Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 443: Dragon form

Chapter 443 Dragon Form


Mu Wushuang covered his mouth and chuckled.

This is indeed the style of the emperor's uncle. To treat a shameless woman like He Lianqian, he should not leave a half-hearted feeling.

Look, He Lianqian's face is pale.

He Lianqian looked at Long Moshen incredulously: "Brother Moshen, you said that to me!"


The little Xuanxi who hung on Long Moshen made a retching, rolled his eyes and said: "Auntie, you must be self-knowing, and also, don't call my father like that. It's really too disturbing. It's nauseating, my baby is going to vomit everything I ate today!"

In the audience, many women also nodded, He Lianqian pretending to be sad, like the kind of woman they hate most, pretending to be a pure white lotus, trying to arouse men's affection.

Obviously Young Emperor Ming has a beloved woman and son, He Lianqian is going to be entangled, and he still wants to talk, shouting Young Emperor "Brother Mo Shen"! Will you throw up!

Helian Patriarch Helianhai frowned, and said with a cold voice: "Since the Young Emperor has paid compensation, come, put away the Lingshi, and then start the challenge of the Tianjiao event!"

He gave He Lianqian a warning and told her not to be passionate anymore. Isn't it embarrassing for everyone?

Everyone looked at the mountain of spirit stones being put into the storage ring, and they were all enthusiastic.

The young emperor is really rich, fifty million high-grade spirit stones, just take them out.

Mu Wushuang is really fate, Lingxiao Protoss is willing to compensate for her, her parents can also come up with 50 million high-grade spirit stones, and her sect is even more remarkable, so many spirit stones, you can not blink your eyes Can take it out.

In this way, Mu Wushuang's background is really profound!

One of her parents was King Guishou Pill, the other was a saint, and her grandfather Yun Chuanxing was the head of the Shining God Sect.

Her man is a distinguished young emperor, and even the young emperor's foreign family Lingxiao God Clan looks at her differently and is very kind.

And she herself is the next head of Qingyun Jianzong!

The Azure Cloud Sword Sect was promoted so fast, it must be just around the corner to become a first-class sect!

With that said, Mu Wushuang himself is very capable!

Compared with her, He Lianqian is really far behind.

In addition to the ability of a summoner, He Lianqian has nothing comparable to Mu Wushuang, the winner in life!

It's a pity that Mu Wushuang and Shaodi were not long lived because of the forbidden land.

Even if Mu Wushuang had even advanced to several levels just now, his lifespan had only increased for a few months, and the total lifespan was less than a year.

However, He Lianhai couldn't wait for a month. He didn't want Mu Wushuang to continue to live for a day.

Not to mention the previous grudges, but to say that she deliberately destroyed the family medicine field, which is deliberate provocation!

Provoked the authority of their Helian family!

If you don't kill Mu Wushuang, don't the world think that their Helian family is easy to bully?

So Mu Wushuang must die!

He secretly passed the order to let all the disciples of the Helian family on the Lingzun realm Heavenly List, kill Mu Wushuang at all costs!

He Lianhai still doesn't know that his order has cost their family a huge price.

Holy Empress Jiang Liyun also passed the order, except that not all the disciples of Qinglong Temple obeyed her command. Therefore, she mainly ordered the disciple of Gui Yuanzong. As an aunt, she must avenge Jiang Hao.

On the Tianbang stone stele, Jiang Hao's name had long since disappeared, replaced by Mu Wushuang's name.

Because of Jiang Hao's death, her name at the bottom of the ranking was ranked first, and only the 100th place was empty.

"The next person to be challenged by Mu Wushuang, Zhang Jun!"

A man named Zhang Jun went out.

He is more than ninety in the heavenly ranking list, but his cultivation is only in the early stage of the Spirit Venerable Realm. Not everyone is as enchanting as Mu Wushuang, and he can advance to several levels at once.

Three years later, he is still the initial cultivation base of the Spirit Venerable Realm.

"Senior Sister Wushuang...No, she should be called Senior Sister Wushuang, hello, Zhang Jun in the Hall of Unrelenting, I hope Senior Sister Wushuang will be merciful!"

Zhang Jun arched his hands and said.

He knew that his cultivation was inferior to Mu Wushuang, and he watched her challenge before, and shot decisively and fiercely. Even people with Jiang Hao's identity would kill and kill. He was a little afraid that Mu Wushuang would kill him involuntarily. Said.

Mu Wushuang also bowed his hand in return.

Mu Wushuang is the one who makes me one point and I make three points.

Zhang Jun is so polite and a member of the Baili Linlang sect. Naturally, she will not hurt people.

In the end, with only three moves, Mu Wushuang forced Zhang Jun off the challenge field and won the challenge.

The next few challenges all ended in Mu Wushuang win.

Her cultivation is now a lot higher than the spiritual cultivation in the early stage of the Spirit Venerable Realm, this situation is expected.

Among them, as long as they belong to the Helian family and Guiyuanzong, she is a killer.

Everyone also saw that Mu Wushuang was a maverick. She was not afraid to offend the Helian family and the Saint Queen, and others would kill her, so she would not be merciless.

But when others treat each other politely, she will not hurt others.

After defeating more than 20 people in a row, Mu Wushuang is invincible!

The people in the audience watched with gusto, not at all boring.

"The next challenged—Helianshi!" the old man said loudly.


The people in the audience commotion.

"This Mu Wushuang is in trouble. This Helianshi recently got a drop of ancient dragon's blood by a coincidence, and thoroughly refined it to obtain a part of the inheritance. His current ability can rank among the top 20 in the sky. , He is no longer what he was three years ago!"

Someone said.

"The Helian family and Mu Wushuang have a feud, Helianshi will definitely kill Mu Wushuang!"

Listening to people's comments, Mu Wushuang's brows moved. There is still someone in the Helian family who inherited the ancient dragon's heritage? Hey, it's really interesting!

A man named Helianshi came out. He was tall and strong, with a long face and narrow eyes. His eyes were indifferent and proud like a beast, but he looked down upon others.

As soon as he entered the challenge field, his whole person's breath changed, he was extremely mad, and roared like a beast!

His whole body was ripped apart, his strong muscles were getting bigger and bigger, his body shape was changing, his hands slowly turned cyan, his fingers turned into sharp claws, and the cyan scales on it reflected the cold luster under the sun! The hands have been spreading all over the body, and finally his face has completely lost its human form!

He has horns on his head, cold teeth on his teeth, and two golden whiskers under his nose. His body is still getting longer, and his tail has already appeared!

This is clearly the form of a giant dragon!

"Gosh! He turned into a dragon!"

Many people were stunned. Why did Helianshi suddenly become a dragon?

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