Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 410: Fairy tree

Chapter 410

With a cold face, Wu Ying pulled the fake artifact shooting bow into two pieces, and stomped on a few feet, as if venting her emotions.

It took more than a dozen people to get this artifact with great difficulty. Wu Ying was not sorry for the dead juniors, he was only angry for not getting the real artifact.

Mu Wushuang glanced at him and felt that this greedy and selfish person had no need to live.

Just as she was about to take a shot, suddenly, her hairs stood upside down, as if a pair of cold and **** eyes were staring at her.

"Quick! Back!"

She yelled and stepped back.

As soon as the voice fell, the blood in the blood pool suddenly rose to the sky!

Several people who had not had time to run out were drenched in blood, making huge screams, and their bodies were melting at a speed visible to the naked eye!

But everyone can't take care of these tragic disciples, because the scene before them shocked everyone to the atmosphere!

With the blood rushing up, there were still dense white bones, but those white bones suddenly seemed to be resurrected, each with a layer of phantom, which looked like flesh and blood.

The dresses are neat and orderly. Some people are holding flying swords in their hands, some are driving white clouds, and some are full of brilliance; there are also a few monks from the Western Regions with a few Buddha statues behind them, and the Buddha's voice beside them.

Everyone was full of smiles and refreshed.

Particularly eye-catching is the few beautiful fairies behind them, fluttering in white dresses, holding flower baskets in their hands, spreading the flowers while singing songs and opening their way forward. Behind them, an elevated longluan, Changluan appeared. There was actually a pure-blood phoenix acting as a mount, and the figure on Luan's ride slowly appeared.

It was a stunning beauty that couldn't be described in words. She was dressed in a cyan shirt, her beautiful eyes flashed with a smile and a heart-wrenching smile. Her eyebrows were lightly touched by cinnabar with a small flat peach, lifelike.

The moment Mu Wushuang saw the flat peach cinnabar, a ridiculous thought arose in Mu Wushuang's heart, and there were thousands of waves in his heart: The woman who is driving in front of him is not the Queen Mother Xi! !

"Master! She is Queen Mother Xi! Oh my god, how could Queen Mother Xi appear in the forbidden area of ​​the demon race!"

Xiao Zhu said in surprise.

"No, this should be just an illusion left by the predecessors, but this is too real!" Xiaoque said in shock.

Mu Wushuang's heart was even more shocked. The legendary Queen Mother of the West had already turned into an immortal, but she actually saw the figure she had left behind in the forbidden area of ​​the demon clan. In this blood pool, I don't know how many secrets there are!

Is it true that such a stunning and beautiful character as Queen Mother of the West has also fallen to the forbidden area?

Only the fall of Queen Mother West can explain why West Queen Mother Palace sinks into the deep sea and the Taoism of West Queen Mother Palace is destroyed.

But, will people like Queen Mother West fall here?

She is able to create the Taoism and build a fairy palace, like a mythical character!

There is also the divine beast Phoenix under Queen Mother West, which reminds Mu Wushuang of Little Phoenix. Could the ancestor of Little Phoenix once be Queen Mother West’s mount, accompanying Queen Mother West to fight the world, making West Queen Mother Palace the head of the fairy palace.

That ancient era, how wonderful it was!

But what exactly exists in the forbidden land, is it a family of demons?

Is it the battle between humans and demons that caused the fall of so many big people?

But the demons had all been destroyed, and there were no demons in this world.

Was it all gone, or what other reason?

Mu Wushuang discovered that no matter what she thought, there were loopholes in it, and many things could not be explained.

Too many people died in the blood pool, but many of them just flashed with light and shadow, and then submerged in the blood pool. There are not many light aspects like Queen Mother West.

Soon, several bones surged in the blood pool. However, this white bone is not a human being. It has a human torso, but nine wing bones are born behind it.

"The demons!"

Mu Wushuang took a few steps back.

"Master, this is the most powerful demon emperor in the demons clan! Only the demon emperor has nine demon wings!" Little Vermilion Bird said at the same time!

Mu Wushuang was surprised that there really was a family of demons!

The brilliance surged, and the Nine Winged Demon Emperor also turned into a real demon with flesh and blood. The black mist surging on them, their nine wings spread out behind them, covering the sky and the sun. They have deep magic lines on their faces, and they look terrifying and chilling!

The Demon Sovereign, comparable to the cultivation base of the Spirit Sovereign in the legend, it is said that the Western Queen is the cultivation base of the Spirit Sovereign!

There are so many Demon Kings!

These nine-winged demon emperors soon sank again, and only the brilliance of the Western Queen has not dispersed!

Mu Wushuang admired Queen Mother Xi very much in his heart. This woman is really very powerful!

Seeing the little flat peach on the forehead of Queen Mother West, she felt a sense of peace.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that something dark was flying towards her, but it didn't hit her!

"what is this!"

In the space, Little Vermilion said in shock.

She hurriedly looked into the space and saw that a dark tree stump was added in the middle of the medicine field at some point, as if it had been burned for a long time, and it was almost turned into coke.

This stump seems to be something flying out of the blood pool!

Suddenly, the water in the spring seemed to be dragged and flew towards the stump. After a short while, the stump changed, the dark color faded, and the stump seemed to have come alive, and it was deeply rooted in the medicine field. In the land, the branches began to sprout slowly, and green leaves grew!

The moment he saw the leaves, Mu Wushuang's eyes widened-this is a peach leaf!

Is it possible...

Her heart was beating. The stump came from the blood pond where Queen Mother West was. It was also peach leaves. It was hard not to think of the fairy tree Pan Peach Tree.

The tree is still growing, the spiritual stone in her space is disappearing at a rapid speed, and all the spiritual energy is injected into the root of the peach tree!

The trees are getting taller, the branches and leaves are getting more and more luxuriant, and there is a sense of majestic covering the sky!

"This is a flat peach tree! It must be a flat peach tree!"

The two beautiful young robot spirits circled the big tree, their tone called excitement.

It's not the flat peach fairy tree that can give people such a grand feeling!

Unexpectedly, there would be a fairy peach tree growing in the owner's space!

"Is it really a flat peach tree? Is that little Phoenix saved!" Mu Wushuang said excitedly.

"Uh..." Xiao Zhu said: "Master, the flat peach tree blooms once in three thousand years, and it bears once in three thousand years. You have to wait for the flat peach to bear at least six thousand years. By then, the little phoenix would have woken up.

"so long!"

Mu Wushuang really didn't know about these things. He was immediately discouraged when he heard that it would take six thousand years to get results.

"Master, please don't be discouraged. The fairy tree is a unique fairy tree in the West Queen Mother Palace. There must be a way to make the flat peach fairy tree grow in the West Queen Mother Palace! So the master still has to find the West Queen Mother Palace!" said Xiao Que.

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