Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 405: Natural killer

Chapter 405: Natural Killing Array

The flying spirit weapon flew to the inner circumference of the Blood Moon Mountains.

Long Moshen handed his son to Wujizi and flew over. He was very upset and had to follow him to take a look.

Someone stopped, Long Moshen took the result with a sword, and the corpse was separated.

The blood spilled on the ground, everyone was in an uproar!

Yun Wan'er sneered in her heart: Mu Wushuang's man is really funny, there is a competition ahead, what is he running over? Without looking at what identity he was, he actually killed the Helian family members, which must have caused a catastrophe!

Sure enough, a group of people from the Helian family rushed up!

Long Mo did not want to entangle these people, and with a wave of his hand, the little green dragon flew out.

Everyone saw a great blue dragon in the sky, and the dragon uttered a long roar. Everyone was in pain in their eardrums, but watching this amazing scene, everyone's eyes widened!

Mythical beast Qinglong!

The man just now was the young emperor of the Azure Dragon Shrine!


That turned out to be the young emperor who saw the dragon in the Azure Dragon Palace!

Yun Wan'er opened her mouth wide, and she could almost put two eggs in her mouth.

The young emperor of Qinglong Shrine is Mu Wushuang's man? ! !

Long Moshen threw the dragon queen out, and the person had disappeared in place.

In the flying spirit weapon, Elder Helian felt the dragon aura, his complexion sank, and the patriarch said that it was really good. This man of Mu Wushuang is really the young emperor of the Azure Dragon Shrine!

If He Lianqian wants to marry Young Emperor, then Mu Wushuang shouldn't exist in the world!

Now Young Emperor chased him, and Elder Helian made a decisive move!

Suddenly, a violent hurricane swept over, and the flying spirit machine shook violently.

"What's the matter? How can a hurricane come over!"

"Oh my God, why are we so unlucky!"

Someone shouted.

But Mu Wushuang felt that the hurricane was not a coincidence, and a sneer evoked at the corner of her mouth. Heh, the last time He Lianqian asked someone to kill her was not enough. This time he called someone from her family and came to her.

What a big battle!

The dignified Helian family can only use these tricks, tusk.

She wanted to see what they could do!

The flying spirit tool shook violently. Suddenly, the flying spirit tool where Mu Wushuang was staying flew at an extremely fast speed, boom! A majestic spirit power hit the flying spirit device, and the flying spirit device emitted blue smoke as if out of control, and fell straight down!

"Why can't you get out!"

A disciple smashed the flying spirit weapon forcefully and found that there seemed to be a restriction on it, no matter how he got it, he could not get out.

"Are we going to die in this flying spirit weapon?"

Everyone panicked.

Mu Wushuang's eyes were cold. She didn't believe that this was Elder Helian's method. Her physical body was extremely powerful. Even if the entire flying spirit weapon hit her, she couldn't die. She thought that there should be an afterthought.

At this moment, she felt a familiar breath coming towards him, but the flying spirit weapon fell sharply, and she could not see anything.


The flying weapon hit the ground and dragged a long distance on the ground, but no one inside was seriously injured and was protected by spiritual power. Only one was slightly injured. At this moment, I heard a loud "puff" sound. It sounded, the flying spirit weapon was on the edge of the cliff, but now it smashed into a huge lake.

The lake water penetrated in, Mu Wushuang kicked fiercely, knocked the flying spirit weapon to pieces, and swam out.

Seeing this, the others hurried to travel abroad.

With Mu Wushuang, there are a total of 61 people.

At this time, Mu Wushuang found that there was nothingness in her dantian, and she couldn't even feel the spiritual energy. The most important thing was that she found that all her cultivation was deprived of a strange power. The whole person was like a mortal. Generally become powerless to bind chickens.

Even swimming feels strenuous.

The lake seemed to be very deep. Mu Wushuang did not immediately go upstream. She avoided the water droplets, and there was no problem in staying under the water. She now needs to think about where she is.

Elder Helian would not only use the flying spirit weapon, then, it is very likely that there is a problem with the place where they landed.

As a result, the strangeness on her body made her heart sink. Could it be...

here is……

Do not! No! If it's really that place, don't say it, it's a problem to survive!

She still has to see the emperor, see her son, she can't die.

Not only did she find the problem, but the other sects themselves also found the problem. They were panicked, and almost everyone went crazy upstream.

Mu Wushuang bit his lip and went upstream.

"Master, the breath here is so strange, we can't sense anything."

Xiao Zhu and Xiao Que said to her.

"Where is this place, how can it be so strange, Master, there seems to be danger everywhere, you have to be careful!"

Mu Wushuang went upstream and said solemnly, "It may be the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu."

"What? Monster Race Forbidden Land!"

The two spirits were stunned and did not make a sound for a long time.

After a while, Xiao Zhu said: "No one lives out of the demon clan forbidden land, but master, don't be discouraged, there is no way out of the sky!"

Mu Wushuang nodded, she would not be discouraged.

She has no regrets, the Helian family is so powerful that she can avoid it this time but next time, she must grow up as soon as possible and become an existence that can compete with the Helian family!

The Yaozu forbidden land is so terrible, but maybe this forbidden land also has the hope of survival from desperation.

After swimming for a stick of incense, everyone did not encounter any strange places. The legendary monsters that eat human brains did not appear. Obviously, this place is not as scary as imagined.

Seeing the light gradually appearing in the water, everyone was relieved.

It's finally coming to the surface!

Seeing the faint light appearing in the water above, everyone moved faster.

For humans, the water is really inconvenient, and the land is the most suitable for survival and the most kind.

The heads of a few people just came out of the water, and what they saw was a beautiful scene of green mountains and green waters.

"Great, we are here. This should be somewhere in the Blood Moon Mountains. Let's go out together."

A disciple said with a smile.

Everyone can be considered as a common suffering.

"This brother is right. Now our cultivation base has disappeared somehow. It's a bit weird. We have to join hands to get out."

Said a young disciple with great looks.

The others nodded one after another, and now that's the only way to go. No one knows what the unknown danger is, only to work together.

Mu Wushuang felt a little guilty in his heart. These people were affected by their flying spirit weapons.

But she didn't regret it, because she didn't want to put the beautiful brothers in danger.

People are selfish, and she is no exception.

She can only save their lives as much as possible.

The surrounding jungle is dense, the towering ancient trees are as big as a few people, and the huge tree roots hover like a horned dragon. At first glance, it looks like a thousand-year-old python inhabits here.

The grass by the lake is full of green grass and dew drops.

This area is exposed to sunlight, but not much, it looks like a few hundred steps. The shining grass and a small part of the lake are in sharp contrast with other areas where the sun has not been able to shine.

The quiet water in the lake was shimmering, but the edge was out of sight. Xu was early in the morning, and the lake was still scattered with white mist, like a fairyland.

But when they set out, it was obviously afternoon.

On the shore, everyone walked carefully toward the woods. There was no sunshine in the woods for many years, and it looked terrifying. The ground was covered with leaves, the calf was not reached, and there was still a smell of rotting.

But the good news is that there doesn't seem to be any creatures here. Although the mysterious power in this area suppresses the cultivation base, just like a mortal, the absence of creatures means that you don't have to worry about monsters suddenly appearing in the jungle or under your feet.

Because I can’t tell the direction, I don’t know which direction I should go, I can only walk in a certain direction, there will always be the end.

Although there is no living thing, everyone is even more nervous. There is gloomy everywhere here. No one knows what horrible things are inside. It is this unknown horror that stimulates everyone's nerves.

On the way, there was only the sound of the "sand" of dead leaves under the feet. Everyone didn't say a word, carefully watching everything around them.

After walking for more than two hours, the bushes are still quiet, but the towering trees along the way seem exactly the same, as if they can't go to the end.

"It's not right, we seem to be walking back again!" The young disciple who had spoken out before looked at a tree frowning and whispered. A cross was carved on that tree, which was the mark of his departure.

Everyone panicked.

After another half a cup of tea, everyone really saw the mysterious lake where they escaped.

"How could this be? We actually came back again, did the ghost hit the wall?" One person looked at the lake in horror and said loudly.

Mu Wushuang's expression was very solemn, and he said to everyone:

"It seems that we can't get out of this place for the time being. This should be a natural illusion. Just like the lost track formation in ancient times, it is difficult for mortals to crack."

Is it a fantasy?

Everyone was shocked. If this is the case, then the chances of them going out would be even smaller.

Everyone looked desperate.

The naturally formed illusion is the most terrifying and difficult to understand. Everyone is not a disciple of the small sect who knows nothing. They have a certain understanding of these.

Many places with harsh environments, for example, some places have terrible winds, and they are still a place of space turbulence. The moon shifts and the stars turn day after day and form a terrible killing array, which has become a dead end. place.

This is the natural killing array, which belongs to the insoluble array!

This area around the lake seemed harmless, but they did not expect to form a terrible maze, which also explained why they did not see a creature.

Mu Wushuang felt that thanks to this predicament, otherwise so many of them would have been half dead.

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