Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 433: More interesting

Chapter 433

Xiao Xuanxi rushed towards his parents excitedly.

I haven't seen my parents for so long, and the heartless little guy has been chanting every day recently, and now he finally reads his parents.

Mu Wushuang hugged his son, kissed his son fiercely, touched his soft flesh, and suddenly said, "My Dier, you have grown flesh again?"

The little guy quickly turned his head and plunged into his father's arms, trying to change the subject: "Daddy, Xixi wants to die! Daddy, do you want Xixi?"

Long Moshen lifted his son out, weighed it, and as expected, he really grew fleshy.

Xiao Xuanxi quickly hooked his father's neck, looked at his father and then at his mother, and said aggrieved: "Daddy, mother, don't you want Xixi?"

"Do you want to eat five or eight meals a day?" Long Moshen said blankly, but he held Xiao Pangdun's son firmly, holding his son's small butt, and let him sit firmly. .

Xiao Xuanxi showed an exaggerated expression: "Daddy, you are too exaggerated, how can Xixi eat eight meals a day?"

"That's five meals?" Mu Wushuang stretched out his hand and squeezed his small face.

Xiao Xuanxi quickly shook his head and denied, "No, no, father and mother, in fact, Xixi is not fat, Xixi has grown taller, so he weighed a little bit."

Mu Wushuang laughed, because his son didn't eat too fat, so he didn't care about him.

After all, the son is pampered by his great-grandparents, great-grandfather, grandfather in charge, and others. The old man thinks of giving him something to eat, for fear that he will be hungry, and it is normal to grow some meat.

Presumably my son has controlled his diet, otherwise it is definitely more than just getting fat.

Xiao Xuanxi saw that his mother laughed, and knew that this incident was over. If the mother is not angry, his father will definitely not be angry. He immediately smiled and called his father, father and mother, his tone was very affectionate.

He Lianqian watched the three of their family happily melt away, and even the cold face of the young Emperor melted like an iceberg.

The happier they are, the more jealous He Lianqian is.

It would be great if there was no Mu Wushuang, she could also give birth to a son for Young Emperor, and she could make Young Emperor love her for a long time.

Blame Mu Wushuang, she shouldn't live in this world!

Even if the Helian family loses a great elder, their reputation will be damaged, but Helianqian has no intention of letting go. She will not give up unless she achieves her goal.

Since Mu Wushuang was coming to participate in the Tianjiao event, she killed Mu Wushuang in an open and honest way!

At the Tianjiao event, it is normal to be killed or injured, and if one accidentally kills someone.

It's a pity that Mu Wushuang only has the cultivation base of the Spirit King realm, and her Helianqian is the cultivation base of the Spirit Venerable realm, and she is not in the same realm, otherwise she can kill Mu Wushuang herself.

But now he can only arrange for the family to participate in the Spirit King Realm of the Tianjiao Festival to kill Mu Wushuang.

At this time, Yun Wan'er was also itching with hatred. She felt that Mu Wushuang was really lingering and his life was too hard, so he was still alive and well, and also came to participate in the Tianjiao event.

She finally called her father and mother to watch her attend the Tianjiao event, cheered her up, and let outsiders see that Yun Wan'er was still loved by her father and mother.

But when Mu Wushuang came, his father and mother stood up excitedly, still yelling "Wushuang", there is no way she still has a daughter who has raised her for more than 20 years!

Moreover, she was also in the spirit king state, and Mu Wushuang was also in the spirit king state, but Mu Wushuang's cultivation base was higher than her. She was destined to be stepped on by Mu Wushuang, which made her extremely unhappy.

At this time, a drum rang, and the time for the start of the Tianjiao Festival had arrived.

"Tianjiao Festival, officially begins!"

Then the judges under the seven steles stood up. They were all members of the four super families, representing the judges of each realm, mainly to preside over fairness.

Ling Xiaoxian is the judge of the spiritual master realm, and the eldest Sun Rong is the judge of the spiritual master realm.

The judge of the Spirit Realm is the Scarlet Moon Demon King of the Sky Fox tribe.

Mu Wushuang looked at the Scarlet Demon King a few more times, because this person was the biological father of the little fox Ali.

Speaking of it, Ali’s mother Nanyu is the princess of the Tianhu clan, and the Scarlet Moon Demon King is just a general under the demon emperor’s command, but since the Demon Emperor was seriously injured and retreats several years ago, the Scarlet Moon Demon King has commanded more than half of the demon clan. The power, self-proclaimed Demon King, is enough to see this person's wolf ambition.

The Scarlet Moon Demon King looked handsome, but his body was too evil, and he didn't know what demon technique he was practicing. There was a red blood mist around his body, and his eyes were scarlet, but his aura was so powerful that one would not dare to underestimate him.

Mu Wushuang didn't like gossip, but at this time he couldn't help thinking, what kind of relationship between Nan Yu and the Scarlet Demon King, Nan Yu was unwilling to return to the monster clan until he died.

Poor A Li, young, no father and no mother, but there is an uncle Wu Liao who loves her.

Wu Luo didn't seem to come to the Tianjiao event, he was sometimes high-key and sometimes low-key, no one could figure out his mind.


Someone was dissatisfied with her distracted for too long and called her in a low voice.

Mu Wushuang blinked and smiled at him, then looked at the other judges.

By coincidence, the head of Helian's Patriarch He Lianhai looked at her with a gloomy look.

Mu Wushuang frowned, only to notice that He Lianhai was the judge of the Spirit King Realm.

By the way, her current cultivation base is only in the late Spirit King realm. She suppresses the cultivation base and has not yet overcome the catastrophe. Others don't know that she is already the cultivation base of the Spirit King realm.

Heh, as a reviewer of the Spirit King Realm, does He Lianhai think of a fake public for his own benefit?

The Helian family, one of the four dignified families, is so public and private?

Hey, it seems that the death of Elder Helian did not wake up the Helian family, but made them show ugly faces.

I just don't know, when He Lianhai sees that she is not in the Spirit King Realm, but in the Spirit Venerable Realm, will his face look ugly?

The judge of the Spirit Venerable Realm is a respected elder in the Qinglong Shrine.

The review of the Spirit Fairyland was finally late.

"It seems that the time of my visit is just right."

Sitting on a delicate seat, Jiang Liyun was carried by several women in palace costumes, descending from the sky with huge battles.

"The Holy Queen is here!"

"The judge of the Spirit Fairyland is actually the Holy Queen!"

"There are not a few strong people in the spirit fairyland, right? Those strong people in the spirit fairyland are already hundreds of years older. Who is going to participate in the Tianjiao event!"

"You don't know about that, the second son of the Queen's Royal Highness has just been promoted to Spiritual Wonderland not long ago!"

"Spirit Fairyland is nothing to compare. Among the younger generation, it must be the first of the second highness!"

"Who said that! I heard that Helianyuan of the Helian family also broke through to the spiritual fairyland!"

"Tsk tusk, the two of them are too strong!"

"The Young Emperor's name used to be so loud, no matter what the realm, but the number one in the ranking, but now, he is surpassed by He Lianyuan and his brother Long Xingyang, I don't know how he would think!"

Because of the arrival of Queen Jiang Liyun, everyone talked a lot.

The spiritual fairyland is a realm beyond the reach of countless people. No wonder the queen is smiling, her son is so prosperous, and she is too long.

Mu Wushuang listened to these comments, and the corners of his mouth slowly twitched, thinking that the emperor's uncle was in the spiritual state? The emperor is hiding deep enough!

But this is more interesting, isn't it?

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