Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 421: White head

Chapter 421

The Yaozu forbidden land has changed drastically!

There was a rain of blood in the sky, and all the surrounding monsters and beasts died for no reason!

A thick death spirit rose from the sinking huge pit of the forbidden area, and at the same time, a thick black mist spread out, covering the entire forbidden area completely, and spiritual practitioners far away can see here. The black sky lingers, covering a whole sky.

Such a shocking scene suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, making people uneasy.

The Forbidden Land of the Demon Race, which existed hundreds of thousands of years or more ago, has been standing in the Blood Moon Mountain Range, but today it suddenly sank, with a thick death spirit and black mist, which made people afraid to get closer!

No one knows what happened inside!

"I'm going to find my sister!"

Mu Yuheng furrowed his brows, clenched his fists, and rushed out!

"Yuheng! Come back!"

Mu Yuanhong shouted, reaching out to pull.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qiubai, who had been crying all the time, also took the opportunity to get away from his hand and said loudly, "Wushuang, mother, come with you!"

While shouting, he flew out quickly.

She and Mu Yuheng are both very fast, their aura is like a rainbow, they are about to rush into the black mist when they see it!

Mu Yuanhong chased after his eyes, but it was too late.


Yun Chuanxing was about to stretch out his hand to pull them back, but saw two people flying out of the black mist, one by one pulling Yun Qiubai and Mu Yuheng out.


"Mo Shen!"

"Young Emperor!"

"Master sister!"

"Daddy, mother and daughter!"

After seeing this man and woman like a couple of gods and goddesses, countless voices rang out at the same time not far away, with surprises, shocks, and of course astonishment and low curses.

"Wushuang! My mother is so Wushuang! It's really you! Great! You scared my mother!"

After falling on the ground, Yun Qiubai wept with joy and touched Wushuang's face, tears all over his face.

Mu Wushuang was not used to being so kindly cared by Yun Qiubai, but at this moment, she couldn't help pushing him away. She remembered the look of death that Yun Qiubai had just entered the black mist.

Maybe Yun Qiubai is a dereliction of duty mother, but now, she is just a mother who cares about her daughter and is willing to accompany her to death.

"Wushuang, just come back."

Mu Yuanhong said with red eyes.

Mu Wushuang looked at them, but hadn't seen him for a few days. The two of them seemed to be dozens of years old, wrinkles appeared on their foreheads, and their eyes were blue, showing exhaustion.

She sighed and nodded: "I'm fine, I'm worried about you."


Mu Yuheng walked over quickly, stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly. All the words were hidden in this nostalgic embrace.

Long Moshen took a look, moved his fingers, and pressed down his desire to pull Mu Yuheng away.

"Mo Shen, it's great that you can come out of the forbidden area."

Ling Xiaoxian and his wife walked over happily, Xiao Xuanxi stretched out his hand and hooked it to his father's neck, hanging on him like a koala.

"Daddy, I miss you and my mother, but Xixi knows that you will definitely be able to come out!"

He raised a cute and brilliant smile on his small face, chirped, and kissed his father on the cheek.

Long Mo deeply and gently rubbed his son's hair, his mouth hooked.

When He Lianqian rushed over, she saw this scene, and she bit her lips with anger.

She was very pleased and wanted to greet the young Emperor with concern, but at this time she was blinded by jealousy and her face was distorted.

He Lianyuan pulled her back, and warned in a low voice: "You are not ashamed of it, are you!"

"Mo Shen can come out of the forbidden ground, it's really a blessing."

The holy queen said in a sharp voice, with a gratifying smile on her face.

But in reality, only she knew how disappointed she was.

"I didn't expect my brother to come out of the forbidden area of ​​the monster race. It can be seen that the cultivation base has improved a lot. Xingyang is very envious. In the future, my brother should give Xingyang guidance!" Long Xingyang smiled and said to Long Moshen .

The emperor likes to see their brothers being friendly. Every time Long Xingyang is in front of the emperor, he will show deep admiration for Long Mo, and this time is no exception.

But Long Moshen didn't pay attention to him and the Saint Empress, as if he hadn't heard the two talking, he didn't even look there.

This makes Long Xingyang very embarrassed.

In the past, the emperor would definitely scold Long Moshen for not knowing the rules, but this time he didn't know why, but he didn't say a word, just looking at Long Moshen and his son Xiao Xuanxi.

Being able to come out of the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race alive is unique, and it indeed reflects the superior strength of Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang from the side.

The Ling Xiaoxian and his wife, Yunchuan Xing Wujizi and others are very happy. They are all really happy for their escape from the dead, and they are not like the others.

"Sister, it's really great that you can live, you don't know, your parents are so sad that you can't wait to enter the forbidden area to find you. If we didn't stop them, they would go in."

Yun Wan'er concealed the jealousy in her eyes and said to Mu Wushuang with a smile.

She felt a great crisis, because she found that Mu Wushuang's attitude towards his parents had become a little more friendly. It must be the fact that his mother wanted to accompany him to death that touched Mu Wushuang.

If they recognize each other, isn't she Yun Wan'er completely an outsider?

She didn't have to be jealous of Mu Wushuang's fate, so she ran up quickly, holding Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai's arms affectionately, and talked to Mu Wushuang.

She wanted to tell Mu Wushuang that she was the closest person to her parents!

It's a pity that Mu Wushuang didn't bother to look at her, let alone caring about her provocation. Mu Wushuang was holding his baby son and sucking some milk.

It can be said to be fun!

"Oh my god! Sister! How did your hair turn white!"

Yun Wan'er pointed at Mu Wushuang's hair suddenly, and deliberately shouted loudly, as if she wanted to scream so that everyone could hear her.

Sure enough, everyone looked at Mu Wushuang's head.

I saw that Mu Wushuang's black hair was slowly turning white, but when he blinked his eyes, it turned into a white silk!

"My sister turned her white head so suddenly, it's terrible!" Yun Wan'er said sharply, gloating in her eyes.

"How could this happen! Wushuang, are you uncomfortable in any way!"

Yun Qiubai pulled away Yun Wan'er's hand, holding Mu Wushuang's white hair, asked in amazement and sadness.

Mu Wushuang looked down at her white hair hanging down. She was a little surprised. She suddenly thought of the essence lost in the forbidden ground. Then, she heard the voices of people around:

"Young Emperor's hair has turned white too!"

"Mo Shen, what's the matter!"

She looked up and saw that the black hair of the emperor's uncle turned into white hair in an instant.

Of course, even if the handsome emperor had white hair, he still couldn't conceal his enchanting and handsome face, and it added a sense of airiness.

No one knows why this happened, but there is no doubt that it must be due to the forbidden land of the Yaozu.

The saint emperor suddenly said: "You went to the inner periphery of the forbidden area of ​​the monster race?!"

"What? Inside the forbidden area?" Ling Xiaoxian raised his voice:

"How can you go to the inner periphery of the forbidden area! Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a senior who had a high level of cultivation and wanted to explore the forbidden area of ​​the demon race. He went all the way to the inner periphery of the forbidden area of ​​the demon race. He encountered great horror and escaped. After he came out, he lived and died within a few months! Your current situation is exactly the same as he was at the time! Also out of the forbidden area, you just lost your head!"

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