Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 409: Good fortune and evil

Chapter 409

In front of him was a large pool of boiling blood, with bones inside and countless ancient costumes floating up and down in the blood pool.

"How can there be such a big blood pool!"

"Oh my God! How many corpses there must be! Bone and bones!"

Liu Hao reminded aloud: "Everyone, be careful. Although you can't feel the special pressure here, there are too many corpses floating and sinking in the blood pool. The corpse must be particularly powerful. Don't get too close."

"Look! There are so many magical weapons inside!"

Someone pointed to the undulating spiritual tool in the blood pool.

"Is that the best spirit weapon!" a person exclaimed, pointing to a halberd.

A lot of people leaned over and saw that the halberd was indeed the best spirit weapon, and the aura from it carried the energy of the best spirit weapon.

Wu Ying was overjoyed and said: "Hurry up and get this superb spirit weapon for Lao Tzu!"

There are not many superb spirit weapons in the whole continent. If they can be taken out alive, it will be more beautiful!

"Look, there are also the best spirit weapons!"

There are pitch-black axes, red spears, and silver swords, all the same, up and down in the blood pool, these are all the best spirit weapons!

Some people's eyes are red. If these top-quality spiritual weapons can be taken out, they can be sold, and they can also sell the mountain of spirit stones!

This is no longer a blood pool, this is simply a treasure trove!

"I advise you not to be greedy and be careful not to save your life." Mu Wushuang said coldly.

"Are you cursing us? Huh?" Wu Ying looked over with an unkind look.

Mu Wushuang sneered: "I'm just reminding you, don't forget, this is the inner periphery of the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu."

"You don't need to worry about it!" Wu Ying pointed at the person on his side: "You hurry up and pick it up for Lao Tzu. If you can get out, Lao Tzu will share with you!"

Because of Mu Wushuang's reminder, everyone hesitated, how terrible the legendary Yaozu forbidden land is, they are afraid of death.

At this moment, there was a gurgling sound in the blood pool, and a half-human bow floated from the bottom of the blood pool.

"Shoot the bow!"

Liu Hao said in shock.

Wu Ying was shocked: "The legendary artifact of Tiangang Great Lord——Shooting the Sky Bow?"

"It must be!" Liu Hao pointed to the pattern on the bow: "Look, the lines and patterns on this are exactly the same as those on the sky shooting bow drawings handed down from ancient times. What is the sky shooting bow?"

"Oh my God! An artifact!"

"Is this an artifact? No wonder the breath on it is fascinating!"

"The Great Venerable Tiangang has ascended to the immortal world, why is his Sky Shooting Bow here?"

Suddenly, Mu Wushuang's voice interrupted everyone.

Yes, according to the legend, the Great Venerable Tiangang has ascended to the immortal world, and his sacred weapon shooting the sky bow will definitely follow him to the immortal world! Why are you here?

However, this bow really seems to be a bow to the sky.

"Doing so much! Maybe the Great Lord Tiangang didn't ascend at all!" Wu Ying sneered, "I want this archer!"

After he finished speaking, he kicked the juniors around him: "Get it up for Laozi!"

Unexpectedly, when those few people fell in, they actually sank like a rock into the ocean, and they sank without even a wave of waves rising up!

Everyone took a step back and looked at the blood pool warily.

But nothing happened.

Wu Ying approached with a gloomy face, staring at the arch of the sky, her eyes gloomy.

An artifact is in front of me, but I can't get it, and I feel like vomiting blood.

Mu Wushuang said coldly:

"These spirit tools are just empty shells, only a trace of the breath of the best spirit tools and divine tools remains, allowing people to feel the power of their strong days, so as to tempt people to go down. Maybe there is something terrible underneath, I Advise Senior Brother Wu Ying to stop making the above ideas."

If it weren't for these people to come in because of her, she wouldn't bother to remind that greed has a price.

"Fart! This is obviously a good artifact and superb spiritual tool! I think you want it!" Wu Ying red eyes, pointing at Mu Wushuang and cursing.

Mu Wu had no expression on both sides.

"Don't let Lao Tzu go down?" Wu Ying pulled one of his juniors and threatened: "If you don't go down, Lao Tzu will kill you!"

"Brother, you have also seen that all three of the senior brothers died just now, and if I go on, I will die too!" said the disciple who was caught by Wu Ying's neck in panic.

"I'm holding you, afraid of a fart!"

The life of that disciple was in Wu Ying's hands, and he had to go if he didn't go.


Xuanzhu closed his eyes.

The disciple climbed to the edge of the blood pond and slowly slid down. Wu Ying and another disciple took his hand to prevent him from falling in.

The blood in the blood pool undulates, and the disciple accidentally put his foot into the blood.


With a scream, everyone saw that the disciple's legs were gone in an instant!

The **** water directly melted his flesh and blood!

It's not over yet, the blood water didn't just melt one of his legs, starting from that leg, all his body began to melt!

The screams resounded from heaven and earth.

"Damn it!"

Wu Ying and another disciple let go quickly, for fear that they would also be melted!

The disciple with half of his body left fell into the blood pool and disappeared.

It turned out that there was nothing in the blood pool, but the blood in the blood pool could directly melt the human body!

However, Wu Ying was too hateful. It was not enough for him to kill four of his juniors. He even continued to threaten others to get him the artifact.

He said, as long as you don't touch blood, you can't die.

Seven or eight people died, and the artifact shooting sky bow was finally taken up!

It's just that there was blood on it, and the disciple who picked up Wu Ying to shoot the sky bow turned into a pool of blood.

"Hahaha! Sacred tool! I have a magical tool! When I get out of this forbidden area, he will become famous!" Wu Ying laughed and said, not caring that so many of his fellow juniors died.

Mu Wushuang glanced at the artifact and sneered: "Brother Wu Ying, tell you this is an empty shell, you still don't believe it."

"What do you mean! This is obviously an artifact, how can it be an empty shell!"

Wu Ying didn't believe it, she tore off her clothes and picked up the sky shooting bow.

But as soon as he picked it up, his face changed, and he was really empty! This is not a legendary artifact at all!

Liu Hao sighed:

"The divine tool is only one step away from being promoted to the immortal tool. The power of this is unimaginable, and it is hard to find one in the entire continent. But now the divine tool in the blood pool is like scrap iron, this...how on earth is this done? The best spirit weapons in the forbidden area should not be restricted. The only possibility is... in the ancient times, there was a melee, and powerful monks fought in the forbidden area. In the end, the meteor weapons were destroyed and they were buried in the blood pool."

This argument is not impossible, but the forbidden area has existed in ancient times. There are too many secrets, and no one knows what happened.

Mu Wushuang thought, if it wasn't a melee, but the spiritual practice outside the ancient times would fight against the existence in the forbidden land, and finally all fell, and even the artifacts would be destroyed...

After all, the Great Lord Tiangang was a figure in the ancient times, and a great figure in the same period as Queen Mother of the West.

Even his divine weapon fell here, what about Queen Mother West? Did she also leave something in this forbidden area?

Suddenly she felt that if she came to the forbidden land, there might be good fortune and misfortune. If she could find information about Queen Mother West, she would very likely find Queen Mother West Palace hidden in the sea.

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