Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 444: Beat as a bug

Chapter 444

Could it be that he is of the blood of a giant dragon, why the aura on this body seems to be very close to the legendary dragon?

Many people didn't know that Helianshi had obtained dragon blood.

So someone explained:

"I heard that when Helianshi was practicing outside, he was lucky and got a drop of dragon blood. As a result, he also refined this drop of dragon blood and obtained a part of the dragon's inheritance. Now it seems that what he said is true, otherwise It is impossible for Helianshi to have such a powerful aura!"

Mu Wushuang stared at the huge dragon flying in the air, his eyes turned cold. She was familiar with the breath of the dragon, but the breath of Helianshi made her very disgusted and disgusted.

Is this also a dragon?

This is clearly an evil dragon, where is the pure aura of a real dragon!

Xiao Xuanxi also looked at the dragon in the sky with disgust, and said, "He is not half as good-looking as Xiao Qinglong. I really want Xiao Qinglong to come out and let him see what the real dragon looks like!"

Long Mo gave He Lianshi a cold look.

He naturally couldn't let Xiaoqinglong come out, otherwise Helianshi surrendered directly, wouldn't others say that his twins were cheating?

Mu Wushuang was closest to the Helianshi who became Jackie Chan, and could clearly feel his crude bloodline, but the opponent's physical strength was not bad.

But based on this, I thought I could beat her?

"You are simply insulting the existence of the dragon! Today my grandma will beat you into a bug!"

Mu Wushuang snorted coldly, mobilized his spiritual power, which affected the sword spirit, the wind and cloud rolled up, and the earth-shaking sword smashed into the dragon incarnation of Helianshi.

The dragon that Helianshi had become flew up to the cloud, and a big cyan hand protruded from the cloud, bringing out a series of devastating waves, and caught Mu Wushuang's sword, the cyan scales gave off a faint cold glow!

The dim light flashed in the emotionless eyes on the dragon's head, and the mouth was opened, and a single-person-high stone monument was immediately revealed inside the fangs. The indestructible sword instantly disintegrated like a disc of sand before it hurt the dragon. .

Everyone saw a flash of yellow light on the stone tablet in the mouth of the giant dragon, and the unmatched sword intent disappeared without a trace. They were all surprised:

"What kind of stele is that? How do I see the runes shine on the stele?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it is the Jian Ming monument!"

"What! He actually has a sword inscription!"

"The Jianming Tablet is specially designed to restrain kendo!"

The name of the Jianming Stele was very loud. It was a treasure that used to restrain sword repairs. The Helian family's treasure. Unexpectedly, the Helian family actually took out the Jianming stele to kill Mu Wushuang!

The sword repairer like Mu Wushuang who had just developed the sword soul, the sword intent was not strong enough, only to be restrained.

"Tsk tusk, the Helian family has done a great job! In order to kill Mu Wushuang, they took out the family treasure!"

"The Helian family's hand is too despicable!"

The Helian family only pretended not to hear the ridicule around them, as long as they could kill Mu Wushuang, the current ridicule was nothing!

On the field, the giant dragon made by Helian Petrochemical disintegrated Mu Wushuang with a sword, and immediately took the initiative. The huge figure swam, and the sky shook violently, and a huge roar came down from the clouds!

This roar resembles a lion and a tiger, and is extremely awful, with a shocking force. It seems that the earth is trembling slightly. A cyan beam of light spouts from the mouth of the dragon, turning into countless silver dragons, with a madness. , The domineering aura radiated in all directions.

"Little ant, take it to death!" A loud and hoarse voice came from the clouds, with the pride of the world.

Mu Wushuang stood on the spot with a sneer on his mouth: "Do you really think this sword inscription can stop me once, but it must be able to stop it twice?"

"What does Mu Wushuang's remarks mean? Why is it that he looks like he is holding a winning ticket? This doesn't match the current situation!"

Someone underneath heard their conversation and was in an uproar.

The might of the dragon is almost as powerful as the latter stage of the spiritual state, and Mu Wushuang seems to have no superiority except for the sword soul. How to resist the dragon's attack, does she mean to be able to ignore the sword inscription?

I saw Mu Wushuang raising the long sword, and the spirits rushing towards her frantically, her white hair fluttering, her clothes swaying, her whole body was brewing a shocking blow, the aura of murder spread across the court, and the sword in her hand radiated like life. Qing Yin, in the sound of "ding-ding", the sword light reflected dazzling light.

At this time, the countless silver dragon beams ejected by the dragon were rolling frantically toward Mu Wushuang's location, wherever he went, even the space was distorted!

Just as the beam of light madly struck, the sword in Mu Wu's hands moved. Its speed was very slow. It seemed that there was only the trajectory of this sword in the world, and the space was still!

It’s just an action from top to bottom, but it seems to be ten thousand years old. The most amazing thing is that the sword does not seem to drive a trace of spiritual power, but it is like a sword drawn by a three-year-old child at will, without sword intent. At all.

Just as the sword fell, the surrounding and aerial dragon breath, the silver beam of light collapsed, and even the sword inscription in the mouth of the dragon appeared finger-wide cracks!

In an instant, the sky shook, the sky changed color, and countless people changed color in horror!

"This this……"

Everyone outside the court backed a few steps together, stunned and shocked!

The dragon's figure paused, and then a more terrifying coercion came down. In the dense clouds of the sky, large and small vortices were transformed, like big and small mouths, making sounds like ghosts and wolves. , As if to swallow life.

The relentless eyes of the giant dragon were like electricity. As the whirlpool descended, the body of more than ten feet long swooped down, and the giant tail of the green light swept down towards Mu Wushuang's location like a mountain!

And Mu Wu stood proudly in his hands without stopping, flailing a sword light that didn't seem to have a trace of spiritual power fluctuations, but it was always an action, a stroke from top to bottom, that action seemed to have been tempered and perfected. , As if integrated into the world, giving a strong impact!

Each of her swords is a breath faster than the previous one. The powerful coercion of the dragon is resisted from the sword light, and the sword light around her is like a protective layer, the power of the dragon can hardly penetrate into it. !

The speed of Mu Wushuang's sword was getting faster and faster. With one sword after another, he almost swung hundreds of times. The light of the sword without any spiritual power fluctuations was shining like a hot sun, its brilliance was dazzling, but it seemed calm A pool of stagnant water.

Only Helianshi, who was closest to Mu Wushuang, showed a trace of fear in his eyes. He seemed to feel the sword intent of the sky to cut him into one piece, and he felt an endless threat!

Just when Helianshi's heart gave birth to the intention of admitting defeat, Mu Wushuang suddenly rose up into the sky, drawing his last sword!

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