Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 432: So pitiful

Chapter 432

The prestige of Shaodi Long Moshen was well known twenty years ago.

He is talented, clever, and invincible in the same realm. At every Tianjiao event, he is the number one in the same realm, and no one can shake his position.

Although he has not participated in the Tianjiao event for many years, many young people no longer know his prestige, but people of his age will never forget his strength. He has always regarded him as a nightmare. The mountains of the past.

This disciple of the Helian family was someone who was at the same time as the Emperor, but his talent was several times worse than that of the Emperor. He didn't even have the qualifications to fight against the Emperor.

Now that he saw Long Moshen, he thumped and knelt down.

Everyone hurriedly turned around and looked around, only to see a pair of men and women who looked like immortals and looked like immortals walking hand in hand.

Although they have white hair, they can't hide their noble temperament and amazing looks.

Many people opened their mouths and were shocked.

Is this Shao Di and Qingyun Jianzong Wushuang?

After all, most of the younger generation are people. Many people have never seen the appearance of the young emperor. Even if they have seen it, they still wear a mask.

When I saw it now, I only felt shocked, especially when he and Wushuang were standing together, beautiful and prosperous, turning everyone else into a scum.

The young emperor has a beautiful face. The sun shines on his sculpted angular contours, which outlines a good-looking shadow. His features are as perfect as jade, with cold and arrogant features, his nose is high, and his thin lips are cold and watery, especially that. A pair of narrow eyes are deep and boundless, like a cold star in the midnight, making it difficult to look directly.

But a man like him who is so cold and arrogant, but gently holding a woman's hand, makes people feel very envious.

But the women present were only envious, not jealous in it, because Mu Wushuang looked more delicate and beautiful, with a pair of phoenix eyes as cold as frost, and a high nose, but the nose was small and exquisite, her lips were plump and ruddy, her delicate features were impeccable, and her skin It is also white and smooth, and tender and smoother than a peeled egg.

Wushuang looks much better than He Lianqian, the number one beauty in Cangming mainland!

The two stood together, as if they were made in heaven. Whoever stood next to each other would only tarnish their beauty.

I don’t know where He Lianqian's courage came from. He and Wushuang grabbed the young emperor. Anyone with a discerning eye could see the young emperor’s love for Wushuang, and the young emperor was willing to enter the Yaozu forbidden land alone for Wushuang. Such an affectionate man, He Lianqian It's really shameless to be embarrassed to dig the foot of the wall!

"Sister! Brother-in-law!"

It was Mu Yuheng who was happiest to see them.

Cangyang and the others also exclaimed in excitement, "Master Sister!"

The presence of the master sister and the young emperor shows that their current situation should not be bad. This is good news.

Mu Wushuang smiled at them, and was about to say a few words to the younger brother of the beauty, when he was pulled forward by the emperor's uncle and came to the registration office of the Tianjiao event, he said:

"Register with us."

Mu Wushuang pursed his lips and chuckled, the uncle Emperor's tone, inexplicably domineering, it seemed that he was not registering for registration, but registering for marriage.

Of course, the emperor did not know that people in her previous life had to register for marriage.

The old man in the spiritual guild who was responsible for registering the registration list was a member of the Lingxiao Protoss. Upon seeing this, he quickly wrote the names of Shaodi and Mu Wushuang on the list.

He had just finished writing, and the stick of incense in the ash basin just finished burning, and the last piece of incense ash fell.

"The registration time for the Tianjiao Festival is over! Everyone enters the venue, and the Tianjiao Festival is about to begin!"

The old man snorted to inform everyone that the registration is over and the event begins.

Then he saluted Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang: "Good young emperor, good Miss Mu. The patriarch and his wife have already arrived, and they are on the square. They are one of the judges of this Tianjiao event, and the young master is also there."

Long Mo faintly nodded to him, holding Mu Wushuang's hand and walking forward.

Mu Wushuang quickly turned his head and beckoned to let the beauty younger brother and the others follow. As he walked, he asked them about the situation of the sect during this period.

The Azure Cloud Sword Sect has not changed much. Although the sect has been promoted too fast and has aroused many people's jealousy, the Lingxiao Protoss, as the four super families, has shown that it will cover the Azure Cloud Sword Sect, so those demons will not Take action against the sect.

To say that the biggest change in the sect is that more and more new disciples have come to join the sect. The place where she expanded at the beginning is already full of new disciples. Depending on the situation, it will not be long before the sect has to be expanded again.

When Mu Wushuang heard this, he was very pleased that the sect became stronger and stronger, and she deserved to be happy.

"Everyone has been praying that you and brother-in-law are okay. They should be very happy when they see you," said Meiren's brother.

Mu Wushuang nodded to him: "Don't worry, we are all right."

She winked at him slyly.

When Mu Yuheng saw this, he realized it instantly. When her sister left, she said that she had a way to regain her longevity because she had a blooming flat peach tree. As long as the flat peaches matured faster, they could regain their longevity.

Now it seems that my sister is so relaxed, she must have found a way to mature Pantao.

This is great!

He also felt as if there was a big rock falling in his heart, and then relaxed.

He patted Cangyang and Tang Wen on the shoulders, and looked at the two sisters Pu Yi: "Don't worry, they will be fine, Shouyuan will recover."

Don't let them worry about it all the time.

Mu Wushuang turned his head and smiled at them.

Seeing the smiling face of the master sister, Cang Yang and others felt relieved.

They walked all the way to the square, where there was already a crowd of people. Seven huge stone steles were standing there. Under the steles, seven judges were sitting respectively. Opposite the steles was the crowded audience.

"Daddy, mother and daughter!"

As if sensed, Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen just walked over, under the stone tablet, Xiao Xuanxi who was held by the grandson Rong stood up and shouted excitedly.

Long Sun Rong and Ling Xiaoxian also stood up at once.

"Young Emperor!"

He Lianqian said in surprise.

But after seeing Mu Wushuang next to Long Moshen, she clenched her fists and stared at Mu Wushuang like a snake. If her eyes could kill people, she would have killed Mu Wushuang thousands of times.

Young Emperor?

The rumored Young Emperor, who was about to live and die, actually appeared at the Tianjiao event?

At this moment, all the eyes converged towards Mu Wushuang Long Moshen and the others.

All kinds of gazes, ranging from stunning, shocking, hating, and doubting.

After Shao Di and Wushuang came out of the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu, they disappeared for a month. Everyone said that they were dead. Unexpectedly, they were still alive and well. They were both in and out. They are now participating in the Tianjiao event.

"Their birthday is only three months left."

In the audience, an old man's eyes were torch, the old voice said.

Hearing this, when he looked at Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang, only sympathy remained.

No matter how powerful and noble, in the end, it will not only have a short life span of a few months!

It's so pathetic!

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