Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 411: Great opportunity

Chapter 411

The flat peach tree is the sacred tree of the West Queen’s Palace. As long as you can find the location of the West Queen’s Palace, you are likely to find a way to promote the growth of the flat peach tree.

Thinking of this, Mu Wushuang was also happy.

She herself did not expect that the roots of the flat peach tree would suddenly fly into her space and absorb spiritual energy to grow into a towering tree.

Even if there is no blossom or fruit, that tree is the sacred tree of the prestigious West Queen’s Palace hundreds of thousands of years ago!

It is said that the flat peach can make people immortal, and she now knows that the flat peach juice can restore the spirit of the little phoenix.

She must find a way to ripen flat peaches.

At this moment, she suddenly felt her eyebrows hot, and her gaze fell involuntarily on the flat peach cinnabar on the forehead of the Western Queen's phantom in front of her!

She felt the endless mystery on that little flat peach, as if it could contain everything and hide its roots.

She remembered that it was said that Queen Mother of the West had an exquisite heart and it was precisely because of such a exquisite heart that she could create her own orthodoxy and become a saint master.

Mu Wushuang suddenly felt that the cinnabar flat peach on Queen Mother Xi's forehead was transformed from the exquisite heart orifice, rather than being lightly painted with cinnabar.

Be able to start a school, have his own way, and such a powerful exquisite heart!

Queen Mother Xi’s exquisite heart is the source of all her Taoism. She is indeed the most amazing and beautiful figure in the ages. Only she can cultivate the source of all laws against the sky and create her own Kunlun Taoism!

With emotion in her heart, she felt that her eyebrows became even hotter, as if she had been burned by something. She couldn’t see it. At this time, her eyebrows had a little red cinnabar mark, which looked like a flat peach, which was in line with the heart of Queen Mother Xi’s forehead. The imprint is exactly the same.

But the mark on Queen Mother West's forehead became lighter and lighter, until it disappeared without a trace.

Suddenly, she felt that her whole body had entered a mysterious realm. There seemed to be an invisible and intangible heart orifice above her heart, which contained not only ten thousand roots, but also ten thousand creatures.

Everything around her slowed down in her eyes, the howling wind slowed down, the surging blood pool also slowed down, everything became illusory and there were traces to follow.

She seemed to see the avenue between heaven and earth, but she always felt that there was a layer of yarn. She felt that as long as she pierced that layer of yarn, everything she perceives would be quite different.

"How is this going?"

Mu Wushuang was puzzled, why all of a sudden, she felt that she was greatly benefited, but this benefit, she still needs to slowly understand.

But what is not to be dismissed is that the benefits she has received are endless, and they are also related to Queen Mother West.

She raised her head to look at Queen Mother West, only to realize that the mark on Queen Mother West's forehead was missing, and Queen Mother West seemed to be smiling at herself, with a friendly smile.

Immediately afterwards, a woman's voice containing the great avenue of heaven and earth reached her heart. Just a voice made people feel extremely deterrent.

"My palace waited for a long time, and finally waited for someone who can inherit my Kunlun Taoism. Without your permission, this palace will pass on the Taoism and the exquisite heart of this palace to you, because there is not much power left in this palace. Up."

This voice, like thunder on the ground, made Mu Wushuang's eyes widened, unbelievable.

Queen Mother Xi actually passed on Kunlun Taoism and Linglong Xinqiao to her?

The Queen Mother on the opposite side of the blood pool slowly stood up from Gaoluan, the flat peach print on her eyebrows was gone, her momentum was no longer as powerful as before.

There is no coercion of any high-ranking person on her body, just like the sister next door is as smart and kind.

Mu Wushuang was shocked, his voice was real, and the virtual image left by Queen Mother Xi was also real.

Her mind was moving, and she could even feel a trace of the spirit of Queen Mother Xi, but Queen Mother Xi should have been dead for countless years, and she was probably only a touch of spirit left by Queen Mother Xi back then.

This method of leaving a trace of his own energy to communicate with future generations is really a method that only immortals can use. Even though he figured it out, Mu Wushuang couldn't help being surprised and shocked.

Can the spirit emperor realm have such immortal means? No, it should have only existed in the ancient times, the spiritual emperor realm is already close to the immortal, but the current inheritance of various loneliness is no longer the flourishing age of the year.

But she still looks forward to becoming as powerful as Queen Mother of the West, and she can wipe out the Helian family with just a few fingers!

"Thank you to the younger generation for teaching Taoism and Linglong Heart Aperture, the younger generations will inherit the Kunlun Taoism!"

Mu Wushuang said seriously to Queen Mother Xi.

The Kunlun Taoism is shocked by the heavens and people, and everyone wants it. It's just that the West Queen Mother Palace disappeared in front of the world for too long. It's not that no one thought that Kunlun's Taoism might be left in the world. After so many years, there is still no whereabouts. West Queen Mother Palace has already soared into the fairy world, leaving nothing.

Kunlun Taoism has not been remembered, and has gradually been forgotten by the world.

This benefit can be obtained by Mu Wushuang, and she will naturally carry it forward and regain her glory.

What's more, Queen Mother Xi gave her even Linglong Heart Aperture. She didn't get the great benefits and didn't help to pass on the truth of Queen Mother West.

Queen Mother Xi knew everything futility at a glance, she nodded slowly, her eyes drifting away:

"Hundreds of thousands of years, what kind of vicissitudes of life in the world, no matter what."

Then she put her gaze on Mu Wushuang again, and with a wave of her hand, a black sign fell into Mu Wushuang's hand: "This is the Kunlun Mountain card. With it, you can find the West Queen Mother Palace."

After speaking, the phantom on Queen Mother West gradually disappeared.

Mu Wushuang hurriedly asked, "Senior Queen Mother West, you really didn't ascend to the fairy world, but have fallen?"

Before the virtual image disappeared, she heard the illusory voice of Queen Mother West: "This palace has pointed out the way for you. Get out soon, don't come in again."

All the virtual images have completely disappeared, and the blood pool under Shi Feng continues to churn, as if nothing had happened.

Others seem to have no idea what happened. It must be Queen Mother Xi’s means. No one knew that Mu Wushuang had obtained Queen Mother Xi’s exquisite heart and Taoism heritage.

She calmly put the black Kunlun Mountain card into the space, and the mark on her forehead was completely gone.

There are so many unclear things about Mu Wushuang, just like every doubt, waiting for her to reveal.

Queen Mother Xi must have fallen, otherwise she wouldn't pass the Linglong Heart Aperture and Taoism to her, so what is in the forbidden area? Why is she so secretive about Queen Xi?

Is it really a clan of demons? Could it be that a powerful evil demon was sealed in the forbidden area by Queen Mother West and others?

"It's really time to revolve! Master, you were calculated to come to the forbidden area of ​​the monster race. I thought it was a mortal situation, but I did not expect it to revolve. Not only did you get the flat peach fairy tree, you also gained the exquisite heart and Taoism inheritance of the Western Queen. How can it be said in a few words, haha! If the person who secretly shot knows that he has given you a great opportunity for the master, I am afraid he will vomit blood!

Xiao Ting said in the space with a smile.

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