Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 408: Terrifying

Chapter 408

"Damn! What a shabby place!"

Wu Ying of the Sky Wolf Sect stood up, looked at the scene here, and said cursingly.

"Amitabha, everyone, are the essences in your body constantly losing?"

At this time, Xuan Zhu from Tianwu Temple said.

"Damn! My essence is losing!"

"How could this be!"

"Are we going to die?"

Everyone sensed the situation inside their bodies, and they all said in amazement.

Mu Wushuang also discovered that the essence in her body was also losing. Once inside, the essence seemed to be sucked away by something.

The loss of essence is equal to the passing of life and the shortening of longevity!

"Blame you, stinky girl! If you hadn't brought us to the bottom of the lake, how could our essence be lost so quickly!"

Wu Ying pointed at Mu Wushuang and cursed loudly.

Mu Wushuang glanced at him expressionlessly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Brother Wu Ying, I'm afraid you haven't figured out where we fell in."

Wu Ying's gloomy face was startled, "What do you mean, stinky lady, do you know where this is?"

"Amitabha, if the poor monk didn't guess wrong, this is a forbidden place for the monster race."

Xuanzhu folded his hands and said.

His words stirred up a thousand waves like a wave, making everyone present to be discolored.

"How could it be! How could we fall into the forbidden area of ​​the monster race!"

"No! I don't believe it!"

"This is the legendary Yaozu forbidden land? We can't get out anymore!"

"How can it be a forbidden area for the monster race!"

Wu Ying snorted coldly: "You bald donkey! Must be united with this stinky lady to deceive us! How could this be the forbidden land of the monster race, if it were the forbidden land of the monster race, we would have died!"

Mu Wushuang sneered:

"Brother Wu, do you think I brought you here to send you to death? Oh, if you don’t go to the bottom of the lake, you’ll probably be dead long ago. There is a natural trap on the lake, and it will become a natural killer at night, you None of them can survive. I brought you down to save you. If you don’t believe me, even if you go ashore, if you can live for three breaths, I lose."

Liu Hao stood among them and said seriously: "Brother Wu, this should be a forbidden area for the demon race. There is no need for Junior Wushuang to lie to us."

"Could it be possible that you know something?" Wu Ying looked at Liu Hao suspiciously.

Liu Hao nodded: "We should be inside the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu right now!"

"What? Inside the forbidden area? Legend has it that someone enters the outer area and they die. No one can enter the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu! How could we be in the inner area!" Wu Ying still didn't believe it.

Liu Hao said:

"I have read a miscellaneous from the ancient times. It records the story of a person entering the forbidden area of ​​the demon race. It is an age of amazing talents, and the genius is like a cloud. The spiritual cultivation of the forbidden area of ​​the demon race is extremely high , Although after entering the forbidden area, the cultivation base is restricted, and the supreme cultivation base is useless in the forbidden area, but the great power at that time practiced a mysterious technique of refining the body, which can be repelled by the power of the flesh. All obstacles are amazing.

He entered the forbidden area, but after only staying for half an hour, he retreated.

This person is the only spiritual practitioner in the world who can survive inside the forbidden area. But in the second year after he left the forbidden area, his whole body was aging. At that time, he could not prolong his life after taking countless treasures of heaven, material and earth, and finally died of exhaustion.

Before this person died, he had told his children and grandchildren that he should never enter the forbidden area of ​​the demon race. The things in it were not something human monks could contend with, and even more terrible things would happen. "

Reminiscent of the state of that ancestor's death is the method of death when his lifespan is exhausted, which is very similar to the state of dozens of them now. Then, it can be explained that they have directly come to the inner layer of the forbidden area, and the terrible power inside has spread to their bodies, and the essence of the body has dissipated.

In fact, Wu Ying had long been skeptical. As soon as they came to such a place, their whole body cultivation level disappeared, just like the situation in the forbidden area in the rumor, but he couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it.

Now Liu Hao's words make him have to believe that there is some power in the inner circle that is absorbing their essence. If they can't leave, even if they are not attacked by something terrible, they will soon die here!

Everyone looked panicked and nervous, and all the monks in Tianwu Temple began to recite the scriptures.

Only Mu Wushuang had no expression on his face. The inner surroundings of the Yaozu forbidden area were regarded as ominous by everyone, as a place of burial, and there must be its secret. Even the essence of the body that suddenly disappeared must have a reason, and if this cause can be found out, you will not face the destiny of lifespan depletion in the future.

Panic is useless.

Mu Wushuang calmly walked towards the red light ahead.

Xuanzhu and his juniors also followed.

"Amitabha, did Wushuang Junior Sister think that this place is very similar to the Demon Realm?" Xuan Zhu said calmly.

The sky here is gloomy, the sky is not visible all the year round, and the evil spirits are dense. It is indeed a bit like the land of the demon realm where the demons live in the legend.

So, she nodded.

Later, Liu Hao, Wu Ying and others also followed. Since it is within the forbidden area, it is better not to separate too much to avoid accidents.

The stones on the ground are like the road of a knife, and the road is like a sharp blade. Without the cultivation base, all the bones of the body will grind blood out of the feet. This journey is extremely difficult.

It's funny, the forbidden land is so dangerous, but I didn't expect that it was this humble gravel road that made them bleed.

Mu Wushuang is okay, her physical body is very powerful, even if she loses her cultivation base, it doesn't hurt to walk on the road.

But the others looked very pitiful, their feet dripping with bright red, it was horrible.

Some people screamed as they walked. Even if they encountered obstacles in cultivation, they wouldn't be as ghoulish as they are now. This shows that this gravel road is really unusual.

Seeing that the blood is getting closer and closer, everyone's heartbeat has gradually accelerated, and a strange feeling slowly enveloped everyone.

The closer I got closer, the more an inexplicable sense of grief came to my heart, and it was like hearing countless people crying and howling. The heartbreaking sadness was conveyed to the hearts of several people, grief and sorrow, deep inside their hearts. .

But this is not like a spell, but more like a sad past that has happened. Therefore, although Mu Wushuang frowned, he did not bite his tongue and deliberately withdrew from this feeling.

Everyone was panicking.

At this moment, the smell was tangy, and a huge pool of blood appeared in front of everyone.

And that sense of grief suddenly disappeared, replaced by a fierce evil spirit!


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