Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 422: After Autumn

Chapter 422

Ling Xiaoxian's words shocked everyone.

If this is the case, wouldn't Young Emperor and Mu Wushuang only have a few months of lifespan?

Now even if you have escaped from the forbidden area, can you still not escape the fate of death?

"Patriarch Ling Xiao, there must be some way to save Wushuang and Young Emperor, right?"

Yun Qiubai's eyes were red, and he asked anxiously.

Ling Xiaoxian shook his head heavily: "Since ancient times, Shou Yuan has been the death orifice of spiritual cultivation. Once the Shou Yuan is reduced, the Heavenly King Lao Tzu has nothing to do!"

The holy queen suddenly smiled and said: "It's not impossible. The legendary flat peach sacred fruit can make people immortal? As long as you eat the flat peach sacred fruit, you can't save them."

"In ancient times, the flat peach fairy tree was only found in the West Queen Mother Palace. The West Queen Mother Palace has long since been ascended into a fairy with the West Queen Mother. Where is there any flat peach sacred fruit in this world, holy queen, don't you mean it?!"

Long Sun Rong stared at the Queen Jiang Liyun with a bad look and said.

This woman is really feminine, and her daughter was probably forced to death by her. Now Mo Shen has little life, she is still gloating here, how could there be such a shameless woman in the world!

"Mrs. Ling Xiao, this palace is also for the sake of Mo Shen, you are too wrong to say this." Jiang Liyun looked graceful and smiled.

Of course she was happy. Today's emotions can be said to be ups and downs. When she came, she was in a good mood, Long Moshen was dead, and her son was the next Saint Emperor.

Seeing Long Moshen still alive, she almost vomited blood with anger.

Now Long Moshen's life is only a few months away, isn't it just like waiting to die?

It's so happy!

"We will find the sacred fruit of the flat peach, so we don't have to worry about it."

Suddenly, a cold voice passed through everyone's heart, like empty valley orchid, laziness with fierce meaning.

The speaker was Mu Wushuang.

Although she was covered with white silk, she still did not reduce her beauty, full of bright eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, and her phoenix eyes were as dark as lacquer, and she had an unspeakable temperament, just standing there. It is difficult to look away.

Standing with the same white silk Long Moshen, like a couple of gods and immortals in the sky, floating like a fairy, as if they will fly away in the next moment.


Someone sneered. This person was the Second Highness Long Xingyang behind the Holy Emperor Shenghou.

"Will find the sacred fruit of the flat peach? Don't be afraid to flash your tongue when you speak big words, there is no flat peach tree in the world, how come the sacred fruit of the flat peach? Naive!"

Mu Wushuang narrowed his cold eyes, and a sharp light passed.

His Highness Long Xingyang?

OK, she took it down.

If you want to let the emperor die so much, you must have done a lot of things that hurt the emperor. If so, don't blame her for being cruel in the future, she will definitely make him worse than death.

As for the flat peach sacred fruit, all the flat peach trees in her space have bloomed, and even such a rare flat peach tree has grown up and bloomed in her space. Are you afraid that she cannot find a way to ripen the fruit?

But she wouldn't say it now. Everyone thought that she and the emperor were dying, and each of them showed their real faces. This is more interesting, isn't it?

"Then let us wait and see, Second Highness."

The corners of Mu Wushuang's mouth raised slightly, and the light in his eyes flashed past.

But Long Xingyang didn’t take her seriously. It’s undeniable that she is indeed beautiful, and she is even better than Helianqian, but her life is approaching, which means that half of her body has fallen into the soil. Worth mentioning.

Not only him, but other people also thought that Mu Wushuang could not find the sacred fruit of the flat peach, and only treated her as comforting herself.

Everyone was very sympathetic and sad, and finally came out of the forbidden area, but only a few months of life remained, which is equivalent to waiting for death alive.

He Lianqian looked at Mu Wushuang coldly, feeling strange in her heart.

Why did Shaodi and Mu Wushuang only have their hair turned white, and if they get old, their skin should also become old, but they have no other changes!

Mu Wushuang's skin was still as creamy and white, so it was jealous.

She didn't know that the Lingquan in Mu Wushuang's space could collect one drop of Lingquan Dew every day. This Lingquan Dew collected the essence of heaven and earth and could make people stay young forever.

Mu Wushuang not only drank it by himself, but also gave it to the emperor's uncle, so even if they had little life left, they were still youthful.

Mu Wushuang suddenly turned around, his eyes fell on He Lianqian, and finally looked at the elder of the Helian family:

"Elder Helian, how come you hide behind and act as a tortoise with a shrunken head? When you shot down my flying spirit weapon, it was majestic!"

Elder Helian groaned in his heart, this is the beginning of the inquiries!

However, he was not in the flying spirit weapon at the time, how did she know that he made the hand?

He can be sure that no one has seen him make a move.

And the flying spirit weapon that received a palm has fallen into the forbidden area of ​​the demon race. Now the forbidden ground is sinking, and the black mist is lingering. It is more dangerous than before. Who can take the flying spirit device out?

Since there is no physical evidence, he would not admit it to death.

"You junior, dare to frame the old man with nothing!" Elder Helian accused with an angry eyebrow.

He speaks righteously, giving people the illusion that he is really framed.

"You can't talk nonsense, little girl, our Helian family, how can you frame it?"

Helian Patriarch Helianhai also said coldly.

Long Moshen looked at it blankly, with a cold tone: "Shuang'er, it seems that the Helian family and their elders will not admit it."

"Yeah, I knew he wouldn't admit it, so I gave him a gift from the restricted zone."

Mu Wushuang smiled coldly, stepped back a few steps, and moved his hand. An unrecognizable flying spirit instrument fell to the ground, and water was still dripping on the flying spirit instrument. It was she and the emperor who returned to the lake to fish it. Yes, just waiting for the autumn to settle the accounts.

"Patriarch Helian opened his eyes and took a good look. Is this the mastery of your Helian family? If it's not the Elder Helian, then it must be someone else in your Helian family."

Elder Helian's face turned pale in an instant!

how is this possible!

How could she bring out this flying spirit weapon!

This dead girl was so meticulous that she thought of bringing out the flying spirit weapon!

Ling Xiaoxian was the first to walk up quickly, and after only one glance, he pointed at the palm print on the flying spirit weapon with a cold face and said:

"Helianhai, this is the first handprint of your Helian family's unique biography, and the old man will recognize it if it turns into ashes! Now, you immediately give the old man an explanation!"

"It turned out to be the work of the Helian family! They still pretended to be like okay people, shouting and framing each other, and they were almost deceived by them!"

The disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect said angrily.

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