Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 427: found it

Chapter 427

Mu Wushuang was a little delighted. Looking at the monster bird on the sea, she suddenly recalled the dream of Xiao Fenghuang taking her to the Azure Dragon Shrine.

"I followed the little phoenix and flew over a long, long sea area. At the beginning, there were many monsters and birds. Later, when I was approaching the place, there were no cultivating monsters that could absorb the essence of the sun, the moon, and the earth. Cultivating ordinary animals."

Long Moshen also understood, "Shuang'er means that we only need to observe above the sea, and we don't need to go to the sea to find it inch by inch."

"Yes! In this way, we can save a lot of time and find the Palace of the West Queen Mother earlier than we expected!"

Otherwise, I have to go to the depths of the sea and find the Palace of the West Queen bit by bit. I don't know how much time is wasted.

Long Mo nodded deeply, boasting, "Shuanger is still smart and meticulous."

Mu Wushuang curled his lips and smiled: "I think it's just me talking nonsense, you will praise me for being smart, Uncle Emperor."

"That is, the woman in the world, but the two are the best."

Mu Wushuang hurriedly took his hand and stood on the small flying spirit instrument. When he asked him to continue, the sea would roar.

It took three days, and they quickly traveled all corners of the East China Sea, but unfortunately they did not find a sea area without monsters.

So they decisively went to another sea.

After traveling around five or six huge oceans, encountered a lot of storm danger, and spanned the entire Cangming continent, but still did not find the location of the West Queen Mother Palace along the way.

"Only the South China Sea is left, but the South China Sea does not melt all year round, and it is the furthest away from the place where the West Queen Mother Palace was located in the ancient times. Could it be there?"

Mu Wushuang frowned and said.

Long Mo gently smoothed her frowning eyebrows, and said, "The ice and snow melt for three months every year in the South China Sea. It is very likely that the time when you go to the little Phoenix in your dream is when the ice and snow melt. We Let's go, the West Queen Mother Palace should be there, a place no one can imagine."

Mu Wushuang's mood suddenly brightened, and the emperor was right. From ancient times to the present, the West Queen Mother Palace is still famous and famous. There will definitely be someone who has the idea of ​​hitting the West Queen Mother Palace and sinking the West Queen Mother Palace into the farthest and most remote South China Sea. Is the safest approach.

Finally, the two of them took the teleportation array and went to a small city not far from the South China Sea.

Because the temperature here is too low and the spiritual energy is thin, it is rare for spiritual cultivation to live here, basically some aborigines, and the cultivation base is not high, seeing their temperament floating, their hair is gray, and they all kneel down. Respectfully shouted Xianchang.

Then they learned that the aboriginal people here have been worshipping the sea **** since ancient times. The legendary sea **** is a male and a female, like a couple of gods and immortals.

These people manifested themselves as sea gods.

After speaking clearly with the aborigines, they didn't want to kneel down all the time, but they were still respectful and friendly to them.

Mu Wushuang and Uncle Huang only dropped a foot here and went straight to the beach.

Even on the seashore, the deep ice is several feet thick, and sea birds can be vaguely seen flying above the sea level, but the number is very small.

I am afraid that the previous method will not work here, because the monsters here are scarce and it is difficult to accurately find the location of the West Queen Mother Palace.

"Uncle Emperor, we can only go to the bottom of the sea to find it. The temperature under the bottom of the sea is higher than that of the sea. There should be many monsters active. As long as we find a location where there are no monsters, we should be able to find the West Queen Mother Palace." Mu Wushuang said.


Long Mo nodded deeply, and suddenly there were two sets of slightly thicker clothes in his hands. One was men's clothing and the other was women's skirts, both of which were white in color and very beautiful.

"This is made by two sets of superb spirit weapons. Wearing them not only keeps warm, but also forms a protective cover that is waterproof and dangerous." He said.

Mu Wushuang immediately put on the clothes with a smile. The size fits her perfectly. She doesn't need to protect her body with aura, and she doesn't feel cold anymore.

She saw that the emperor was also wearing it, and this suit with her was like a couple, the patterns were all outlined with dark red silk, and everything was exquisite and beautiful.

She suddenly said: "Uncle Emperor, you did it yourself!"

Only he is so familiar with her figure, everything is just right, and his skill in refining tools is very strong, others can't make such affectionate clothes.

Long Moshen nodded and admitted.

She quickly smiled and asked: "When did you do it, why don't I know?"

Long Moshen tidyed up her neckline gently, and said nonchalantly: "In the years when you disappeared, I have been thinking, if you were wearing the best spirit weapon at that time, would you be less hurt? Later, I asked you to make this dress for you. This one of mine is a couple's dress made after I found you, because I want to tell everyone that you are mine."

"Uncle Emperor!"

She buried her in his arms, her nose was a little sour: "Uncle Emperor, you are so stupid!"

A smile appeared on Long Mo's handsome face, "Be stupid, you must not dislike it."

She thought, how could she dislike it, she was about to love this man who couldn't stop her.

The two of them stayed warm for a while, then broke open and entered the seabed.

The clothes made by the emperor's uncle are really good. There is no need to avoid water droplets, and there is no drop of water in, and she can't feel the cold in this icy sea.

She and the emperor uncle held hands and went to the deeper sea.

Even though the temperature here is very low, there are still underwater monsters, but it is related to the thin aura. The monsters here are the same as the aborigines, and their cultivation bases are not high.

But the place they were looking for was the seabed where there were no monsters, only ordinary seabed creatures.

The extreme south sea area is wider than any sea area on the mainland. Mu Wushuang and Long Mo are deep for four or five days, but only half of the sea area has been turned.

On the sixth day, the monster beasts in front began to decrease, and the Kunlun Mountain card that Mu Wushuang had put into her space suddenly popped out, floating in front of her, faintly glowing.

"Uncle Huang! Look! The mountain card has responded! It means that the West Queen Mother Palace is nearby!" Mu Wushuang said in surprise.

A smile also appeared on Long Moshen's face, and finally he didn't waste any effort.

The mountain brand floated forward, and Mu Wushuang and the emperor uncle looked at each other and quickly followed.

About an hour or two passed, the light on that mountain sign became brighter and brighter, like a guiding light, guiding them forward.

At this moment, Shan Pai suddenly dived!

Mu Wushuang knew that this should be the sinking location of the West Queen Mother Palace!

There were no monster beasts around the sea water, only a human-friendly seabed creature. They had never practiced but were very close to people. They all approached Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen and swam around.

After diving for a long time, the seabed was like a deep abyss except for the light of the mountain card, which was awesome.

Finally, the Kunlun Mountain card stopped!

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