Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 407: The world in the door

Chapter 407-The World in the Door

Everyone looked at this shocking scene, and it took a long time to recover.

What the **** is this place! Why are there so many palace groups!

Mu Wushuang and others continued to dive, and finally, it was the end.

In front of you is the gate of the palace, and you can still distinguish the scarlet red on it. The simple and weird patterns are painted on the palace wall, and it is still not blurred after countless years of lake washing.

The gate of the palace looks very intact. Under the gloomy abyssal lake, the gap between the two palace gates that are several people high reveals a bright white light. It seems that there is light inside, and it seems that there is something attractive. Was beckoning to people.


"What happened ahead?"

The spiritual cultivators of Jin Chan Town looked at the Blood Moon Mountain Range in the distance, very puzzled.

Before the young emperor suddenly appeared, the sacred beast Azure Dragon also appeared proudly in the sky, exuding extremely terrifying coercion.

After a while, the flying spirit instrument that was flying in the sky suddenly shook violently as if out of control, and then a flying spirit instrument burst into black smoke and fell at an extremely fast speed. It seemed that the disciples inside were only I'm afraid it's bad luck.

The young emperor and the Azure Dragon divine beast also disappeared.

"It is said that a flying spirit weapon fell into the forbidden area of ​​the monster race!"

Suddenly someone said loudly.


"Monster forbidden land!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone who heard this took a breath.

How could you fall into the forbidden land of the monster race! The Yaozu forbidden area is at the innermost circumference. No one has ever dared to approach that place. The people riding that flying spirit weapon are too miserable.

"It must be dead!"

"No one can come out of the forbidden area of ​​the monster race alive!"

Wujizi and others heard these words, and an ominous premonition rose in their hearts.

He quickly took out a jade slip, which was the jade slip passed by the sect to every head of the sect, and it was printed with the name of every disciple of the sect.


The jade slip fell to the ground.

Wu Ji Zi looked shocked and unwilling to believe.

Wu Luo picked up the jade slip, frowned and asked Xiang Wujizi: "How on earth!"

"Wushuang's name... darkened!"

Wuji said in a very heavy voice.

The disciple's name dimmed, indicating that the disciple had no spiritual power in his body, and Yu Jian couldn't sense her existence. This showed that Wushuang was fierce at this moment!

"Could it be that Wushuang fell into the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu?"

Wu Su said with a solemn expression.

No wonder Long Moshen didn't appear, he, wouldn't he have entered the forbidden area of ​​the monster race!

The young emperor of the Azure Dragon Shrine, for the sake of a woman, would willingly go into a mortal situation!

Wu Yan took a deep breath, he was far worse than Long Mo Shen.

"What are you talking about? It's impossible, how could Wushuang fall into the forbidden land of the monster race!"

An unbelievable voice came in.

Yun Qiubai walked over quickly, his face pale and said: "You must be joking, right? How could my Wushuang fall into the forbidden land of the demon race! You must be mistaken!"

"Yes, you must be mistaken, the head of Wujizi, please speak up!" Mu Yuanhong also said with a gloomy expression.

They just happened to hear the conversation between Wu Jizi and Wu Yan, but they didn't believe that their daughter Wushuang was in the flying spirit weapon that fell into the forbidden area of ​​the monster race!

Their daughter will not be so unlucky!

Yun Wan'er opened her mouth wide, what, Mu Wushuang fell into the forbidden land of the Yaozu? Great! The sky has eyes!

She couldn't wait to look up to the sky and laugh a few times. Just now, she was still too jealous. She was shocked that Mu Wushuang's man turned out to be the young emperor of the Qinglong Shrine, that noble man like a god. They loved him and gave birth to a son. The best things underneath belong to Mu Wushuang, she is mad with jealousy.

It's alright now, Mu Wushuang didn't enjoy the blessing for a few days, so he met with the king of Yan.

She can be the only daughter of her parents, and she can be the eldest lady of the Guangming Divine Sect and enjoy everything that belongs to Mu Wushuang!

"Rather than questioning here, it is better for the two of you to find out by yourself." Wu Yan gave Mu Yuanhong and his wife a cold look.

Yun Wan'er's eyes fell on Wu Lu's handsome face, but she saw him look at the eyes even more cold, as if there was a murder intent in it.

Humph, she doesn't know him, he is ill, he is intent on killing himself!

Yun Wan'er thought unhappily, she just looked too good at him, she just took a few more glances.

As everyone knows, Wu Luo's killing intent comes from her schadenfreude.

Mu Yuanhong and his wife were desperate and pale as ghosts. Yun Qiubai was at a loss and contacted her father Yun Chuanxing. His father liked Wushuang so much, he would definitely help them!

"My father and mother will be fine."

Standing on the ground, Xiao Xuanxi, who was ignored for a while, suddenly said.

His pretty little face is not flustered, and his round and dark eyes are very calm. When everyone is in a mess, only the little one is the most calm.

At this time, everyone seemed to feel that something fluctuated in the air, but when they went to explore, they felt nothing.


The light across the door seemed to be brighter and brighter, as if something was attracting everyone in.

The door is full of light, and golden birds are painted on both sides, which is lifelike.

The simplicity and vastness of the lake bottom coexist with weirdness, without any anger, and people in it are as small as a gravel.

Mu Wushuang walked by the door and observed carefully. Only the light could be seen in the crack of the door, and nothing inside could be seen. She suppressed the weird feeling that she wanted to push the door and entered, her face solemn.

But she was able to resist this strange temptation, but others could not. A disciple of the Sirius sect had bright eyes and swam quickly towards the door. Before Mu Wushuang had time to stop, the heavy door made a "creak" sound. , The two doors were opened.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of weightlessness suddenly came, and Mu Wushuang only felt dizzy. She was sucked in by something inside the gate, and she fell to the ground with a bang!


"It hurts!"

"Hey, I can talk! This is not the bottom of the lake!"

"It's so amazing!"

Voices came one after another.

Mu Wushuang opened his eyes and saw the dim red light. It was no longer the sea floor, but the land.

What's magical is obviously weird.

She stood up, shrouded in red light in the distance, many pinnacles reaching into the sky, the strange rocky roads on the edge and the cold and cold atmosphere around them couldn't help making people shudder.

This gives people the illusion of coming to hell. There are only two colors between heaven and earth, one is gray and black, and the other is the dark red on Shifeng's side, which looks like a color stained with blood.

"Where is this place? It's not like inside a palace!"

The voice of Ruyizong Liu Hao sounded nearby.

Mu Wushuang nodded: "That door is probably a teleportation formation."

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