Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 430: Tianjiao Festival has begun

Chapter 430 Tianjiao Grand Meeting Has Started

There is no time for practice.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

Mu Wushuang had successfully broken through the Spirit Venerable Realm, but she couldn't overcome the calamity here, so she kept suppressing the cultivation base and waited to go out before crossing the calamity.

The same is true for Long Moshen, his cultivation level is higher and deeper than before, and the Heaven Tribulation is also suppressed, without crossing the Tribulation.

Sure enough, this place is a holy place for cultivation. It is not only rich in spiritual energy, but also contaminated with the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.

Their longevity has also increased a lot, but even with many years of longevity, the effects of the forbidden land cannot withstand the consumption of too long. The longevity is still burning fast, and there are only a few months left. Life.

But as long as the flat peaches can mature before the lifespan is exhausted.

Just when she opened her eyes, before she had time to see the Pan Peach Tree, she was rushed over by a man who had been Zhaisu for a long time like a hungry wolf.

After a long time, Mu Wushuang, who was finally attentive, looked at the fairy peach tree on the stone wall.

Upon seeing it, she was pleasantly surprised: "Uncle Emperor, look, all the petals have fallen, and the green sherbet is showing up."

Although the fruit is only nail-sized and hairy, it will take a long time to grow up, but this is a good sign, indicating that the flat peach tree is growing at a speed of ten thousand times.

The flat peach that can bear fruit in three thousand years can mature in three months!

It's great, she and the emperor are saved, and Xiao Fenghuang is also saved!

"What's so beautiful about the flat peach tree? How can it be so beautiful?"

Long Moshen didn't even look at Shibi, only her in his eyes.

Seeing that he was going to bully people again, Mu Wushuang quickly said: "Uncle Emperor, the Tianjiao event is about to begin, and we can't afford it. We can't keep up."

"Where did Shuang'er want to go? My husband just wants to help you put on your clothes." Long Mo smiled evilly, and helped her to put the clothes on, as if he had no distracting thoughts.

Mu Wushuang glared at him, the emperor's uncle was really getting more and more cunning now.

But because he is serious about dressing her, he doesn't care about it.

Flying out of the cliff, Long Moshen closed the mechanism. This dilapidated small hall looked no different. Even if someone came, he would definitely not find the holy place for cultivation.

As the road flew back and forth, the Queen Mother's Palace underneath was getting farther and farther, and Kunlun Mountain was getting more and more barren.

"Boom!" With a cry, they flew out of the West Queen Mother Palace, entered the deep sea, and smelled the familiar smell of the sea.

But Kunlun Mountain has not disappeared, and it can be seen clearly across the sea, which is very spectacular.

Mu Wushuang frowned and said, "If anyone else finds here, they will definitely find the West Queen Mother Palace..."

If she removes her flat peach tree, all previous efforts will be useless.

They came to the South China Sea. If some people want to investigate, it is not impossible to investigate. After they go out, someone finds that their cultivation level has increased, and they will definitely come to the South China Sea to find out.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, and can't give anyone another opportunity.

"Shuang'er, where's the mountain card?" Long Moshen asked.

"By the way, Shanpai!"

Mu Wushuang suddenly remembered that when he came in, Shanpai flew in anxiously, and now he didn't know where to go!

However, she had established contact with Shan Pai, and now she should be able to sense the location of Shan Pai.

She quickly closed her eyes and used her Linglong Heart Aperture to sense it. Not long after, a dark mountain sign was shining brightly and flew quickly and fell into her palm.

"The mountain card should be able to hide the West Queen Mother Palace again, Shuang'er try again." Long Moshen said to her.

Mu Wushuang nodded and could only give it a try.

She poured spiritual power into the mountain card, and before she could continue to act, the mountain card suddenly flashed into her mind.

The aura around her suddenly revolved quickly, and penetrated into her mind like a whirlpool, and she showed pain.

Long Moshen's complexion sank, and he was about to make a move, but saw that the Kunlun Mountain in front of him suddenly disappeared!

Mu Wushuang opened his eyes abruptly, and the mountain sign in his mind suddenly appeared in his hand, and her pupils showed joy: "Uncle Emperor, I have collected the entire Kunlun Mountain and West Queen Mother Palace into the mountain sign. Up!"

"Are you uncomfortable?" Long Moshen cared more about her body.

Mu Wushuang shook his head: "No, except for the feeling that my head was squeezed out just now, I don't feel any discomfort now. Uncle Huang, don't worry. I am now the inheritor of Queen Mother Xi. The things here will not hurt me."

Long Moshen breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the sea creatures who had stepped onto the path of practice suddenly became manic, as if they were looking for Kunlun Mountain.

They lost the breath of the West Queen Mother Palace Avenue in the sea. Although they didn't understand, they also felt discomfort.

Since Wushuang took them on the path of cultivation, and they helped her a lot invisibly, she naturally wouldn't just leave it alone.

Wushuang directly opened up a lake in the space, and collected the sea water and these seabed creatures.

The rich aura inside made these creatures excited, and some older creatures even immediately continued to practice.


Tianjiao event, once every three years.

Tianjiao from all over the continent gathered in the holy capital, just to make a big splash at the event.

On the Shengdu Square, there are seven huge stone steles, each of which represents a realm, namely, the spiritual apprentice realm, the spiritual scholar, the spiritual master, the spiritual king, the spiritual sovereign, the spiritual fairy, and the spiritual emperor.

There are a hundred names on each side of the stele. These people are the 100 strongest people in each realm who competed in the last Tianjiao event.

These stone tablets are also called Tianbang, and those who are on the list are called Tianbang strong.

Some of the young talents who were here this year did not have their names on the stele, and they came here to challenge the people on the top list.

The Tianjiao Festival is not as formal as the Zongmen Grand Competition. Everyone can challenge the people on the ranking list, but the premise is that you have to beat the people under this person to be qualified to challenge him.

For example, if you want to challenge the twenty-third on the top ranking list, then you need to challenge from the 100th place all the way, until you beat the 24th place, you are eligible to challenge the 23rd.

Therefore, during the Tianjiao event, the names on the top list are constantly changing. If you beat the ninety-ninth place, then you become the ninety-ninth place on the top list, but others challenge you and defeat you. , Then he will replace your name, your name disappears from the sky list, and the other's name appears.

The Tianjiao event lasts for half a month, and during half a month, to climb to the top of the list, you have to rely on your own ability.

The Tianjiao event requires registration, and those who do not register are not qualified to challenge the figures on the top of the list.

This is also the reason why Mu Wushuang is eager to return to the Holy Capital with his uncle.

Uncle Huang hasn't participated in the Tianjiao event for a long time, and everyone else thinks that his glory is in the past. When talking about his name, they only remember his identity and forget his strength.

But Mu Wushuang wanted everyone to know that her emperor was still the top genius in Cangming Continent, an existence that everyone looked up to!

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