Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 439: Immeasurable catastrophe

Chapter 439

Long Moshen nodded to his son. He looked at the beautiful shadow in Lei Hai and said to his son seriously:

"Nothing can defeat your mother, she is very strong inside."

In this world, no one can break her belief.

What he is even more looking forward to is, under the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation, what kind of transformation will happen to his twins!

Seeing Shuang'er's clothes smashed by thunder robbery, what he thought in his heart was that he had to refine a piece of clothes that could not be broken by the robbery.

Xiao Xuanxi was very puzzled: "Daddy, why do so many people say that the mother's calamity is more terrifying than the others?"

"Because the stronger the person, the greater the challenge. Your mother's cultivation is far beyond that of someone in the same realm, so her calamity is also several times that of others. Only the strong can accept the double baptism of heaven, the weak There is no such qualification."

Long Moshen answered his son.

Xiao Xuanxi suddenly realized, he tilted his head and said:

"So, if the mother succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, the benefits she gets will be several times that of others, right?"

"Yes, it seems that you don't have all food in your mind."

Xiao Xuanxi did not expect that his father would make fun of him at this time, huh, what's wrong with eating? Great grandmother has said that eating is a blessing!


At this time, Mu Wushuang's black hair was flying, and her clothes were hunting and hunting. Her eyes were unyielding, and she looked up at the terrible light and thunder catastrophe in the sky. Her body became more and more embarrassed, but her consciousness became more and more determined, like a demon god. Compete with God.

Under the turbulent wind and cloud, the dust flew everywhere, and no one could see the situation inside.

Seeing that the black clouds in the sky are thicker, it seems that there is more terrible thunder tribulation brewing in the sky. This is obviously a sign that the tribulation is intensifying!

Most people felt that even if Mu Wushuang could survive this tribulation, it would be impossible for the next tribulation to survive!

The atmosphere of the great avenue in the sky is extremely strong, making everyone's heart beat and feel extremely terrible, it is a breath of suffocation!

Even if you are not in the midst of the catastrophe, it still gives people a sense of oppression that is overwhelming and diminished.

Mu Wushuang naturally felt this terrifying aura of the heavenly tribulation, she could no longer resist the heavenly tribulation with her body, otherwise her body would be destroyed!


The second tribulation finally dissipated!

But the third day of the robbery did not give Mu Wushuang time to rest. She had just swallowed a handful of pills, and the sky changed in an instant!

The black sky turned terrible scarlet! All the energies in the heavens and the earth seem to be gathering towards the heavenly tribulation, in the increasing force of the heavenly tribulation!

The people around watching the catastrophe subconsciously retreated, their hearts throbbed, and their faces pale.

"Infinite Tribulation!"

Ling Xiaoxian's face suddenly turned pale.


Long Sun Rong's eyes widened, how could it be an immeasurable catastrophe! How could this realm of Wushuang attract immeasurable calamities! How can this be good!

"This is the immeasurable catastrophe?"

He Lianhai and Saint Queen Jiang Liyun heard Ling Xiaoxian's gaffe, their eyes locked on the scarlet on the sky, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

The immeasurable calamity, this is beyond the sight of the heavens, wanting Mu Wushuang to die!

"What!? The immeasurable calamity! How is this possible!"

Someone's face changed drastically after hearing the name of the robbery.

All the spiritual practitioners have a look of panic on their faces.

Obviously, this immeasurable tribulation is definitely not an ordinary tribulation.

Everyone immediately remembered how terrifying the robbery that day was, and couldn't help being afraid after a while.

The immeasurable tribulation actually means that after the tribulation is descended, the heaven and the earth elements are stirred up in the dark, and then they fall on the robber. It can be said that this kind of tribulation is caused by the incompetence of the heaven and the earth.

And now unfolding in front of everyone is the legendary Immeasurable Calamity, exactly the same as described in ancient books!

It is said that only in the ancient times, some evildoers who did not exist in the world experienced the immeasurable calamity, but even in the peak period of spiritual cultivation, that evildoer did not survive from the immeasurable robbery. I can imagine how terrifying this immeasurable robbery is. !

But at the same time, it also shows how heaven-defying existence Mu Wushuang is!

What a pity, what a pity, such an enchanting talent will die under the boundless catastrophe!

This time when the tribulation is on the body, it is definitely the end of the dust!

Among the crowd, Mu Yuanhongyun Qiubai and Wujizi and Qingyun Jianzong disciples, all of their complexions changed drastically, their palms were sweating, and Wushuang was worried.

Yun Wan'er did not know when she came to the audience, she affectionately took Mu Yuanhong's Yun Qiubai's arm, and gently comforted:

"Daddy and mother, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with my younger sister, she has a natural outlook, she will definitely survive this disaster!"

That's it!

Mu Wushuang had better be wiped out in the next moment!

But Yun Wan'er is not at all worried that Mu Wushuang will not die, so many people are talking about how terrible the immeasurable tribulation is, and the geniuses of ancient times cannot survive this type of tribulation, let alone Mu Wushuang!

She is finally dying, which is great!

Yun Wan'er wanted to see Mu Wushuang's soul dying with her own eyes!

All this happened in an instant, and in the blink of an eye again, the huge thunder tribulation beam produced by Heavenly Tribulation crashed down. Even though the distance was far away, he felt terrifying pressure!

And cracks of different sizes appeared on the ground under your feet. It can be imagined that the place where the catastrophe descended must become a huge pit!

The moment the catastrophe descended, Mu Wushuang raised the sword of killing, the spiritual power of his whole body was running, and even the exquisite heart orifice passed to her by the Queen Mother of the West was also working hard to protect the whole body.

The Sword of Slaughter only blocked a small part of the Thunder Tribulation, and more than half of the Thunder Tribulation smashed her body.

It doesn't feel good if the flesh does not break apart.

The waves of thunder and tribulation hit Mu Wushuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and there was turbulence inside.

Wushuang noticed the strangeness, but the sudden appearance of Wuliang Dajie made her feel cold.

She didn't think that in her realm, heaven would bring such a catastrophe!

There must be some reason!

Could it be because she is a ray of a soul from another world, and the way of heaven has spied the same, so she is not recognized by the way of heaven?

Except for this possibility, she can't think of other reasons!

The power of Heavenly Tribulation can be destroyed, and the immeasurable Heavenly Tribulation that came down was entirely for the purpose of letting her existence that goes against the sky disappear.

However, the biggest advantage of Heavenly Tribulation is that she can temper her physical body. Although the destructive power has severely injured her muscles and bones and weakened her energy, if she can persist until the Tribulation is over and she is still alive, her body will be absolutely strong after the Tribulation. There will be a qualitative improvement.

Isn't innocence tolerating me?

Do not! I control my own life!

I want this immeasurable catastrophe to become a stepping stone for my Mu Wushuang! Help me go further!

Mu Wushuang shook his head fiercely, her destiny can only be controlled by her own hands, no matter how terrible and fierce the celestial calamity is, it cannot obliterate her will!

Even if she died just now, she couldn't succumb to God!

Click! !

The robbery came down suddenly, giving Mu Wushuang the feeling that the heaven and the earth were destroyed, and her whole body was in pain, as if she had been crushed by a mountain. At the same time, her mind was blank, and her spiritual consciousness was half destroyed!

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