Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 431: Kill without mercy

Chapter 431

"There is one last piece of incense sticks. Those who haven't signed up should come to sign up. After this hour, they can't participate in the Tianjiao event! Hurry up!"

An old man in the spiritual guild responsible for registration shouted loudly.

Someone behind him lit a stick of incense and inserted it into the ash basin.

"Why the master sister hasn't appeared yet, what happened to them, right?"

Tang Wen said anxiously.

It's been so long, but the master sister hasn't appeared yet. At the beginning, she said she would come to the Tianjiao event to show off, but now she has no news.

Seeing that only a stick of incense is left, if it doesn't come, I'm afraid I will miss this Tianjiao event.

And the next Tianjiao event will be three years later, I don’t know if the master sister and the young emperor can live...

"My sister will definitely come." Mu Yuheng said in a deep voice.

He knows her, and what she has said can be done.

"Yes, Master Sister will definitely come, and we will be waiting here." Cang Yang also said seriously.

Two brothers and sisters Pu Yi and Pu Yan also came. At this time, both of them were a little sad. If the master sister really can't come, does it mean that something happened to her.

"Oh, isn't this a disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect? Why, waiting for your big sister? Your big sister is dying outside, right!"

"Haha, of course, I heard that after Wushuang and Young Emperor came out of the forbidden area, their heads turned white for a moment, and they were a hundred years old. I'm afraid they are already dead."

The two people who spoke, dressed in the costumes of the disciples of the Helian family, came up to mock when they saw the disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect.

Many people gathered around, with gossip flames in their eyes.

"I heard that the Helian family and Qingyun Jianzong are very uncomfortable. The reason is that Wushuang, the great sister of Qingyun Jianzong, robbed Helianqian's man."

"Bah! What is Wushuang stealing Helianqian's man? Shao Di is Helianqian's man! Shao Di can't even look down on Helianqian's hair, okay?"

"That is, for the great sister Wushuang of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect, the Young Emperor did not hesitate to enter the Yaozu forbidden area. There is only one man in the world who is infatuated and willing to accompany his death! I envy Wushuang!" said When you hear this, you know it is a woman.

"He Lianqian is already an unclean body. I heard that she often plays with a lot of men. A woman like her still wants to miss Xiaodi. It's not worthy of shame!"

"Ah? Really? He Lianqian has such a heavy taste?"

"Yes, I heard from my brother's cousin's cousin's nanny's son's daughter-in-law's sister-in-law's sister's good sister. This good sister is said to be the daughter of the Helian family's purchasing manager. What she saw must be true!"

Lou crooked unconsciously. Although the sounds of these gossips are not loud, I don't know how many people seem to be indifferent on the surface, but they are listening with their ears upright. After listening, they all showed a tut look.

Miss Helian looked at Bing Qing Yujie, she was so good, she thought it was a rumor, it seemed that 80% of it was true!

Even if it is not true, when He Lianqian and others were at the dinner party, what happened to be seen by countless people was always true.

Miss Helian, as the number one beauty in the Cangming Continent, is now surrounded by scandals, and she doesn't know what she thinks!

A kind of palace secret paintings circulating in the black market are particularly sought-after. Above is the heroine painted with He Lianqian's portrait. The picture is a woman, separated from various men, and in various places. Devotionals especially like watching.

This is also why the mention of He Lianqian's name can arouse countless reveries and discussions.

The two disciples of the Helian family only wanted to mock the Qingyun Sword Sect disciples, but they didn't expect to attract such a big pointing voice, and their expressions suddenly sank.

"Shut up! Our eldest lady has ice muscles and bones, white jade is flawless, how can you let you talk nonsense!"

"Just another nonsense, our Helian family not only tore your mouth, but also your sect's mouth!"

The two men threatened.

"Hey! Bai Yu Wuxia? It's just a femme fatale!" Mu Yuheng suddenly sneered: "I advise you from the Helian family not to show up in front of us, otherwise we can't help but ask you to settle accounts!"

"Settlement! What kind of account! What can you do, dare to ask us to settle the account?" The disciple of the Helian family was very arrogant.

Mu Yuheng's face was deserted, and his voice was calm and slow:

"When Helianqian ordered you Elder Helian to attack our Great Sister Wushuang into the forbidden area of ​​the demon race, our Azure Cloud Sword Sect was at odds with your Helian family. I am afraid you have forgotten that Helian is hanging at your gate. The heads of the elders are now rotten and smelly. Don’t worry, we will slowly settle the account with you!"

There were discussions around:

"It's no wonder that there is a human head hung at the door of the Helian family. It stinks and attracts a lot of blue-headed flies. It turns out that the human head belongs to Elder Helian!" Someone covered his nose and said, as if he could smell the stench again. Face disgusted.

"He Lianqian is so vicious that she sent someone to kill Wushuang. This kind of woman deserves to be rounded!"

"But why didn't the Helian family take that head off?" someone asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, I heard that the head of Helian Patriarch Helianhai couldn't take the head off. What kind of formation should it be? I can see it but I can't touch it, so I can't take it off. I can only watch the head rot and smell."

Listening to people's disdain for the family, the two disciples of the Helian family became angry.

"Elder Helian is jealous of killing Qingyun Jianzong Wushuang. What does it have to do with our Helian family!"

As he said, one of them quickly changed the subject and pointed to the incense stick in the ash basin, and said arrogantly: "I said Wushuang couldn't make it, he must have died outside, you Qingyun Jianzong disciples give up!"

Mu Yuheng and others looked at the incense stick. The incense had been burned for more than a half, and it was only a little bit nearly finished.

They were all silent. At this moment, no one was in the mood to speak quickly.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Helian family felt even more proud and exclaimed:

"Your master sisters are all dead outside. You are still in the mood to participate in the Tianjiao event. Tsk tsk, hurry up to find her bones, so as not to be gnawed by the wolves, tigers and leopards! Hahaha!"

Suddenly, this disciple's laughter seemed to be chopped off in his throat, his eyes widened in shock, he couldn't move, and his face looked terrified.

"Whoever insults my wife will be killed without mercy."

Suddenly a low voice came out.

There was a crackling sound from the disciple's throat, and he fell to the ground without a sigh of relief.

"Who is it! Who dares to attack the Helian family!" another disciple shouted in horror, but when he saw the incoming person, he knelt on the ground with a thump: "Young... Young Emperor!"

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