Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 428: Shengguoge

Chapter 428 Saint Fruit Pavilion

The mountain card suddenly stopped, emitting a flash of light, as if urging the people behind to quickly use it to open the West Queen Mother Palace.

But Mu Wushuang didn't know how to make the West Queen Mother Palace appear. In his dream, the West Queen Mother Palace appeared suddenly, and Xiao Fenghuang didn't tell her how to make the West Queen Mother Palace appear.

"Shuang'er, Queen Mother Xi passed on the Taoism and Linglong Heart Aperture of Queen Mother Palace of West to you, and the way should be in it."

Long Moshen said to her.

Suddenly, Mu Wushuang suddenly thought that when she was in the forbidden blood pond, her whole body had entered a mysterious realm. At that time, it seemed that there was an invisible and intangible heart above her heart. The root, even more, contains ten thousand creatures.

Later, she knew that Queen Mother Xi had passed Linglong Xin Aperture to her.

At that time, everything around her slowed down in her eyes, the howling wind slowed down, the surging blood pool also slowed down, everything became illusory and there were traces to follow.

She seemed to see the avenue between heaven and earth, but she always felt that there was a layer of yarn. She felt that as long as she pierced that layer of yarn, everything she perceives would be quite different.

After coming out of the forbidden land, she did not have the opportunity and time to use the Linglong Heart Aperture, nor did she practice the Kunlun Taoism passed down to her by the Queen Mother of the West. Now that she wants to come, she must be like a descendant of the Queen Mother of the West, the Queen Mother Palace of the West, as the emperor said. Will show up in front of her.

Thinking of this, she immediately floated cross-legged on the bottom of the sea and began to use the Linglong Xin Aperture to practice Kunlun Taoism.

As soon as she practiced the Kunlun Taoism passed on to her by the Queen Mother of the West, a cinnabar with the imprint of a flat peach appeared on her eyebrows, making her beautiful face even more like a fairy.

Practicing without the sun and the moon, after sitting cross-legged for three days, more and more deep-sea fish gathered around Mu Wushuang, and the spiritual energy also gathered, with a strong spiritual energy.

Under her influence, Long Moshen noticed that some of the seabed creatures closer to her were still there, as if they had learned to breathe and breathe, absorb the rich spiritual energy, and some were already swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon.

Long Moshen's eyes darkened, and he looked at the little woman who had entered the mysterious realm, and the corners of his mouth evoked a beautiful arc.

On this day, Mu Wushuang finally opened her eyes. She had already sensed a moment of opportunity. The West Queen Mother Palace was only hidden. If she only finds the right way, she will definitely make the West Queen Mother Palace reappear.

And the underwater creatures here have been growing here, they can't see the West Queen Mother Palace, but they are also invisible, integrated into the West Queen Mother Palace, and are closely related to the West Queen Mother Palace.

The seabed creatures who have entered the cultivation list are not born geniuses, but because of the Kunlun Taoism of the West Queen Mother Palace on her body, they feel so kind. They grow around the West Queen Mother Palace, after contacting her incomparably pure Taoism, Instinctively entered the practice.

The West Queen Mother Palace has sunk for hundreds of thousands of years, and it has long been integrated into the deep sea and integrated with the sea. The underwater creatures here seem to have no spiritual fluctuations, just like ordinary creatures, but as long as they are On the journey of cultivation, the progress must be tremendous.

This is the way of nature. The way of heaven is ruthless, but it is also sentimental. Everything seems to be unrelated, but there is more or less connection among them. If Mu Wushuang does not come to the bottom of the sea, there is no Taoist inheritance that runs the West Queen Mother Palace, these underwater creatures It was impossible to cultivate, and would not be of great help to Mu Wushuang at this time.

Yes, the opportunity that Mu Wushuang found was in these creatures.

She knew that she was already sitting in a corner of Kunlun Mountain, but she couldn't see or feel anything.

Her power alone is small, but coupled with these creatures with invisible aura, they are more kind to the bottom of the sea. After they can practice, they will feel the power of the West Queen Mother Palace more keenly. The closer they are to the West Queen Mother Palace, they The cultivation will be faster.

More and more sea creatures around Mu Wushuang were eating the essence of the sun and the moon, and the scene looked very spectacular.

Suddenly, a large sea turtle that looked very old moved. It slowly crawled away, traveled a few hundred meters, and finally stopped, continued to vomit the essence of the sun and the moon, and absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

Then a lot of fish and mussels also left the Mu Wu side, each found a suitable position, and continued to practice.

It seems that there is no rule at all, but Mu Wushuang is happy, and after all the underwater creatures that can practice have left her and go to other places to practice, an amazing scene happened!

At the very beginning, the old sea turtle suddenly began to emit white light, and other creatures gradually lit up, and Guanghua was even more of Mu Wushuang. She was like a scorching night pearl, glowing in the dark. It seems to be connected with the sea creatures, as if forming a map line.

at this time!

Everything has changed!

The place where Mu Wushuang sat cross-legged was no longer sea water, but a piece of depleted yellow land. There were many towering flat peach trees around, but all these big trees had been dead for many years.

There is no sea water here, and the long-lost air is breathed, but this air smells of decay.

"Uncle Emperor!"

"I'm here."

Long Moshen walked towards her quickly and lifted her from the ground.

"We should be on Kunlun Mountain."

Mu Wushuang nodded: "Yes, I remember here. I saw it in my dream. The West Queen Mother Palace is in front."

The West Queen Mother Palace was built on Kunlun Mountain. Later, Kunlun Mountain lost a section from it. Others said that when West Queen Mother soared, it was brought into the fairyland along with the Kunlun Mountain.

Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen walked forward together and saw a dilapidated scene.

There are ruined walls everywhere, rubble on the ground, dead spiritual flowers and herbs, and countless lifeless flat peach trees.

They passed a huge pool, which was the famous jade pool in ancient times and nourished countless creatures, but now they are lifeless and there is no vitality.

There are also dead lotus leaves inside, which will not melt for ten thousand years, as if to tell the world that this was once the most precious holy place and will never change.

Even if this place is so barren, you can still feel a majestic pride from this barrenness.

But they didn't stop to watch. Mu Wushuang followed his memory and went to the Palace of Queen Mother of the West. She remembered that the palace Xiao Fenghuang took her to was called "Sheng Guo Pavilion."

Xiao Fenghuang said that she could find an opportunity there. She was eager to find a way to ripen the peach tree, because it was almost a month since she and the emperor's uncle had little life left.

The Xiwangmu Palace in ancient books was the most powerful sect in the ancient times, and the head of all paths, and the world worships!

Along the way, the former heyday of the West Queen Mother Palace has long ceased to exist. These ruined walls were once majestic halls that would not be damaged by the addition of all the magic to the body. It is the famous West Queen Mother Palace!

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