Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 406: Palace group

Chapter 406 Palace Group

"What do you do then? Are we going to be trapped here?"

A disciple of average psychological quality said in a panic, trembling all over, he didn't want to be trapped and die here.

Others looked sad, no one wanted to die, they didn't even figure out where it was, everything is unknown, and this unknown sense of danger is what they fear most.

At this moment, a monk who looked ordinary but had a calm temperament said:

"Amitabha, half a day has passed. Have you noticed that the position of the sun on the lake surface has not changed?"

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, recalling the scene when he first landed, and found that what he said was correct. The sun was still shining on a spot on the right side of the lake, looking shimmering, while the rest of the lake looked like lifeless.

Mu Wushuang glanced at this monk more, but he didn't expect that this person's observation power was delicate here, and he actually observed this.   The monk also looked at her and said, "This junior, I think you should be the unparalleled junior sister of Qingyun Jianzong. The poor monk is called Xuanzhu, and we are disciples of Tianwu Temple."

He pointed to the disciples around him, who nodded to Mu Wushuang: "Amitabha."

Then Xuan Zhu said sincerely to Mu Wushuang:

"Just now I heard that Junior Sister pointed out the natural distress formation. The poor monk has long heard that many disciples of the Qingyun Sword Sect are keen to study the formation method. Presumably, the junior sister must also have considerable attainments in the formation method. I have to rely on you, Junior Sister."

"Shit! Just her? It's better to rely on her than on yourself!"

Mu Wushuang hadn't responded yet, a man with an oily face stood up and said disdainfully, his name was Wu Ying, the big brother of the Sky Wolf Sect.

The Azure Cloud Sword Sect was only a seven-liu sect before, and I don't know what kind of **** luck can have today. Compared with their upright third-liu sect, it is not worth mentioning.

Therefore, the disciples of the Sirius sect headed by Wu Ying looked down on Mu Wushuang, thinking that she was just beautiful, and it would be better to be a vase quietly, and to avoid gesticulating.


Wu Ying squinted Mu Wushuang's eyes. If he couldn't find a way to get out, he would be the first to get over his physical addiction. With such a peerless beauty in front of him, he would also be a romantic ghost!

Mu Wushuang's eyes were getting cold, if Wu Ying dared to hit her, she would send him to reincarnation in advance!

"Brother Wu's words are bad!"

The dignified man before came out, he looked at Mu Wushuang, and nodded at her: "Liu Hao of Ruyi Sect, Haoyue Cangcang Hao, good sister Wushuang."

Mu Wushuang nodded at him.

Except for the disciples of the Sky Wolf Sect that were not friendly to her, the disciples of Tianwu Temple and Ruyi Sect were all upright.

"Liu Hao, what do you mean, do you think we have to rely on this lady to get out?" Wu Ying said with a bad expression, feeling that Liu Hao of Ruyizong refuted his face.

Liu Hao looked at Wu Ying and said:

"Liu really thinks that Junior Sister Wushuang might be able to crack this difficult formation. We are now completely complete and unable to send a message to the sect, and we don't know where we are. At this time, it is best for everyone to work together and not fight inwardly. That's right. As for whether you can crack it, it's better to listen to Junior Wushuang's opinion."

Wu Ying snorted coldly, not good to say more.

Xuanzhu put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, everything in this world, whether it is good or bad, according to the Buddhist philosophy, there is karma, and naturally there are countless opportunities. Even if it is a mortal situation, it is possible. Salted fish turned over and brought out a new life."

Mu Wushuang nodded, she felt that Xuanzhu might know where they are now, but his mentality was very good, his face was not flustered, and he was very calm.

She said: "Any formation in the world has a way to crack it. We can't destroy this natural dilemma, but we can crack it. Any formation has a formation eye. If we can find a formation eye, we will have a ray of life. "

"After all that, you still don't know where the front is!" Wu Ying sneered.

Mu Wushuang ignored him, but looked at Xuan Zhu, "Senior Brother Xuan Zhu observed meticulously, he must have seen a flaw."

A smile appeared on Xuanzhu's ordinary face. He pointed to the only place on the lake where the sun was shining and said:

"The position of the sun there has been the same, maybe the way to crack the formation is below."

Liu Hao said happily, "So we go down there, maybe we can find the formation eye, and successfully escape this place of lost formation."

Mu Wushuang said: "The current plan, we have to go into the water again and find a way."

"What?" Wu Ying's voice was sharp: "We finally swam up, and you want us to go down again. Who knows if there is any way to get out underneath! The lake is bottomless, swimming down will only consume our energy!"

"You don't need to go." Mu Wushuang gave him a cold look.

After speaking, she jumped into the water without hesitation.

And Liu Hao, Xuan Zhu and others also jumped down one after another, and after swimming to a place with sunlight, they dived under the water.

Seeing that the rest of the people had all gone into the water and disappeared, for a while, the needle fell in silence here, and the disciple of the Sky Wolf Sect shivered inexplicably.

At this moment, they could faintly feel the sound of "sand" a few miles away. It seemed to be the sound of a hurricane sweeping away, and it also seemed to be the sound of a huge monster race moving, which was creepy.

Wu Ying struck a spirit, and said quickly: "Let's go down and have a look, but we have to see what the lady has!"

As he said, jumping out of the water, the disciples behind him didn't dare to stay any longer, and all rushed into the lake.

The light in the water was very dim, and Wu Ying vaguely saw the figure of the Ruyizong disciple descending, and quickly swam over. This place is too evil, so I should be safe with everyone.

Mu Wushuang swam for a long time and was still very energetic, but the people behind him swam more and more slowly because of lack of spiritual power and physical strength.

The lake was bottomless, so she slowed down and waited for people behind to catch up before continuing to dive.

Holding a night pearl in her hand, she emitted a faint light at the bottom of the dark lake, guiding everyone forward.

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened and stopped diving!

Because, underneath, there is actually a huge palace group!

This group of palaces can't be seen at a glance, but the light is too dim. Everyone only thinks that the palaces are dark and gloomy!

Mu Wushuang continued to dive. The closer he got, the clearer he could see. The palace had no idea how many years it had settled at the bottom of the lake, and he could no longer see what it looked like outside. There were many ruined walls and dilapidated walls. It seemed to be at least tens of thousands of years old.

Although this is only a dilapidated palace, it is still towering, and when you look up, you can't see it.

But this palace has a very strange feeling, like a gloomy and gloomy and haunting ghost all year round.

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