Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 438: Pit the Helian family again

Chapter 438

The life card is cracked!

It means that Jiang Hao is dead!

Jiang Liyun immediately swept towards Lei Hai with her spiritual consciousness, only to vaguely see Mu Wushuang's standing figure, and Jiang Hao was no longer visible, even the corpse could not be seen, I am afraid that he was directly beaten by this powerful Heavenly Tribulation It's gone!

Damn Mu Wushuang!

She is so bold! Actually dared to fight to increase the coercion of the tribulation, and drag Jiang Hao into her tribulation! Jiang Hao had already exhausted his spiritual power, so he couldn't even survive a thunder calamity!

Jiang Liyun's eyes were gloomy, and Mu Wushuang deliberately killed Jiang Hao and also deliberately angered her. She was as disgusting as Long Moshen!

She didn't know that Mu Wushuang was the most protective of his shortcomings. She was the stepmother who had never known Long Moshen how many times she had harmed him, of course, Mu Wushuang was the first to teach him.

Since I was going to teach Jiang Liyun, the people around her would not let it go! Guiyuanzong is Jiang Liyun's family, and I don't know how many things he has done to help him abuse, so you can't blame Mu Wu for being ruthless and cruel under his hands.

What's more, it was Jiang Hao who wanted to put her to death first. If it weren't for Jiang Hao who wanted to kill her and leave her in ashes, Mu Wushuang would not kill Jiang Hao.

This can only be called to treat her by her own way.

The first catastrophe has finally passed!

The thunder sea dissipated, revealing the proud figure standing in the middle.

She was only slightly injured, except for a little blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and looked safe and sound.

This shocked countless people. Jiang Hao was also the cultivation base of the Spirit Venerable Realm. He was smashed by the thunder robbery so that there was no powder left. Mu Wushuang was intact! How strong is her body!

As everyone knows, this first thunder calamity is about the same as the last time Mu Wushuang crossed the spirit king realm. She has already experienced thunder calamity once, so she is fearless.

"Well, I! The second tribulation is coming!"

Suddenly more dark clouds gathered in the sky, making this piece of sky as dark as night, and there was a terrifying pressure from the heavens in the dark clouds. The wind and rain are coming, and the sky will be poured!

"I have never seen such a terrible tribulation!"

"The tribulation just in the making is already creepy!"

"Why is Mu Wushuang's catastrophe so terrible!"

"Her calamity cannot be treated with common sense at all!"

Who would have such a powerful and terrifying Heavenly Tribulation when it crossed the Tribulation Realm? Really unheard of, unseen!

Mu Wushuang knew that the power of the second heavenly tribulation must be several times that of the first heavenly tribulation, and its scope was wider.

There were too many people in the square. In order to prevent others from getting involved, she retreated to the west of the square with few people. If remembered correctly, there was the Helian family medicine field, which seemed to be about to mature.

Helianhai Helianqian quickly realized Mu Wushuang's intentions.


Helianhai shouted.

It's a pity that as soon as his voice was made, it was masked by the sound of rolling thunder.

"That bitch!"

He Lianqian cursed.

There is the production area of ​​the Helian family medicine field. Hundreds of acres of precious medicinal materials are about to mature, and they will soon be picked for the family to refine the Qingdu Pill. The family's Qingdu Pill is almost used up, just wait for these medicinal materials to mature before refining a year of Qingdu Pill!

If Mu Wushuang's Heavenly Tribulation were to be ruined, then their Helian family would not have issued a poison pill this year!

Each disciple of the Qingdu Pill should take one piece every three months to relieve the erysipelas within these three months. Although it cannot completely eliminate the erysipelas, it is also of no small use.

Now the family disciples are dependent on the Qingdu Pill, if they can't take the Qingdu Pill in time, the disciples may become crazy!

Although there are currently six-level Qingling Pills on the market, it can completely remove the erysipelas on the disciple.

But this clear spirit pill was refined by Mu Wushuang, and the price was very high. I don't know if there are any side effects. Their Helian family always looked down on outsiders, so they had never thought of using Mu Wushuang to refine the clear spirit pill.

He Lianqian felt that Mu Wushuang was deliberately destroying their medicinal field with Heavenly Tribulation, and wanted their family to buy the pill she refined!

She couldn't wait to skin Mu Wushuang this **** alive!


The second tribulation fell from the sky, and the huge thunder and lightning was like a dragon, cracking down!

It can be clearly seen that the hundred acres of medicinal fields over there have been twisted into powder by the thunder robbery, annihilated in the thunder sea, and the burnt smell spread everywhere.

Click! Several cracks were cut in the ground, and the ground was blackened!

"The Helian family's medicinal field is definitely out of use. I guess it won't be able to grow medicinal materials for a long time!"

"Tsk tusk, that's the best medicine field!"

"That's for sure, the Helian family can have a bad property?"

"What a pity! Such a good medicine field has become a wasteland!"

"Patriarch Helian's face is black! Haha!"

Some people commented.

Anyway, the thunder was so loud that the Helian family couldn't hear them laughing.

Under the catastrophe, dirt and gravel flew horizontally, but a figure with a celestial appearance has been standing upright and standing tall.

A series of huge thunders struck down, as if the angry heaven was punishing the tiny human beings, terrible pressure fell on Mu Wushuang's head.

Her clothes are already in tatters, her body is full of terrible wounds, her whole body is bleeding, flesh and blood are turned up, and there are scorches all over her, but she stands proudly, unwilling to show weakness to the sky, refuses to bow her head, and refuses to fall. under.

This time, the catastrophe was uncomfortable, as she expected, it was several times stronger than the first catastrophe!

What Jie brought to Mu Wushuang this day was not only physical damage, but the most terrifying thing was the oppression of spirit!

There seemed to be thousands of troops and horses galloping in her mind, and countless knives and swords shadows strangling her divine consciousness. The thunder robbery contained the aura of great avenues, which was hard to resist. Mu Wushuang's divine knowledge was to be completely wiped out.

"This calamity is too violent and terrifying! Can she survive it?"

"I guess it's a bit hanging, I've never seen such a terrifying robbery!"

"What kind of evil is Mu Wushuang, how could he provoke such a terrible thunder disaster!"

Such a fierce and terrifying Heavenly Tribulation is beyond everyone's expectations. Mu Wushuang is only the cultivation base of the first level of the Spiritual Venerable Realm. Why is the Heavenly Tribulation exploding with such fierce power!

Someone looked at the black clouds in the sky and kept shaking their heads, thinking that Mu Wushuang was an evil genius, and it would be difficult for him to survive this catastrophe. Because this day's calamity is far from over, above the sky, there seems to be a more terrifying thunder robbery brewing!

"Mu Wushuang, she is dead!"

He Lianqian looked at the terrifying black cloud in the sky, and her eyes suddenly showed joy. This thunder cloud made her feel terrified. Even if Mu Wushuang can survive the current thunder robbery, he will definitely not be able to survive the upcoming third thunder robbery. !

"Daddy, mother will be fine, right?"

Xiao Xuanxi asked daddy nervously.

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