxing who presided over the third-rate sect competition. He was a talkative person in the Helian family. Many people did not expect that the third-rate sect competition was even Helian. Even the Great Elder was dispatched.

"It's kind of weird."

Wu Luo frowned and said.

Long Moshen glanced at him, then back to Wushuang.

Wu Luo is a cunning fox, he can feel strange, which shows that his anxiety is very likely...

His eyes grew colder.

At this time, Elder Helian announced the content of this competition:

"This three-tier sect competition requires every sect disciple to enter the Blood Moon Mountain Range to hunt monsters. The time is three days. Which sect is the first to hunt a hundred monster cores of the seventh-order monster , Come back here first, the ranking will be the highest!"


As soon as this word came out, countless people rushed and suspected that they had heard it wrong.

Competitions like this, which have more demon cores than anyone else, are often used by five or six sects. However, third sects are more comprehensive than their overall strength. The content of the competition is often much more complicated, and it is necessary to split the preliminary rounds. .

But what Elder Helian actually announced was such a simple game rule, which surprised many people.

In this kind of competition, many non-authentic sects will rob other sects specifically, and there is no fairness at all.

So this is beyond everyone's expectations.

"Abnormalities are monsters."

Wu Yan looked at Long Moshen and said.

Long Moshen looked at the same frowning pair underneath, his eyes deep cold.

He couldn't help her to participate in the competition. For the promotion of the sect, she paid too much. It is not easy to get to this step. Even if it is dangerous, her personality will know how difficult it is.

"Don't worry, I will take care of myself."

Mu Wushuang used Yujian to send messages to the man who had been looking at her.

"Next, everyone will take the flying spirit weapon to the Blood Moon Mountain Range."

Elder Helian said loudly, and at the same time, a dozen medium flying spirit instruments landed on the square.

Someone guided the disciples of various sects to fly on the spiritual weapon, and Mu Wushuang noticed that several eyes fell on her.

Her heart sank, and it seemed that someone had targeted her.

She asked the beauty younger brother Cang Yang and others to board the flying magic weapon first, and when they all got on, she suddenly moved on to another fake flying magic weapon.


Mu Yuheng frowned and was very puzzled and puzzled as to why she was not with them.

"You don't care about me, remember, even if I'm not by your side, you can successfully obtain one hundred seventh-order demon cores, and your combined strength is no less than that of other sect disciples."

Mu Wushuang confessed in a deep voice.

The flying spirit machine closed tightly, isolating her voice.

Mu Yuheng stood up and said loudly, "Open, I want to go down!"

He has a bad feeling that he is going to find his sister!

"To shut up!"

A majestic voice sounded, making Mu Yuheng's heart aches, and a mouthful of blood rushed up, but he pressed it down fiercely.

He remembers this voice, this is the voice of the Great Elder Helian!

Cangyang supported Mu Yuheng, handed him a pill, and whispered: "Yuheng, calm down, let's see the situation first."

Cang Yang also felt that things were not easy, but they couldn't do anything at this time.

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