Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 420: Upheaval

Chapter 420

"Your Highness has no evidence, but I didn't say that I have evidence. What I said was clearly your Helian family's motive for cruelty to Mu Wushuang. According to your Highness, you are guilty of conscience."

Wu Yan sneered and sneered.

Everyone in Qingyun Jianzong glared at the people of the Helian family. The person presiding over this sect competition was the great elder of the Helian family. At that time, only the great elder Helian had this ability to shoot. He did not do it. Who is it again?

Just want to get rid of the relationship without evidence?

At this time, Ling Xiaoxian, the patriarch of the Lingxiao Protoss, said solemnly: "I, the Lingxiao Protoss, will definitely intervene in this matter to find out! At that time, this patriarch will pay a hundred times the price for those who are cruel to Wushuang!"

Long Sun Rong looked at the Saint Emperor and said, “Saint Emperor, the most urgent task is for our two families to send people in to find Mo Shen and Wushuang. As for the others, our Lingxiao Protoss will intervene to the end.”

The majestic expression on the face of the Saint Emperor who had been silent for a while, others couldn't see what his expression was. The Young Emperor was his own son, but no one knew what he thought at this time.

The queen suddenly said:

"The person we sent to look for is the young emperor, not the Wushuang in your mouth. Mo Shen is the young emperor of our Azure Dragon Temple, we will naturally send people to look for him, even if he takes more lives, we must find him, but We can't control that Wushuang. In the final analysis, if it were not for her, Mo Shen would not enter the forbidden area of ​​the monster race. It would be good if we didn't hold her accountable, and she deserved it if she died."

"Holy Queen! My sister Wushuang's wife, Long Moshen, is Xiao Xuanxi's mother-in-law. It's too inhuman for you to say such a thing!"

Mu Yuheng was furious and roared loudly.


The Queen's brow furrowed, her stern gaze swept towards Mu Yuheng, and there was a tendency to question him.

Yun Chuanxing stood in front of Mu Yuheng and said sharply:

"The child is ignorant and ran into the Queen, but what he said is not wrong. You Wushuang, the wife of the Young Emperor of Qinglong Temple, is the mother of Young Emperor's son, Xiao Xuanxi. You said that the Queen is dead. It's too chilling to deserve such words."

"When did our Qinglong Temple admit that she was Mo Shen's wife? A woman who is not married by a Ming match can only be regarded as a concubine! And that child can only be regarded as a wild species!"

The holy queen said coldly.

Xiao Xuanxi squeezed his mouth, this old witch is too damning, he is not a wild species, he is the favorite son of his parents!

When parents come back, they will definitely clean up this old witch!

"The dignified queen actually said something that can only be said by a market girl. The old man has gained knowledge today." Ling Xiaoxian sneered, "If you don't send someone to save Wushuang, you don't send it. We are not fewer than you from the Lingxiao Protoss School. !"

"Father-in-law calms down."

At this moment, the holy emperor who had not spoken suddenly said aloud.

These four words not only shocked and puzzled Ling Xiaoxian and his wife, but even the Queen was shocked.

The emperor even called Ling Xiaoxian father-in-law!

You must know that the emperor hated Long Moshen's biological mother so much that he had never called his parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law!

What happened to the Holy Emperor today!

First, he had to come outside the forbidden area in person to care about Long Moshen's situation. He used to have an indifferent attitude toward Long Moshen!

Now he even called Ling Xiaoxian "father-in-law"!

It's abnormal!

The Queen felt a sense of crisis.

Even Long Xingyang behind her opened his eyes wide, unbelievable.

Doesn't the father hate the son Long Moshen? What does this mean again.

Everyone stared at the Holy Emperor.

Just listen to the emperor continue to say: "Father-in-law and mother-in-law, Mo Shen is the son of the emperor, and Xiao Xuanxi is the grandson of the emperor. The emperor will send people to search for Mo Shen and Wushuang together. Please rest assured."


The holy queen's eyes widened, and the holy emperor actually admitted that the wild species was his grandson! !

how come!

How could this be!

A son born to an outside woman, or Long Moshen's son, actually admitted that he was the eldest grandson of Qinglong Shrine? !

He Lianqian was even more shocked and her eyes stared out, she shouted: "He is just a wild species, how can Qinglong Shrine recognize a wild species born by a bitch!"

"He Lianqian, why is your woman's mouth so vicious! No wonder there is such a shameful thing coming out!"

Long Sun Rong shouted angrily.

Yun Chuanxing snorted: "Bite woman? Miss Helian's stinky mouth, dare to say that my granddaughter is a bitch, then what are you yourself?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, and said to the head of Helian’s family: "Helianhai, you should take care of your daughter, and let the emperor hear her say that the emperor’s eldest grandson is a wild species. You're welcome."

"I will use the family law on her when I go back. The Holy Emperor can rest assured that this will never happen next time."

He Lianhai said quickly, lowering his eyes, his eyes gloomy.

The emperor has changed a lot before and after. A few days ago, he visited the emperor and said about the marriage of the two families. The emperor also deliberately contributed to this marriage.

Because the catastrophe of the Qinglong Shrine had to be broken by Shao Di and his daughter He Lianqian, the Holy Emperor didn't mind Qian'er's scandal.

But now, the Holy Emperor not only admitted that a wild species was the eldest grandson of the Qinglong Shrine, but also scolded Qian'er in front of so many people, making her faceless.

Why is that?

He Lianhai couldn't figure it out, but the queen figured it out. She remembered that here, the eyes of the holy emperor were just like sticking to that little wild species. He must have liked this little wild species so much that he had a forward attitude. Such a big change!

The queen clenched her fists, she would not let anyone threaten his son's position. Although Long Moshen was dead, she now left her with this scourge.

But it doesn't matter, this wild species is so small, she has many ways to make him die!

"Come on!"

The holy emperor no longer delays, and immediately asks people to prepare to enter the Yaozu forbidden land.

Ling Xiaoxian and Yun Chuanxing also sent people willing to enter the forbidden area to prepare.

The Yaozu forbidden land is easy to get in, and it is difficult to get out. Even if you get in, it will be more fortunate, but in order to rescue Shaodi and Wushuang, you must send someone in.

Suddenly, in this moment!

There was a violent shaking on the ground!

Everyone only felt a strange force burst out of the forbidden ground. Then the earth began to vibrate violently.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and their faces were surprised!

"what happened!"

The Holy Emperor frowned suddenly and said loudly: "Retreat!"

Everyone started to retreat at the same time!

The earth quake, strange energy spread from the forbidden ground!

Many monsters in the mountains outside the forbidden area fell to the ground one after another, but there was no trace of blood.


The land near the forbidden area is sinking little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye, flying in the air, and the huge forbidden area in between has formed a huge pit with a radius of thousands of miles in a blink of an eye, and it is completely plunged into the ground without bottoming out. .

"No! No! Wushuang! My Wushuang is still inside!"

Yun Qiubai shouted loudly, his voice was terrible!

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